CHAPTER 38 Title 10 Design Review
10-38-1: Applicability
10-38-2: Authority of The Administrator and The Commission
10-38-3: Application
10-38-4: Approval
10-38-5: Standards
10-38-6: Fees and Costs
10-38-1 APPLICABILITY. Design Review is required for building, developing, or substantially
altering the exterior of buildings or projects in the following zones: R-2, R-2A, R-3, R-3A, RMH,
and MU and for any developments over 4.0 units per acre.
1. Exemptions
1.1. Accessory Structures
1.2. Temporary Structures
1.3. Maintenance and repair of exterior facades
1.4. Modifications to exterior finishes that do not change the materials, including but
not limited to paint, stain, and other exterior finishes.
1.5. Roofing materials
2. Design Review approval must be obtained prior to issuance of any building permit for
applicable projects.
1. The Administrator is authorized to approve all projects submitted for Design Review.
2. In the sole discretion of the Administrator, any project may be submitted to the Planning
and Zoning Commission for consideration and approval.
10-38-3 APPLICATION: A completed design review application with all fees paid and all
application materials submitted shall constitute a complete application for design review and is
required prior to review of any design review proposal. The following is required to be submitted
for an application for Design Review:
1. Design Review application form shall include project name, location, applicant, owner,
project representatives, and contact information.
2. Vicinity map (to scale) showing the project location in relationship to neighboring buildings
and the surrounding area. Note: a vicinity map shall show location of adjacent buildings
and structures.
3. Site plan, as required by the application form and as directed by the Administrator.
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4. Landscape plan (existing landscaping on the site shown as retained, relocated or
removed; proposed landscaping including species type, size and quantity).
5. Floor plan. List gross square footage for each floor. List occupancy classification and
type of construction.
6. Detailed elevations of all sides of all proposed buildings in the development and other
exterior elements (colors, materials).
7. Exterior Lighting plan showing location, height, type, and lumen output for fixtures and
8. Construction Management Plan showing where staging will occur, where materials are
stored, parking plan for contractors. If any staging or parking shall occur off-site, a
staging/parking plan must be submitted including materials storage, excavation (backfill)
stockpile areas, job trailers, blue rooms, dumpsters, contractor parking, etc.
9. The Administrator may waive some submittal requirements if they determine the
information is not relevant to the design review.
10. Other information as required by the Administrator or the Commission.
10-38-4 APPROVAL: The Administrator shall determine the following before approval is granted
for Design Review:
1. The project does not jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of the public.
2. The project conforms to all applicable standards and criteria as set forth in this chapter,
any other standards as adopted or amended by the City Council.
3. The Administrator may impose any condition deemed necessary to ensure the health,
safety, or welfare of the public is not jeopardized.
10-38-5 STANDARDS. The following shall be required of all projects.
1. Streets and Sidewalks.
1.1. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with providing a
connection from an existing city street to their development. All streets designs
shall be approved by the City Engineer.
1.2. A minimum of a 6’ sidewalk is required; however, the City Engineer may require
additional width and design standards at their discretion. The length of sidewalk
improvements constructed shall be equal to the length of the subject property
line(s) adjacent to any public street or private street.
1.3. Sidewalks shall be constructed to provide pedestrian connections to any existing
or future sidewalks adjacent to the site. In addition, sidewalks shall be
constructed to provide safe pedestrian access to and around a building.
2. Stormwater Drainage. All stormwater shall be retained within the development. Public
drainage improvements constructed shall be equal to the length of the subject property
lines adjacent to any public street or private street. The City Engineer may require
additional drainage improvements as necessary, depending on the unique characteristics
of a site.
3. Utilities. All utilities necessary for the Development shall be improved and installed at
the sole expense of the applicant. Utilities shall be located underground and utility,
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power, and communication lines within the development site shall be concealed from
public view where feasible.
4. Architectural:
4.1. Building shall provide unobstructed pedestrian access to the nearest sidewalk and
entryway shall be clearly defined.
4.2. The building character shall be clearly defined by use of sloped roofs, parapets,
cornices or other architectural features.
4.3. Accessory structures, fences, walls and landscape features within the project
shall match or complement the principal building.
4.4. Building walls shall provide undulation/relief, thus reducing the appearance of bulk
and flatness.
4.5. Garbage storage areas and satellite receivers shall be screened from public view
and shall be shielded from view.
5. Circulation Design: Traffic shall flow safely within the project and onto adjacent streets.
Traffic includes vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian use. Consideration shall be given to
adequate sight distances and proper signage.
6. Snow Storage. Snow storage areas shall not be less than 5% of the improved parking
and pedestrian circulation areas.
6.1. Snow storage areas shall be provided on-site.
7. Landscaping:
7.1. Landscaping is required for all projects and shall be consistent with the additional
landscaping requirement of 10-5-24.
7.2. Landscape materials and vegetation types specified shall be readily adaptable to
a site's microclimate, soil conditions, orientation and aspect, and shall serve to
enhance and complement the community.
7.3. All plant species shall be drought tolerant. Native species are recommended but
not required.
7.4. Landscaping shall provide a substantial buffer between land uses, including, but
not limited to, structures, streets and parking lots.
1. The application fee for design review shall be set by resolution of the City Council.
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