Planning Minutes 01/02/1996
January 2, 1996
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mark Scrogham.
It was held at the new Ammon City Hall, located 2135 S.
Ammon Road. The meeting began at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge
of Allegiance to the flag led by Mark Scrogham.
Mark Scrogham, Chairman
Roger Stommel
Dick Bybee
Dixie Cutforth
Elaine McGary
Jim Southwick
Ron Folsom
Greg Maeser, Councilman
Dave Benton, City Engineer
David Wadsworth, PWD
Carol Ragan, Deputy Clerk
Kevin Murray, Bonneville County Representative
Resignation was received from Brian Taylor and Kathy Dansie.
The minutes of October 3, 1995, were presented for approval.
Jim southwick requested they be amended as follows: strike
"look at sending two representatives to this meeting as
requested by the county" and insert - "provide the names
of two people for consideration by the county." (Page 2)
Chairman Scrogham asked if there were any other corrections.
There were none, therefore he called for a motion. Jim
Southwick motioned to approved the minutes as corrected.
Roger Stommel seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous.
Motion carried.
The first item of business was the election of officials
as follows: Jim Southwick moved to nominate Mark Scrogham
as chairman for 1996. Roger Stommel seconded the motion.
Jim moved that nominations cease. Roger seconded the
motion. Voting was unanimous. Mark Scrogham was elected to
the position of chairman of Planning and Zoning for 1996.
Chairman Scrogham called to nominations for vice-chairman.
Dick Bybee nominated Roger Stommel. Jim Southwick seconded
the nomination. Mark Scrogham moved that nominations cease.
Dick Bybee seconded the motion. Voting was unanimous.
Roger Stommel was elected to the position of Vice-chairman
for 1996.
Reports from City Council and Bonneville County were called
for. Councilman Maeser stated he had nothing to report from
the council. Kevin Murray had nothing to report from the
Dick Bybee asked if the City Council had made plans for the
annual appreciation dinner yet. Greg Maeser stated he would
take it up with the council on the next meeting scheduled.