Council Minutes 05/21/1975 1'1'6 The feeling of the Council was to immediately ask the law enforcement officers to start issuing citations consistently for all parking on the sidewalks and on the streets where posted for no parking. Councilman Cheney reported that ther is a need to have some gravel put in along front of 3275 Central Avenue where the sewer trench was dug, and that the property owner has requested this several times through the City Office but nothing has been done. Engineer Benton agreed to check this and have it taken care of. According to Councilman Cheney, he has not been able to get anyone to take the supervision of the City Knothole Baseball Program for this summer. Engineer Benton informed th,e CouIl.ci! that all of Idaho Falls has been taken out I of the flood plain area wifh regard to the requirement for obtaining flood insurance, . and indicated that Ammon can probably be removed also if a request is sent to the Corps of Engineers. Councilman Swensen was asked to take care of this. In reporting on the activities of the Bonneville Council of ~vernments, Councilman Swensen mentioned that the BCOG erpployees are to get an 8.8% increase in salaries, but the amount as budgeted for the City of Ammon share of the expenses of that organization will cover this. Councilman Swensen reported that he had learned of government funds that are available on a matching basis for organizing and equipping fire departments, and felt that this was worth looking into for the purpose of obtaining needed supplies and equipment such as radios, flashlights, gloves, boots, etc. He stated that ,he had already contacted Chief Poulter of the County Fire District about this. A compliment was expressed by Councilman Swensen for the work of the County Commissioners and Engineer on the road signing which is being done on the county roads. Regarding animal control, it wc;ts noted that Deputy Rustici would like to have the feeling of the Council about following through with the court procedures when citizens fail to appear on citations issued for violation of th~ Dog Leash Law. I The Council members indicated that the City should use the Court for enforce- ment of the law and should be consistent. Mayor Turnbow reported that he had signed the contract with the County for participation in a special census as authorized by the Council in a previous meeting. Claims were approved for payment.. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 A. M. 4~~ CLERK . /', rtr:ttl~d~ CITY OF AMMON May 21, 1975 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7 :40 P. M. with the following City Officials pre sent: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Brent Hirschi Councilman Gerald Cheney (Councilman Marvin J. Anderson excused) I Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney Franklin Smith Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Others present during the meeting were Mrs Robert Butler, Ronald Jacques, Rod Brown, Dick Skidmore, Dick Berger, and Scouts Doug and Danny Robison. Prayer was offered by Coup,cilman Hirschi. Minutes of the meeting of May 7,1975, were approved as typed. 117- Rc;:mald Jacques reported that the response to the tennis lesson program has been very successful, with at least 100 people registered at this time, and a few openings left especially in the evening classes. It was mentioned that work is to be done on the lights and nets. Mr. Jacques suggested that signs be put up to restrict the use of the courts to one hour so that more people can take advantage of the facilities. He stated that Rod Brown and Greg Maeser will be assistant tennis instructors. The lessons started last week for the evening classes, and are scheduled for June 2 for the daytime classes to begin. I Dick Skidmore and Dick Berger presented information regarding a request for a zoning change on 230 feet of Lot 6 Block 2 of the Ma"iben Jones Addition from General Commercial (GC) to R-3 or R-3A, which would allow the developer to build a cluster housing under Farmers Home Administra.tiop. interest-subsidized financing. It was explained that these units would be for purchase, not for renting, with the buyers paying into a home-owner's association to provide funds for taking care of the yard and building maintenance, etc. Each unit would be considered as an individual resi- dence for sewer, water, and garbage service. Zoning regulations regarding yard setbacks were discussed, and Attorney Smith felt that an interpretation of the code on this subject should be checked out. The Mayor and Council requested a rough drawing of the proposed housing development to study before making a decision on the zoning change request. It was indicated that the feeling of the Council was favorable subject to having more information about what is proposed for building at this time. It was noted that this request was recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. o ~ t-- c:o ~ w I Engineer Robert Butler displayed a plat of Olsen Park Division No.2 which had been recommended for approval as a final plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mayor Turnbow proposed that, if approval is given, Mr. Olsen should be given notice that no further extension of Rich Lane would be granted until another acess is provided, and a review of the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting determined that this same restriction had been specified by that group. Other conditions would be included in an Annexation Agreement. Councilman Cheney moved to approve the plat as final on Olsen Park Division No. 2 with zoning. of R..l, and to instruct the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance of Annexation and an Annexation Agreement for con- sideration at the next City Council Meeting.; also that the owner of the property submit a written request to the City Council that his property be annexed. (The City Attorney is to inform Mr. Olsen about this.) The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Engineer Butler presented for consideration of the Council a plat to be known as Barbara Jean Estates which was recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission as a final plat with zoning of RPA. It was noted that this plat for the development of property which is east on Georgia Lane and north of the Peterson Park Subdivision is as reviewed by the Council previously with the bridle path as recommended, and that representatives of the adjoining property owners have indicated that all were in agreement with the proposed plat. The bridle path is to be an easement only and not turned to the City for maintenance, and is to be available for use of the general public. A recommendation was made by Mayor Turnbow that the irrigation water -rights be removed from this development or that ditches be kept out of the right- of-way so the City will not be responsible for their maintenance. Councilman Hirschi moved to accept the Barbara Jean Estates as a final plat with zoning of RPA, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Annexation Agreement and Annexation Ordinance subject to receipt of written request for annexation from the developer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. I Regarding the 17th Street project; Mayor Turnbow reported that the County is to pro- ceed with the preliminary work and the advertising for bids. The order to proceed is tP-A>egiven irhmediaj;e-ly; afteJr the bid is let, and construction is expected to be started July 1 and completed by mid October. Hartwell Excavating Company, as the Ammon Sewer and Water Project contractor, is to finish putting in t he waterline in the East- gate area before the street €onstruction work gets under way. Mayor Turnbow explained that he has already signed the Project Agreement, and the City is to be prepared to give a check for $64, 251 to the State of Idaho, then will participate with the County on the bridge, moving the ditch, putting in flumes, engineering costs, street lights, etc. According to Attorney Smith, there is a problem involved in having himself or Attorney An,derson represent the City on the prosecution of traffic cases, etc., si\1ce their firm 118 also does .defense work. Efforts are being made to determine if the County Pro- secutor should handle these cases for the City of Ammon, and the City Officials will be informed before any change is made. In response to an inquiry by Mayor Turnbow regarding the legality of shutting water off when accounts are delinquent, Attorney Smith advised that the City Code authorizes such action. It was suggested that the section of the Code referring to the fee to be charged for the restoral of water service be amended to require a $5.00 fee to be consistent with the policy that has been used for sometime. Regarding Local Improvement District No.6, Mayor Turnbow explained that the notices for payment of assessments were delayed to-avoid heing sent out at about the same time as the taxes were coming due, so this is now to be finalized and 1- the bonds issued. Also the Local Improvement District No.7 assessment roll has been computed and the notices for payment are to be sent out. Special invitation was given to the City Attorneys to attend the Association of Idaho Cities Convention coming up in June. Mayor Turnbow was designated as the voting delegate for this convention. Councilman Cheney reported ,that there has been no success in getting a' city- .sponsoTed Knothole Baseball Prog ram organized for this season, but a few teams have been started by individuals working separately. It was felt that the city equipment could be used for these teams if desired. The possibility of having a City Recreation Director was discussed, and considered to be not necessary at this time. According to Councilman Cheney, the work is progressing on getting the new part of McCowin Park prepared for lawn planting. Councilman Swensen mentioned that the application for grant money for Fire Department supplies and equipment which would be on a matching fund basis must be in by June 1 if interested. Items which are needed were listed as fire extinguishers, gloves, boots, coats;. It was figured that the cost of these 1 would come to approximately $1, 000. '_ Mayor Turnbow reviewed some of the details of the preliminary work on the 17th Street Pr,oject as follows: The land along the east side of Sand Creek south of 17th Street is to be obtained for an easement for sump pumps and lagoon for storm drainage, and the people living along there will be allowed to use the property for gardens, etc., but are not to hold the City responsible when storm water comes. On the north side of 17th Street, the sign for the Black Angus Drive In is out in the roadway and will have to be moved at a cost of $458 which the City of Ammon may have to pay. Engineer Benton should be commended for the work he has put into obtaining right-ot-ways, etc., which have been deeded over without charge in most cases. . The fences should be moved without cost to the property owners. - It was noted that the City should have funds for working on the improvements for both of the new City park areas if BOR grant money is authorized. There is money on hand from Ammon Days proceeds to buy materials for backstops for ball diamonds. Regarding the new water storage tank, Mayor Turnbow reported that it should be finished by Friday, May 30. Approval was indicated for a suggestion that a fence be installed around the pumphouse and the emere:ency e:enerator at Well #5. I o 00 l"'- ~ tJ:.:J t:.1J I I 119; Claims were approved for payment. Tdi!iJa~lj;:;::;;::;M. MA OR ... . di~~L (. CLIkRK ' j ~ CITY OF AMMON June 4, 1975 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p. m. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow wi.th the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Councilman Brent Hirschi Others present during the meeting were Robert Kehrer, Paul Curtis, and Deputy Ciro Rustici, and Dick Berger. Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of M.ay 21, 1975, were approved as typed. Robert Kehrer and Paul Curtis presented information concerning the keeping of livestock ani~als (a sow and eight piglets) by one of their neighbors, Jay Reynolds, on his lot at 3175 Rawson St., stating that this situation is objectionable because of the odor problem and the fact that the pigs sometimes get into other yards due to the inadequate fencing. It was determined that, even though this area is in the animal overlay zone, the total space of 11, 200 sq. ft. (80x140) does not meet the qualifying requirements; also the remaining space left after allowing for the required 25-foot backyard would be 3600 sq. ft. (45x80) which is somewhat short of the 5000 sq. ft. which the ordinance specifies must be available for each animal. Attorney Anderson was asked to write to Mr. Reynolds advising him that he is in violation of the City Ordinance and must remove the pigs in.a reasonable time. Deputy Rustici assisted in this matter of business by supplying a degal description of the property involved and explaining action taken when Mr. Kehrer registered a complaint on the situation several months ago. Tentative plans for a town-house style, group housin~ project were displayed by Dick Berger as the proposed developer of a portion of a large lot in the Maiben Jones Addition. The Council indicated approval of the plans as presented. Since a zoning change is required before this project can be allowed and the Planning and Zoning Commission has already recommended that such a zone change be made, Councilman Cheney moved that the City Attorney be authorized to contact the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission to set a time to advertise for a public hearing for a zone change from GC-l to R-3 on the west 240 feet of Lot 6 Block 2 Maiben Jones Addition. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. After the Council considered Mr. Berger's explanation that a zoning of R-3A would be more suitable for purpose of the proposal, Councilman Swensen moved that the motion made by Councilman Cheney be re.scinded and be stricken from the record. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; votillrng was .all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Cheney moved that the City Attorney be authorized to contact the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission to set a time to advertise for a public hearing for a zone change from GC-l to R-3A on the west 240 feet of Lot 6 Block 2 Maiben Jones Addition. The motion was s.econded by Councilmari Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carriec;l. Attorney Anderson reported that Annexation Ordinances and Agreements have been prepared for both Olsen Park Addition Division No. 2 and the Barbara Jean Estates, and that a public hearing is needed on the zoning for these additions. It was felt that this could be done at the same time as the hearing on the zone change mentioned above. The Annexation Agreements for these two propos~d additions were reviewed.