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08.10.2022 Traffic Commission MinutesMinutes Traffic Commission Wednesday, August 10, 2022 Call to Order: Micah Austin, City Administrator at 9:05 a.m. In Attendance: Micah Austin, Cindy Donovan, Tracy Bony, Tony Black, Clarissa Mueller. Sgt. Kyle Fielding Minutes: July 13, 2022-Approved Citizens’ Requests: L. Killian residing on Circle S is very concerned about people exceeding the speed limit on Midway. She suggested speed bumps and more enforcement. Speed bumps are not an option. North and south speed signs need to be fixed before Aug. 29th. M. Stewart will put up the speed trailer today. T. Black will also get the speed/radar signs up on Ross/Geneva and Ross/Wanda. Crosswalk at Ross/17th-No, it is mid-block and there are no sidewalks. M. Austin would like the commission to think about where a crosswalk could go. Street Division Updates: Tie Breaker/John Adams: Crosswalk -Planning on it being done no later than end of next week. Painted crosswalks have been done. Let T. Black know if there are any others that need done. Crosswalk at Tie Breaker/Match Point-ADA work will start this week. Curlew/Chasewood: 4-way stop installation-It will be done and an advance warning sign will be put up for at least a month. Ross Ave: Installation of speed/radar sign-M. Stewart will let Tony know the locations for install. 21st St. pathway: Installation of bollard separators- They are needed for 47th/Castelli as well. They will get installed. Sawtooth/Falcon: Move Stop sign-On schedule for next week. Replace signs as needed to match Sunnyside/Ammon street signs-They are ordered. All lighted intersections will look the same. Mountain West is putting them up. Traffic Signals and Hawk Signal: Replace background plates with more durable background plates to match Idaho Falls’-The company that makes backplates is researching what matches our exact lights. T. Black will do some research before getting them manufactured. Horrocks’ traffic studies for Eagle/Derrald and 1-way streets for Eagle/Salmon-Waiting for the scope from Horrocks, M. Stewart will help get that. Get it signed and proceed. At Fennec/Hollow sign is misspelled as Hallow-It will be taken care of. All new signs will have the new design on them. All items will be on next month’s agenda Action Items: None at this time Discussion Items: When will Sunnyside/65th and then Sunnyside/49th be done? They are behind schedule. Residents say they aren’t getting mail and PSI isn’t picking up trash. They need to contact Knife River. There are real concerns about the speeding problem on Eagle Dr. Sgt. Fielding will put it on his list. C. Donovan will reach out to White Pines and remind them school traffic can’t block driveways/intersections. T. Black-Crosswalks that don’t go anywhere should not be there. They create a false sense of security. Due to the safety hazard the state is getting rid of all their non-stop crosswalks. Adjourned: 10:00 a.m. ______________________________________________Micah Austin, City Administrator ______________________________________________Lorraine Bradley, Admin. Assist.