05/03/2006PZMinutesMembers Absentu min th 7Dec72005¶Cindy Donovan : Formatted ... [1] Deleted: July 6 Deleted: October 5 Deleted: December 7, 2005 CITY OF AMMON Deleted: January 4 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Deleted: March 1 May 3, 2006 Deleted: Doug Willden MINUTES Deleted: Doug Willden Deleted: ¶ The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Donovan at 7:00 p.m. in the City Building at 2135 South Deleted: Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho Members Present: Cindy Donovan, Chairman Deleted: ¶ Jarin Hammer, Vice Chair Greg Maeser Deleted: Cindy Donovan¶ Tom Hunsaker Doug Willden Deleted: ¶ Robert Gustafson Deleted: Greg Maeser¶ Rodney Allen Deleted: Jarin Hammer, Vice Chair Richard Jaussi Leslie Folsom Deleted: Steve Crandall¶ Dana Kirkham¶ Members Absent: Steve Crandall Deleted: ¶ Greg Maeser Deleted: Tristan John Tristan John Deleted: ¶ City Officials Present: Ron Folsom, Planning Director Bill Manwill, City Engineer Deleted: (after 9:00 p.m.) Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk Deleted: ¶ City Officials Absent: Bruce Rose, City Administrator Deleted: Richard Jaussi¶ Formatted ... [2] Bill Manwill, City Engineer Deleted: ¶ Deleted: ¶ Bob Gustafson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Deleted: ... [3] ¶ Minutes March 1, 2006 & April 5, 2006: Tom Hunsaker Motioned to approve the March 1, 2006 minutes as Deleted: ¶ corrected. Leslie Folsom seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Deleted: ¶ ... [4] Leslie Folsom motioned to approve the April 5, 2006 minutes as corrected. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Deleted: ¶ Bruce Rose, City Administrator PUBLIC HEARINGS: Deleted: Lisa Jones Deleted: Gay Lemming Conditional Use Permit & Variance – New Beginnings Group Home – 9 Residents in Each Home -- Deleted: ¶ Variance to Construct Breeze-way between Homes: Notice of the Hearing was published in the Post Register on April 19 and April 26, 2006. Notice of the hearing was also mailed to property owners within Deleted: ¶ five hundred (500) feet of the subject property and, to other parties of interest. The legal description of the Deleted: Steve Crandall¶ property is:Lots 15 & 16, Block 2, Hillview Village. The general location of the property is 2085 and 2105 Maxine Hardy¶ Deleted: Maxine Hardy¶ Avocet, Ammon, Idaho. Deleted: Greg Maser Chairman Donovan explained the public hearing process and swore in those individuals interested Formatted in testifying. ... [5] Deleted: ____________ City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the location and vicinity. Deleted: Dana Kirkham Brett Waters, 2416 Lisa, Idaho Falls, Idaho testified that the owners will install a fire suppression Deleted: Tom Hunsaker sprinkler system in the home that isn’t sprinkled. The planned breezeway will help with safety in going ... [6] Deleted: between the buildings, in compliance with all state requirements. Under Idaho law, operation of a group Doug Willden home with up to eight (8) residents is automatically granted approval for the conditional use. The request is Deleted: to add one (1) occupant to each of the homes (total of 9 occupants per home). The proposed breezeway Deleted: February would be heated. Deleted: November 2 and August 3, Chairman Donovan closed the public hearing. Deleted: 2 Deleted: , …5 Planning & Zoning 05/03/2006 - 1 Deleted: Steve Crandall motioned to nd approve the November 2 and December Formatted ... [7] Deleted: Leslie Folsom motioned to ... [8] Formatted ... [9] ... [10] ... [11] ... [12] ... [13] ... [14] Formatted ... [15] ... [16] Formatted ... [17] ... [18] ... [19] Formatted ... [20] ... [21] Formatted ... [22] Formatted ... [23] ... [24] Formatted ... [25] ... [26] Formatted ... [27] Formatted ... [28] Formatted ... [29] ... [30] ... [31] The Commission discussed the request(s). Specifically, that construction of the “breeze-way” should not be allowed as it doesn’t conform to R-1 requirements. Jarin Hammer motioned to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit allowing 9 occupants in each building; the permit to be perpetual until such time as the use is discontinued or, unless the state regulatory personnel have a problem with allowing the expanded occupancy. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend denial of the variance for an enclosed breezeway between the homes as it would entail non-compliance with City Code. Leslie Folsom seconded. Seven (7) for, Richard Jaussi opposed the motion as the breezeway variance was requested to improve safety. Liberty Square Salon – Conditional Use Permit: Notice of the Hearing was published in the Post Register on April 19 and April 26, 2006. Notice of the hearing was also mailed to property owners within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property and, to other parties of interest. The location of the facility is at 2475 South Ammon Road. Chairman Donovan explained the public hearing process and swore in those individuals interested in testifying. City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the location and vicinity. Kathy Davis, 2475 South Ammon Road, would like to put two (2) chairs in the beauty salon so that services may be offered to the public outside of the Retirement Community. Ms. Davis stated that the hours of operation would be from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. No signage will be used to advertise. There was not any testimony opposed to the requested conditional use permit. The Commission discussed the requested Conditional Use Permit. Leslie Folsom motioned to recommend approval with the conditions that they hours of operation are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; only two (2) chairs will be installed; and, no signage will be utilized to advertise the service. Doug Willden seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Chamberlain Request for Annexation with Initial RE Zoning: Notice of the Hearing was published in the Post Register on April 19 and April 26, 2006. Notice of the hearing was also mailed to property owners within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property and, to other parties of interest. The legal description of the subject property is: Beginning at a point that is S.01°34’41”E. along the Section line 675.20 feet, and S.89°04’00”E. 315.63 feet from the West 1/4 Corner of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, said point being on the North line of Cottonwood Hills Estates Division No. 1, an Addition to the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho; running thence S.89°04’00”E. along the North line of said Cottonwood Hills Estates and Cottonwood Hills Estates, Division No. 2 extended a distance of 2283.34 feet; thence N.00°22’06”E. 119.84 feet to the Southwest boundary corner of The Cottages, Division No. 4, an Addition to the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho; thence N.00°22’06”E. along the West boundary line of said The Cottages, Division No. 4 and The Cottages Division No. 2 a distance of 552.34 feet; thence N.89°10’30”W. 2285.02 feet; thence S.00°13’15”W. 667.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO: existing easements of record. thst Containing 35.13 acres The general location of the property is east of 45 East (Crowley Road) south of 21 East and north of the Cottonwood Addition to the City of Ammon. Chairman Donovan explained the public hearing process and swore in those individuals interested in testifying. City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the location and vicinity. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road of Mountain River Engineering, presented the request for the developer. They would like to have the property annexed to the City of Ammon with subsequent platting of one acre lots. There was not any testimony opposed to the requested annexation and initial zoning. Deleted: 06/01 Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0" Richard Jaussi motioned to recommend the Council approve the Chamberlain request for Deleted: 1 annexation with initial RE zoning. Doug Willden seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Deleted: 3 ACTION ITEMS: Deleted: 1 Deleted: 4 Cottonwood Hills Estates, Division #3 Preliminary Plat: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of Deleted: 27 the proposed preliminary plat and vicinity. Deleted: 5 Planning & Zoning 05/03/2006 - 2 Formatted: Left Formatted: Superscript Formatted: Superscript Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0" Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 38 ¶.the west side of Midwayon and Wally’s Auto Care th East 17of The property is located north property. general vicinity and location of the presented slides showing the Folsom ¶motion carried.All in favor, the seconded. HunsakerTom .Amended Plat as presentedthe motion carried. seconded. All in favor, Dana Kirkham Final Plat. 2Cobblestone Division #the approve recommend the City Council Rodney Allen¶Plat. Amendedproposed discussed the reviewed and The Commission ¶.questionsions and answered the Commiss presented the request for the developerDevonwood, of Benton Engineering ¶proposed final plat.The Commission discussed the intersection of Midway and Moss Drive. to the City of Ammon.Additionsandcreek and west of the Fox Hollow Street, south and east of st of 1north property. The property is located the general vicinity and location of the Ron Folsom presented slides showing Pl AmendedGail commercial strip to residential?narrow to be usable why not rezone the developer feels the commercial is too . If the needed.testified he in the areaHe p feel rezone is . He does notand zonedr profit, not to better the rezone is just foMr. Wolfley stated that the requested Leroyof Beginning, containing 16.50 acresthe East line of said Section 22 to the Point 387.48 feet along 28'59"E?22; thence S00feet to the East 1/4 corner of said Section 29'12"E 246.50 ?Section 22; thence S00Division No. 1 to the East line of said along said Mountain View Addition 51'00"E 411.40 feet ?line; thence N5320'51"E 324.37 feet along said South ?9S8the recorded plat thereof; thence 2, Bonneville County, Idaho as shown on of Mountain View Addition Division No. 23'19"E 1434.83 feet to the South line ?N022'56"W 339.05 feet; thence ?N8923'19"E 510.08 feet; thence ?S036'41"W 125.00 feet; thence ?S89nce 23'19"E 532.67 feet; the?S058'22"W 195.21 feet; thence ?N89Boise Meridian, and running thence Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the the Southeast corner of Section 22 28'59"W Beginning at a point that is N0¶ied.All in favor, the motion carrapproval of the Trailwood Division #9 first Rodney Allen motioned to recommend ¶amended plat.The Commission discussed the proposed ¶49 feet to the south.27 and 28 of block 6 just over between lots The request is to move the line request.Commissions questions regarding the Benton Engineering, answered the Casey Dennert, 3025 Devonwood, of ¶Division #9.Avenue, north of Chasewood in Trailwood located on the west side of Midway sted arelots to be adju The vicinity.presented slides of the proposed plat and ¶ :ACTION ITEMS¶¶ CARRIED.IN FAVOR, THE MOTIONED. ALL BOB GUSTAFSON SECONDARS. REQUIRED IN THREE YEUSE E CONDITIONAL BOTH PARTS OF THOF WITH RENEWAL , PURPOSESL BE LIMITED TO MEDICA AND ALSO ZONE'S REQUIREMENTSPURPOSES FOR MEDICAL OVERNIGHT STAYSO LIMITING OCCUPANCY TIT CONDITIONAL USE PERMD APPROVE THE REQUESTEY COUNCIL RECOMMEND THE CIT TO GREG MAESER MOTIONED¶USE PERMIT.IONAL THE REQUESTED CONDITSSED THE COMMISSION DISCU¶THE PUBLIC HEARING.SED CHAIRMAN WILLDEN CLO¶TO THE SOUTH.L OCCUR PROPERTIES WHICH WILL RESIDENTIAL AND RURANORTH AND THE MORE HE DER DEVELOPMENT TO TUNRENTLY RETAIL PROPERTY, CURROM THE NATURAL TRANSITION FIDE A FACILITIES WILL PROVPROPOSED MR. ARAVE FEELS THE ARAVE. RECORD FROM MR. TOM TO THE LETTER OF SUPPORT IN READ A CHAIRMAN WILLDEN¶HELP A LOT. THEY DO , THATFOR THERAPYORSES ARE GREAT ELS THAT HFEACILITY. SHE IS IN FAVOR OF THE F TESTIFIED SHE COOKCAROLYN ¶THE SAKE OF CHANGE. RT FO NOT LIKE CHANGE JUSDOESproperty. The property is located and location of the the general vicinityRon Folsom presented slides showing Final Plat CURRENT DO COMPLY WITH THETHAT EIGHT AREAS FIVE OF THE ALL THE VARIANCE FOR APPROVEOUNCIL RECOMMEND THE CITY CD TO TOM HUNSAKER MOTIONE¶ORDINANCE.E EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE OWNER TAKEN AFTER THPROPERTY BY AN ACTION OF THE N CAUSED HARDSHIP HAS NOT BEE. AND 5) THE THE ZONING PLANPOSES OF TO CARRY OUT THE PUR IN ORDER WHICH IS UNNECESSARYITION OF HARDSHIPS, THE IMPOS AND CAUSE DIFFICULTIESNCE WILL LETTER OF THE ORDINAICT ADHERENCE TO THE STRE CITY. 4) PLAN OF ZONING IN THSIVE AFFECT THE COMPREHEN WILL NOT ADVERSELY VARIANCE THE GRANTING OF SUCH USE". 3)IN THE SAME "SPECIALROPERTIES POSSESSED BY OTHER PLEGES IDEPRIVED OF PRIV IS APPELLANT'S PROPERTYS THE SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE SOME USE". 2) BECAUSE OFME "SPECIAL PROPERTIES IN THE SAGENERALLY TO OTHER CH DO NOT APPLY PROPERTY WHIULAR ATTACH TO THE PARTICUALLY CIRCUMSTANCES DO ACT, 1) SPECIAL HUST WIDE LOT.FOOT SITUATED ON A SIXTY IS OUSE , BUT THE H A GARAGEHAVEWISHES TO ALSO HOME OWNER GES, THE THE HOUSES HAVE GARAOST OF NEIGHBORHOOD WHERE MIN A ILAR TO A HOME OWNERSIMTHE SITUATION IS COMPLIANCE. F AREAS WOULD BE OUT OOF THE FIVE NONE WAY THAT SUCH A IT WOULD BE DONE IN D TODAY,AND THE TOWER ERECTELEASED THE LAND WERE TO BE IF NANCE.PASSAGE OF THIS ORDI PRIOR TO THE WAS ERECTEDTOWER WAS LEASED AND THE LAND THE ORDINANCE BECAUSETH THE OUT OF COMPLIANCE WIREAS ARE THE FIVE REMAINING APERMIT AND VARIANCESALLOW REQUIREMENTS MET TO .TATION TO THIS REQUESRELRIA IN REVIEWING THE CRITE, NCESUSE PERMIT AND VARIAIONAL THE REQUESTED CONDITSSED THE COMMISSION DISCU¶THE PUBLIC HEARING.SED CHAIRMAN WILLDEN CLO¶HAVE WHAT THEY WANT.T THEM SQUEALING TIRES. LEAND APARTMENTS, THEATER THEY ARE BETTER THANRE QUIET. OWERS AT CELL FEELSTESTIFIED HE KENT PLAN. MR. IN THE GENERATOR ABOUT THE ASKED , 2270 DOVE, KEN HUNTER¶.REALIZE IS THEREEVEN 90% OF PEOPLE WON’T T ABOUT SOMETHING THADEAL A BIG EAKABOUT NOISE SO WHY MOBODY CARES N TESTIFIED THAT 2640 SALMON, LEMBRICH,NKE¶NICE?T LOOK LANDSCAPE AND MAKE I TO THEM UP SO THEY HAVECAN WE PUT THE SITE. HE ASKED,NCE OF GIVEN TO THE APPEARATTENTION HE WOULD LIKE A EAGLE DRIVE, 040, 2DEATONPHIL ¶ORDINANCE.E N COMPLIANCE WITH THTOWER I¶carried.Allen seconded. All in favor, the motion as Vice Chairman for 2006. Rodney Donovan as Chair and Jarin Hammer Doug Willden motioned to elect Cindy ¶nominations.The Commission discussed : 2006 for Election of Commission Officers¶¶the motion carried.Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, separation of water and sewer lines. sewer lines to ensure property Engineering on the installation of the coordinate with Mountain River ’s that Walgreenwith the requirement the Walgreen Site Plan as presented, recommend the City Council approve Tom Hunsaker motioned to ¶proposed site plan.The Commission discussed the ¶lines.proper separation of sewer and water Mountain River Engineering to ensure r and ’s contractobetween Walgreen will need to be coordination retheCity Engineer Bill Manwill stated that ¶Commission’s questions.the developer and answered the Engineering, presented the request for Mike Bischoff, of Benton ¶.site planvicinity and proposed of the location, Director Ron Folsom presented slides : City Planning Walgreen Site Plan¶¶All in favor, the motion carried.presented. Steve Crandall seconded. the Walgreen Division #1 Final Plat as recommend the City Council approve stafson motioned to Bob Gu¶final plat. proposed The Commission reviewed the¶preliminary plat.not been any changes from the There have Commission’s questions.the developer and answered the Engineering, presented the request for Mike Bischoff, of Benton ¶roposed final plat.and ppresented slides of the location, vicinity Planning Director Ron Folsom : City Walgreen Division #1 Final Plat¶¶amended plat at this time.does not want to proceed with the reported that the developer Folsom S COMMISSIONS QUESTIONED THE DEVELOPER AND ANSWERTHE REQUEST FOR THE ESENTED RIVER ENGINEERING PRNTAIN LINCOLN ROAD, OF MOU0 ALAN CUNNINGHAM, 102¶AMMON. OF ADDITION TO THE CITYNTE OF THE FOUNDERS’ POIND NORTH OF SUNNYSIDE, WEST ASOUTH ED E PROPERTY IS LOCATTHPROPERTY. AND LOCATION OF THE VICINITY SHOWING THE GENERAL DES FOLSOM PRESENTED SLIOR RON CITY PLANNING DIRECT¶DAHOBONNEVILLE COUNTY, I, ACRES MORE OR LESSG 0.74 OF RECORD. CONTAININ EASEMENTS SUBJECT TO: EXISTING POINT OF BEGINNING. FEET TO THE 298.40 QUARTER SECTION LINESAID N 00°11'40" W ALONG 31; THENCE SECTION LINE SECTIONARTER TO A POINT ON THE QU 105.54 FEET THENCE S 54°51'49" E 204.45 FEET; THENCE S 13°04'19" E52'15"; CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°OUGH A CURVE 28.04 FEET THRWAY -OF-GHTALONG SAID RIRIGHT FEET; THENCE TO THE 8'54" W 28.04 CHORD BEARING S 48°0T AND A RADIUS OF 858.80 FEEWITH A TO A POINT OF CURVE WAY LINE 151.02 FEET-OF-RIGHTID SOUTH 47°12'39" W ALONG SACE S SUNNYSIDE ROAD; THENWAY LINE OF -OF-SOUTH RIGHT2.80 FEET TO THE DISTANCE OF 8 30 A SECTION LINE SECTIONE QUARTER 00°07'12" E ALONG THTHENCE N SECTION 30; RUNNING SAID SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FEET FROM THE 89°46'49" E 2454.62 R BEING S SAID SOUTH 1/4 CORNERIDIAN, EAST OF THE BOISE MENGE 39 TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RAF SECTION 30, SOUTH 1/4 CORNER O BEGINNING AT THE PROPERTY IS THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE EREST.OTHER PARTIES OF INT, TO SUBJECT PROPERTY ANDF THE HUNDRED (500) FEET OIN FIVE PROPERTY OWNERS WITHLED TO HEARING WAS ALSO MAIHE , 2005. NOTICE OF TJUNE 29 ON JUNE 22 AND ST REGISTERPOISHED IN THE HEARING WAS PUBL: NOTICE OF THE RP ZONINGINITIAL FOR ANNEXATION WITH UEST FOUNDER’S POINTE REQ¶¶TO TESTIFY.O DESIRED THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHSWORE IN HEARING PROCESS AND ¶¶motion carried.All in favor, the High noon?) Bob Gustafson seconded. names be reconsidered? (Twilight? And street be stubbed out to the north, and street with the condition that a Preliminary Platapproval of the Summerset Hollow Leslie Folsom motioned to recommend ¶preliminary plat.The Commission discussed the proposed ¶proposed plat.of Mountain River Engineering, answered Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, ¶Ammon.additions to the City of ises the combined Juniper Mountain comprof the Cottages and north of Sunnyside and vicinity. The property is located southeast presented slides of the proposed plat and Ron Folsom City Planning Director: Summerset Hollow Preliminary Plat¶¶All in favor, the motion carried.seconded. ussi Richard Ja.Lincoln Road with the inclusion of an access north to Plat PreliminaryBridgewater approval of themotioned to recommend Leslie Folsom ¶plat.preliminary The Commission discussed the proposed ¶proposed plat.’s questions regarding the ommissionthe Cof Mountain River Engineering, answered Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, ¶the previous hearings. the subject of sThe property is the same a and vicinity.platproposed slides of the Ron Folsom presented Planning DirectorCity : r Preliminary PlatBridgewateThe commission discussed the requested ¶traffic on Teeple and Kit lane.the older Lawndale neighborhood to stop funnel traffic through CityAsked that thee Drive. lN. TeepDeWayne B_____(510 ¶plats was accepted.Testimony regarding the vacation of the ¶¶the motion carried.A. Leslie Folsom seconded. All in favor, -1 to RP and from R to R1-rezone from GPJarin Hammer motioned to approve ¶carried.. All in favor, the motion Maeser secondedA zoning. Greg -A and R1-initial RPthe Council approve the annexation with Leslie Folsom motioned to recommend ¶annexation and initial zoning.The Commission discussed the proposed ¶the requested annexation.as not any testimony opposed to There w¶the current zoning of the property.requested zoning is more restrictive than requested that those plats be vacated. The homes and a mobile home park. It is for single family and platted in the Countyresidential the property are currently zoned the requests for the petitioner. Portions of of Mountain River Engineering presented Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, ¶zoning and vicinity.platting, surrounding currently presented slides of the location, City Planning Director Ron Folsom ¶o testify.individuals who desired thearing process and swore in those Chairman Donovan explained the ¶.and south of Lincoln Road, Lincoln Industrial ParkSandcreek and the Fox Hollow Addition and east of , north of Division of Bonneville County Lawndale rtion of thepodeveloped previously at of thand west north of the property is location general The ¶ ¶property is: interest. The legal description of the subject property and, to other parties of ve hundred (500) feet of the within fihearing was also mailed to property owners published in the Post Register on February Notice of the Hearing was :Ways-of-of Existing Plats, Easements and RightA, and Vacation -A and R1-Zones of RPInitial Bridgewater Annexation with ¶motion carried. All in favor, the Richard Jaussi seconded. security lighting to be kept on the property.‘light line’ of the the and, Saturdayree (3) years, hours of operation limited thPermit to allow Mr. Sheehy to sell cars the Council approve a Conditional Use Jarin Hammer motioned to recommend ¶favor, the motion carried.seconded. All in Willden1. Doug -to HC1 -t 3790 East Sunnyside from Cproperty athe City Council approve the rezone of the ned to recommendLeslie Folsom motioplant grass in front of where they will park. would like to yTheparked on pavement. Saturday and Sunday. The cars will be ed 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, clos. The planned ar lotcnot look like a Hertz and Ammon Road. Lights for security will Street th drive on Sunnyside, Crowley, 17they would test responded that SheehyMr. ¶perated.business will be tactfully o. He is concerned that the any problem’t had . Mr. Reed stated that he hasnpastin the ed handl with how it was problemasked Mr. Reed if there has been any back to the easement line. Leslie Folsom nd if the cars will be moved business; awill the lot be inspected by the City; what can be on the lot; many cars of how limita any other sales lots in Ammon; if there is would add traffic to Sunnyside; if there are dential neighborhood; if it through the resiasked if people would be test driving cars details regarding Mr. Sheehy’s plans. He Gawn Reed, 3235 Ross, asked for more ¶sell them. . The requests would allow him tothe lottestified that there are Forty (40) cars on al use permit. He for rezone and conditionpresented his request owner of the property, Roger Sheehy, 3930 Taylorview Lane, the ¶and vicinity. , zoningDonovan, Ammon, Idaho.Roadside ySunnyside Automotive, 3790 Sunnommonly known as The location is crd. Containing 3.92 acres easements of recoWays and -of-existing Canal RightOF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO: S.87°03’02”W. 19.77 feet to the POINT S.88°58’09”W. 32.48 feet; thence S.86°15’37”W. 74.49 feet; thence N.86°21’29”W. 110.42 feet; thence S.81°49’12”W. 73.18 feet; thence thence S.47°18’56”W. 68.12 feet;S.22°41’30”W. 85.27 feet; thence S.24°39’44”E. 178.52 feet; thence S.02°25’19”W. 121.27 feet; thence S.36°06’06”E. 23.71 feet; thence S.68°15’35”E. 21.98 feet; thence S.69°34’23”E. 112.40 feet; thence 2°34’42”E. 81.09 feet; thence S.6thence S.49°05’27”E. 67.70 feet; thence (15) courses: S.54°22’18”E. 35.00 feet; said West top of bank the following fifteen of bank of the Gardner Canal; thence along N.00°10’08”E. 586.80 feet; thence ing thence the Boise Meridian; runn30, Township 2 North, Range 39 East of feet from the Southwest Corner of Section 1161.22 feet and N.00°10’08”E. 372.81 S.89°47’12”E. along the Section line 0.34 acresBeginning at a point that is and easements of record. Containing Ways-of-SUBJECT TO: existing canal RightTRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. along said North line 22.91 feet to the 1/4 of Section 25; thence N.88°18’06”E. line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast N.01°58’55”W. 18.56 feet to said North °28’38”E. 44.85 feet; thence N.15N.53°13’46”E. 212.13 feet; thence N.74°15’31”E. 188.91 feet; thence N.57°44’15”E. 184.43 feet; thence S.89°11’30”E. 26.44 feet; thence centerline the following six (6) courses: Canal; thence along said Side hillof said E. 19.60 feet to the centerline N.00°12’47”N.85°20’40”W. 29.86 feet; thence S.57°24’08”W. 163.00 feet; thence thence S.67°40’55”W. 64.55 feet; thence feet; thence S.71°08’39”W. 196.22 feet; 70.78 feet; thence S.53°58’48”W. 194.33 d South bank the thence Southerly along sai Canal; Side hillthe South bank of the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being said North line 10.00 feet to the TRUE Section 25; thence S.88°18’06”W. along Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said 42 feet to the North line of the 1313.700.00 feet; thence N.00°12’47”E. S.88°41’58”W. along the Section line East of the Boise Meridian; running thence Comment [dbg1]: Comment [dbg2]: tom, i Comment [dbg3]: tOM, i Deleted: y is:¶ Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road of Mountain River Engineering, presented the preliminary plat for Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the developer. Deleted: ¶ The Commission discussed the proposed preliminary plat, specifically that drainage swales are no longer permitted and the cul-de-sac is to long. Dave Chamberlain wants drainage swales and would like the cul-de-sac to be a private drive. He will Deleted: ¶ maintain the roads. If they have to have two accesses in, then they will make the development gated. Deleted: Donovan ¶... [32] Doug Willden motioned to recommend approval of the Cottonwood Hills Estates Division #3 Preliminary Rezone and Conditional Use s¶ plat with the conditions that the streets be curb and gutter and a road to the north connecting to Ladyhawk be put through lots 15 through 17. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Deleted: ¶ Formatted ... [33] Deleted: ACTION ITEMS: ¶ Bridgewater Division #1 Final Plat: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed final ¶ Deleted: CHAIRMAN DOUG plat and vicinity. The property is located north of Lawndale Estates and west of Ammon road. WILLDEN EXPLAINED THE PUBLIC ... [34] The Commission discussed the proposed final plat. Deleted: City Planning Director Ron Doug Willden motioned to recommend approval the Bridgewater Division #1 Final Plat as presented. Leslie Folsom seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Formatted Deleted: BY ... [35] Deleted: BUT TO PURCHASE The Gables Addition Site Plan: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed preliminary PROPERTY AND BUILD ANOTHER site plan and vicinity. The proposed project is for the expansion of the Gables retirement home. The Commission discussed the proposed preliminary site plan. Deleted: WE NEED TO INCLUDE Doug Willden motioned to recommend approval of the Gables Addition Site Plan as presented. Leslie MORE DETAIL OF THE Deleted: THREE OF THE EIGHT Folsom seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. AREAS ... [36] Deleted: WILL BE COMPLIED WITH BY THE APPELLANT. ALL OF DISCUSSION ITEMS: The Commission discussed proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan Map and Deleted: Cortland Ridge Division #2 proposed revisions and additions to Title 10, Chapter 27. A Public Hearing for the proposed changes was Deleted: Park Site Plan Formatted scheduled for June 7, 2006. ... [37] Deleted: : City Planning Director The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. ________________________________________ Deleted: MR. Cindy Donovan, Chairman ... [38] Deleted: DEATON STATED HE ___________________________________ Deleted: , Diane B. Gempler, City Clerk/Treasurer ... [39] Deleted: THE HORSE PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS TO MATCH THE RE Deleted: Trailwood #9 Amended Plat: City Planning Director Ron Folsom Deleted: ... [40] ¶ ? Formatted ... [41] Deleted: st Trailwood Division #9 – 1 Deleted: Cobblestone Division #2 Final Plat Deleted: at Deleted: : City Planning Director ... [42] Deleted: th north of East 17 at the Deleted: ¶ Formatted ... [43] Deleted: Casey Dennert, 3025 Deleted: Jarin Hammer motioned to Deleted: Trailwood Division #9 First ... [44] Deleted: ¶ Deleted: Ammon Office ... [45] Deleted: City Planning Director Ron Planning & Zoning 05/03/2006 - 3 ... [46] Deleted: w Deleted: h ... [47] ... [48] Formatted ... [49] Formatted ... [50] Formatted ... [51] ... [52] ... [53] ... [54] ... [55] Formatted ... [56] Formatted ... [57] ... [58] ... [59] ... [60] Formatted ... [61] ... [62] ... [63] ... [64] ... [65] ... [66] ... [67] Formatted ... [68] ... [69] Formatted ... [70] ... [71] ... [72] ... [73] Formatted ... [74] Formatted ... [75] ... 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[77] Page 1: [1] Formatted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 4:05:00 PM Top: 0.81", Bottom: 0.88" Page 1: [2] Formatted Diane 3/12/2006 12:38:00 PM Indent: Left: 1", First line: 0.5" Page 1: [3] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:11:00 AM Greg Maeser Page 1: [4] Deleted Preferred Customer 8/15/2005 3:27:00 PM Cindy Donovan Page 1: [5] Formatted Preferred Customer 9/13/2005 9:23:00 AM Indent: Left: 1", First line: 0.5" Page 1: [6] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 12:38:00 PM Steve Crandall Dana Kirkham Page 1: [7] Formatted Diane 3/12/2006 12:37:00 PM Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0" Page 1: [8] Deleted Preferred Customer 9/13/2005 9:23:00 AM Page 1: [9] Formatted Preferred Customer 5/25/2006 2:54:00 PM Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0" Page 1: [10] Deleted Preferred Customer 5/25/2006 2:54:00 PM Bruce Rose, City Administrator Page 1: [11] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Members Absent : Cindy Donovan Page 1: [12] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Steve Crandall Maxine Hardy Page 1: [13] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 7:09:00 PM November 2 and August 3, 2005 and September 7Dec7 Page 1: [14] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 7:09:00 PM , Page 1: [14] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 7:09:00 PM 5 Page 1: [15] Formatted Preferred Customer 5/16/2006 12:29:00 PM Indent: First line: 0.5" Page 1: [16] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 7:09:00 PM ndth Steve Crandall motioned to approve the November 2 and December 7 minu Page 1: [17] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 9:33:00 AM Superscript Page 1: [17] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 9:33:00 AM Superscript Page 1: [18] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:13:00 AM Leslie Folsom motioned to approve the February 1, 2006, minutes Jarin Hammer secondedIncomplete Page 1: [19] Deleted Preferred Customer 8/15/2005 3:28:00 PM MINUTES JUNE 1, 2005 : CINDY DONOVAN MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 1, 2005, AS PRESENTED. BOB GUSTAFSON SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. Page 1: [20] Formatted Diane 2/20/2006 8:10:00 PM All caps Page 1: [21] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:13:00 AM Request for Re-Zone C-1 to HC-1 and Conditional Use Permit) Page 1: [22] Formatted Diane 3/12/2006 5:48:00 PM Left, Indent: Left: 0" Page 1: [23] Formatted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:13:00 AM Font: Bold, Underline Page 1: [23] Formatted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:13:00 AM Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt, Bold, Underline Page 1: [23] Formatted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:13:00 AM Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt Page 1: [24] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:14:00 AM February 15 Page 1: [24] Deleted Preferred Customer 5/16/2006 12:54:00 PM and February 22 Page 1: [25] Formatted Preferred Customer 3/31/2006 9:57:00 AM Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt Page 1: [26] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 7:18:00 PM December 21 and December 28 Page 1: [26] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 7:18:00 PM 5 Page 1: [26] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 2:19:00 PM s Page 1: [27] Formatted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:16:00 AM Font: Times New Roman Page 1: [28] Formatted Preferred Customer 5/16/2006 2:00:00 PM Indent: First line: 0.5" Page 1: [29] Formatted Diane 3/12/2006 5:48:00 PM Left, Indent: Left: 0" Page 1: [30] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 4:06:00 PM 3 Page 1: [30] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 4:06:00 PM 1 Page 1: [31] Deleted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:54:00 AM 27 Page 1: [31] Deleted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:54:00 AM 5 Page 3: [32] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 7:29:00 PM y is: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian; running thence S.88°41’58”W. along the Section line 700.00 feet; thence N.00°12’47”E. 1313.42 feet to the North line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of said Section 25; thence S.88°18’06”W. along said North line 10.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being the South bank of the Side hill Canal; thence Southerly along said South bank the following six (6) courses: S.00°58’55”E. 70.78 feet; thence S.53°58’48”W. 194.33 feet; thence S.71°08’39”W. 196.22 feet; thence S.67°40’55”W. 64.55 feet; thence S.57°24’08”W. 163.00 feet; thence N.85°20’40”W. 29.86 feet; thence N.00°12’47”E. 19.60 feet to the centerline of said Side hill Canal; thence along said centerline the following six (6) courses: S.89°11’30”E. 26.44 feet; thence N.57°44’15”E. 184.43 feet; thence N.74°15’31”E. 188.91 feet; thence N.53°13’46”E. 212.13 feet; thence N.15°28’38”E. 44.85 feet; thence N.01°58’55”W. 18.56 feet to said North line of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 25; thence N.88°18’06”E. along said North line 22.91 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO: existing canal Right-of-Ways and easements of record. Containing 0.34 acresBeginning at a point that is S.89°47’12”E. along the Section line 1161.22 feet and N.00°10’08”E. 372.81 feet from the Southwest Corner of Section 30, Township 2 North, Range 39 East of the Boise Meridian; running thence N.00°10’08”E. 586.80 feet; thence S.89°49’52”E. 29.75 feet to the West top of bank of the Gardner Canal; thence along said West top of bank the following fifteen (15) courses: S.54°22’18”E. 35.00 feet; thence S.49°05’27”E. 67.70 feet; thence S.62°34’42”E. 81.09 feet; thence S.69°34’23”E. 112.40 feet; thence S.68°15’35”E. 21.98 feet; thence S.36°06’06”E. 23.71 feet; thence S.02°25’19”W. 121.27 feet; thence S.24°39’44”E. 178.52 feet; thence S.22°41’30”W. 85.27 feet; thence S.47°18’56”W. 68.12 feet; thence S.81°49’12”W. 73.18 feet; thence N.86°21’29”W. 110.42 feet; thence S.86°15’37”W. 74.49 feet; thence S.88°58’09”W. 32.48 feet; thence S.87°03’02”W. 19.77 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO: existing Canal Right-of-Ways and easements of record. Containing 3.92 acres Page 3: [33] Formatted Preferred Customer 3/31/2006 9:56:00 AM Formatted Page 3: [33] Formatted Preferred Customer 3/31/2006 9:56:00 AM Font: Not Bold Page 3: [33] Formatted Preferred Customer 3/31/2006 9:56:00 AM Font: Not Bold Page 3: [33] Formatted Preferred Customer 3/31/2006 9:56:00 AM Font: Not Bold Page 3: [34] Deleted Preferred Customer 3/31/2006 9:57:00 AM The location is commonly known as Sunnyside Automotive, 3790 Sunnyside Road, Ammon, Idaho.Donovan, zoning and vicinity. Roger Sheehy, 3930 Taylorview Lane, the owner of the property, presented his request for rezone and conditional use permit. He testified that there are Forty (40) cars on the lot. The requests would allow him to sell them. Gawn Reed, 3235 Ross, asked for more details regarding Mr. Sheehy’s plans. He asked if people would be test driving cars through the residential neighborhood; if it would add traffic to Sunnyside; if there are any other sales lots in Ammon; if there is a limit of how many cars can be on the lot; will the lot be inspected by the City; what hours Mr. Sheehy proposes to be open for business; and if the cars will be moved back to the easement line. Leslie Folsom asked Mr. Reed if there has been any problem with how it was handled in the past. Mr. Reed stated that he hasn’t had any problem. He is concerned that the business will be tactfully operated. th Mr. Sheehy responded that they would test drive on Sunnyside, Crowley, 17 Street and Ammon Road. Lights for security will not look like a Hertz car lot. The planned hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, closed Saturday and Sunday. The cars will be parked on pavement. They would like to plant grass in front of where they will park. Page 3: [36] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:08:00 AM Donovan Rezone and Conditional Use s Leslie Folsom motioned to recommend the City Council approve the rezone of the property at 3790 East Sunnyside from C-1 to HC-1. Doug Willden seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Jarin Hammer motioned to recommend the Council approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow Mr. Sheehy to sell cars from 3790 East Sunnyside for the term of three (3) years, hours of operation limited to 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday and, the ‘light line’ of the security lighting to be kept on the property. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Bridgewater Annexation with Initial Zones of RP-A and R1-A, and Vacation of Existing Plats, Easements and Right-of-Ways : Notice of the Hearing was published in the Post Register on February 15 and February 22, 2006. Notice of the hearing was also mailed to property owners within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property and, to other parties of interest. The legal description of the property is: The general location of the property is along the west side of North Ammon Road, north and west of that previously developed portion of the Lawndale Division of Bonneville County, north of the Fox Hollow Addition and east of Sandcreek and Lincoln Industrial Park, and south of Lincoln Road. Chairman Donovan explained the hearing process and swore in those individuals who desired to testify. City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the location, currently platting, surrounding zoning and vicinity. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering presented the requests for the petitioner. Portions of the property are currently zoned residential and platted in the County for single family homes and a mobile home park. It is requested that those plats be vacated. The requested zoning is more restrictive than the current zoning of the property. There was not any testimony opposed to the requested annexation. The Commission discussed the proposed annexation and initial zoning. Leslie Folsom motioned to recommend the Council approve the annexation with initial RP-A and R1-A zoning. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Jarin Hammer motioned to approve rezone from GP-1 to RP and from R to R1-A. Leslie Folsom seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Testimony regarding the vacation of the plats was accepted. DeWayne B_____(510 N. Teeple Drive. Asked that the City funnel traffic through the older Lawndale neighborhood to stop traffic on Teeple and Kit lane. The commission discussed the requested vacations. Greg Maeser motioned to approve the right-of-way and easement vacations. Doug Willden seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Greg Maeser motioned to recommend the City Council vacate the Lawndale and Arnold Mobile Home Park Plats. Leslie Folsom seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [38] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:08:00 AM ACTION ITEMS : Bridgewater Preliminary Plat : City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed plat and vicinity. The property is the same as the subject of the previous hearings. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering, answered the Commission’s questions regarding the proposed plat. The Commission discussed the proposed preliminary plat. Leslie Folsom motioned to recommend approval of the Bridgewater Preliminary Plat with the inclusion of an access north to Lincoln Road. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Summerset Hollow Preliminary Plat : City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed plat and vicinity. The property is located southeast of the Cottages and north of Sunnyside and comprises the combined Juniper Mountain additions to the City of Ammon. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering, answered the Commission’s questions regarding the proposed plat. The Commission discussed the proposed preliminary plat. Leslie Folsom motioned to recommend approval of the Summerset Hollow Preliminary Plat with the condition that a street be stubbed out to the north, and street names be reconsidered? (Twilight? And High noon?) Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [39] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:38:00 PM CHAIRMAN DOUG WILLDEN EXPLAINED THE PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS AND SWORE IN THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHO DESIRED TO TESTIFY. FOUNDER’S POINTE REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION WITH INITIAL RP ZONING : NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN THE POST REGISTER ON JUNE 22 AND JUNE 29, 2005. NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS ALSO MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND, TO OTHER PARTIES OF INTEREST. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY IS BEGINNING AT THE SOUTH 1/4 CORNER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 39 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN, SAID SOUTH 1/4 CORNER BEING S 89°46'49" E 2454.62 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 30; RUNNING THENCE N 00°07'12" E ALONG THE QUARTER SECTION LINE SECTION 30 A DISTANCE OF 82.80 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SUNNYSIDE ROAD; THENCE S 47°12'39" W ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE 151.02 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 858.80 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING S 48°08'54" W 28.04 FEET; THENCE TO THE RIGHT ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY CURVE 28.04 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01°52'15"; THENCE S 13°04'19" E 204.45 FEET; THENCE S 54°51'49" E 105.54 FEET TO A POINT ON THE QUARTER SECTION LINE SECTION 31; THENCE N 00°11'40" W ALONG SAID QUARTER SECTION LINE 298.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO: EXISTING EASEMENTS OF RECORD. CONTAINING 0.74 ACRES MORE OR LESS, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR RON FOLSOM PRESENTED SLIDES SHOWING THE GENERAL VICINITY AND LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED SOUTH OF SUNNYSIDE, WEST AND NORTH OF THE FOUNDERS’ POINTE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF AMMON. ALAN CUNNINGHAM, 1020 LINCOLN ROAD, OF MOUNTAIN RIVER ENGINEERING PRESENTED THE REQUEST FOR THE DEVELOPER AND ANSWERED THE COMMISSIONS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE REQUEST. THERE WAS NO TESTIMONY FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUESTED ANNEXATION AND INITIAL ZONING CHAIRMAN WILLDEN CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THE COMMISSION DISCUSSED THE REQUESTED ANNEXATION AND INITIAL ZONING. JARIN HAMMER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE AS PRESENTED. CINDY DONOVAN SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. VERISON REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCES FOR US CELLULAR CELL TOWER : NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN THE POST REGISTER ON JUNE 22 AND JUNE 29, 2005. NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS ALSO MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND, TO OTHER PARTIES OF INTEREST. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY IS BEGINNING AT THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS MONUMENTED WEST QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF BOISE MERIDIAN, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO AND RUNNING THENCE NORTH 0º 11' 23" WEST 357.03 FEET ALONG THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS MONUMENTED SECTION LINE TO THE CENTERLINE OF SAND CREEK, SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTHERLY MOST POINT OF AMMON TOWN CENTER, DIVISION NO. 1, CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHEAST BOUNDARY OF SAID AMMON TOWN CENTER THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES: (1) NORTH 48º 21' 44" EAST 391.27 FEET ALONG SAID CENTER LINE OF SAND CREEK (2) THENCE NORTH 41º 46' 01" EAST 29.58 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 27; (3) THENCE SOUTH 89º 02' 57" EAST 50.62 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THE WEST LINE OF RICKS FARM, DIVISION NO. 1 CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO; THENCE FOLLOWING SAID RICKS FARM THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSE (1) NORTH 36º 59' 08" EAST 98.85 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE AMMON DITCH; (2) THENCE SOUTH 70º 20' 26" EAST 415.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE AMMON DITCH; (3) THENCE SOUTH 89º 50' 30" EAST 499.19 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE AMMON DITCH; THENCE SOUTH 0º 00' 45" EAST 600.89 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF AMMON DITCH TO THE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS MONUMENTED EAST-WEST CENTER LINE OF SAID SECTION 27; THENCE NORTH 88º 55' 15" WEST 1311.39 FEET ALONG SAID CENTER LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR RON FOLSOM PRESENTED SLIDES SHOWING THE GENERAL VICINITY AND LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED AT 2483 SOUTH EAGLE DRIVE. MR. FOLSOM GAVE A SUMMARY OF THE REQUESTED VARIANCE(S) AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. PLANNING AND ZONING MEMBER TOM HUNSAKER EXPLAINED THE CELL TOWER ORDINANCE AND WHY IT WAS IMPLEMENTED. JERRY HANSEN, REPRESENTATIVE FOR ALCOA WIRELESS, PRESENTED THE REQUEST AND THE PLANNED CHANGES TO THE FACILITY IF CO-LOCATION IS PERMITTED. MR. HANSEN TESTIFIED THAT CO-LOCATION OF THE ANTENNA IS THE BEST MEANS FOR THE WIRELESS PROVIDERS TO IMPROVE COVERAGE AND SERVICE IN THE AREA. THE ONLY OTHER VIABLE OPTION IS TO PUT UP ANOTHER POLE. MR. HANSEN INDICATED THAT MOST CITIES IN THE NORTHWEST ARE ENCOURAGING CO-LOCATION TO MINIMIZE THE NUMBER OF TOWERS IN THEIR COMMUNITIES. IN THE EVENT THEIR REQUEST IS DENIED, VERISON WILL HAVE NO CHOICE Page 3: [40] Deleted Diane 2/20/2006 8:11:00 PM City Planning Director Ron Folsom reported that the developer does not want to proceed with the amended plat at this time. Walgreen Division #1 Final Plat: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the location, vicinity and proposed final plat. Mike Bischoff, of Benton Engineering, presented the request for the developer and answered the Commission’s questions. There have not been any changes from the preliminary plat. The Commission reviewed the proposed final plat. Bob Gustafson motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Walgreen Division #1 Final Plat as presented. Steve Crandall seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Walgreen Site Plan: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the location, vicinity and proposed site plan. Mike Bischoff, of Benton Engineering, presented the request for the developer and answered the Commission’s questions. City Engineer Bill Manwill stated that there will need to be coordination between Walgreen’s contractor and Mountain River Engineering to ensure proper separation of sewer and water lines. The Commission discussed the proposed site plan. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Walgreen Site Plan as presented, with the requirement that Walgreen’s coordinate with Mountain River Engineering on the installation of the sewer lines to ensure property separation of water and sewer lines. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Election of Commission Officers for 2006: The Commission discussed nominations. Doug Willden motioned to elect Cindy Donovan as Chair and Jarin Hammer as Vice Chairman for 2006. Rodney Allen seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [41] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:11:00 AM All caps Page 3: [42] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:38:00 PM BUT TO PURCHASE PROPERTY AND BUILD ANOTHER TOWER IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDINANCE. PHIL DEATON, 2040 EAGLE DRIVE, HE WOULD LIKE ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE APPEARANCE OF THE SITE. HE ASKED, CAN WE PUT THEM UP SO THEY HAVE TO LANDSCAPE AND MAKE IT LOOK NICE? KEN LEMBRICH, 2640 SALMON, TESTIFIED THAT NOBODY CARES ABOUT NOISE SO WHY MAKE A BIG DEAL ABOUT SOMETHING THAT 90% OF PEOPLE WON’T EVEN REALIZE IS THERE. KEN HUNTER, 2270 DOVE, ASKED ABOUT THE GENERATOR IN THE PLAN. MR. KENT TESTIFIED HE FEELS CELL TOWERS ARE QUIET. THEY ARE BETTER THAN APARTMENTS, THEATER AND SQUEALING TIRES. LET THEM HAVE WHAT THEY WANT. CHAIRMAN WILLDEN CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THE COMMISSION DISCUSSED THE REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCES, REVIEWING THE CRITERIA IN RELATION TO THIS REQUEST. Page 3: [43] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:11:00 AM Font: 10 pt, All caps Page 3: [43] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:11:00 AM All caps Page 3: [44] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:38:00 PM WE NEED TO INCLUDE MORE DETAIL OF THE REQUIREMENTS MET TO ALLOW PERMIT AND VARIANCES Page 3: [45] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:38:00 PM THREE OF THE EIGHT AREAS Page 3: [46] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:38:00 PM WILL BE COMPLIED WITH BY THE APPELLANT. ALL OF THE FIVE REMAINING AREAS ARE OUT OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE ORDINANCE BECAUSE THE LAND WAS LEASED AND THE TOWER WAS ERECTED PRIOR TO THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE. IF THE LAND WERE TO BE LEASED AND THE TOWER ERECTED TODAY, IT WOULD BE DONE IN SUCH A WAY THAT NONE OF THE FIVE AREAS WOULD BE OUT OF COMPLIANCE. THE SITUATION IS SIMILAR TO A HOME OWNER IN A NEIGHBORHOOD WHERE MOST OF THE HOUSES HAVE GARAGES, THE HOME OWNER ALSO WISHES TO HAVE A GARAGE, BUT THE HOUSE IS SITUATED ON A SIXTY FOOT WIDE LOT. THUS, 1) SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES DO ACTUALLY ATTACH TO THE PARTICULAR PROPERTY WHICH DO NOT APPLY GENERALLY TO OTHER PROPERTIES IN THE SAME "SPECIAL USE". 2) BECAUSE OF SOME SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES THE APPELLANT'S PROPERTY IS DEPRIVED OF PRIVILEGES POSSESSED BY OTHER PROPERTIES IN THE SAME "SPECIAL USE". 3) THE GRANTING OF SUCH VARIANCE WILL NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF ZONING IN THE CITY. 4) ADHERENCE TO THE STRICT LETTER OF THE ORDINANCE WILL CAUSE DIFFICULTIES AND HARDSHIPS, THE IMPOSITION OF WHICH IS UNNECESSARY IN ORDER TO CARRY OUT THE PURPOSES OF THE ZONING PLAN. AND 5) THE HARDSHIP HAS NOT BEEN CAUSED BY AN ACTION OF THE PROPERTY OWNER TAKEN AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDINANCE. TOM HUNSAKER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE VARIANCE FOR ALL FIVE OF THE EIGHT AREAS THAT DO COMPLY WITH THE CURRENT ORDINANCE AND ALLOW CO-LOCATION, AS PRESENTED. RODNEY ALLEN SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. TOM HUNSAKER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS, TO GRANT A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO VERIZON TO INSTALL AN ANTENNA ARRAY ON AN EXISTING TOWER. JARIN HAMMER SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. ROCKWELL REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CHURCH IN AN R1-A ZONE : NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN THE POST REGISTER ON JUNE 22 AND JUNE 29, 2005. NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS ALSO MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND, TO OTHER PARTIES OF INTEREST. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY IS BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS S.89°36’06”E. 1365.51 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE AND N.04°50’21”E. 50.15 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 2 NORTH, RANGE 38 EAST OF THE BOISE MERIDIAN; RUNNING THENCE N.04°50’21”E. 359.84 FEET; THENCE N.85°09’39”W. 160.00 FEET; THENCE S.04°50’21”W. 180.00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVE WITH A RADIUS OF 940.00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING S.02°37’08”W. 72.84 FEET; THENCE TO THE LEFT ALONG SAID CURVE 72.86 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 04°26’27”; THENCE S.00°23’54”W. 98.91 FEET; THENCE S.44°36’06”E. 28.28 FEET; THENCE S.89°36’06”E. 128.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO: EXISTING EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. CONTAINING 1.32 ACRES. CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR RON FOLSOM PRESENTED SLIDES SHOWING THE GENERAL VICINITY AND LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF TOWNSHIP ROAD, EAST OF AMMON ROAD. BRENT JOHNSON, 3539 BRIARCREEK LANE, OF ROCKWELL DEVELOPMENT PRESENTED THE REQUEST TO THE COMMISSION. THERE WAS NO TESTIMONY FOR OR AGAINST THE REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CHAIRMAN WILLDEN CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THE COMMISSION DISCUSSED THE REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. CINDY DONOVAN MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE PROPOSED JEHOVAH’S WITNESS CHURCH AS PRESENTED. JARIN HAMMER SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. FAMILY CARE CENTER REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A SHORT- TERM RESIDENTIAL MEDICAL FACILITY AND HORSE STABLES IN A PB ZONE : NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS PUBLISHED IN THE POST REGISTER ON JUNE 22 AND JUNE 29, 2005. NOTICE OF THE HEARING WAS ALSO MAILED TO PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND, TO OTHER PARTIES OF INTEREST. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY IS BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS S ?? 0129’14” E 1346.60 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE AND N 8830’46” E 402.31 FEET FROM ? THE WEST 1/4 CORNER OF SAID SECTION 34; AND RUNNING THENCE N 8830’46” E 920.05 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE SUBURBAN ACRES SUBDIVISION; THENCE ALONG SAID TH ? WEST LINE S 0142’42” E 1222.03 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 49 SOUTH; ?? THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY S 8941’32” W 394.80 FEET; THENCE N 0129’14” W ?? 799.78 FEET; THENCE S 8941’40” W 875.81 FEET; THENCE N 0129’14” W 30.01 FEET; THENCE ?? N 8941’40”E 343.27 FEET; THENCE N0110’18”W 383.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL CONTAINS 710,364 SQ. FT (16.31 ACRES) CITY PLANNING DIRECTOR RON FOLSOM PRESENTED SLIDES SHOWING THE GENERAL VICINITY AND LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY. THE GENERAL LOCATION OF THE THTH PROPERTY IS NORTH OF 49 SOUTH (TOWNSHIP ROAD) AND EAST OF 25 EAST (HITT ROAD), CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO. MR. FOLSOM GAVE A BRIEF REPORT OF THE DEVELOPER’S PLAN. PHIL DEATON, 2040 EAGLE ASKED WHY HORSES, DO THEY REALLY NEED THEM? MR. DEATON IS NOT OPPOSED TO THEIR HAVING HORSES, BUT IS CONCERNED ABOUT ALLOWING HORSES THROUGH A MEANS NOT SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED IN THE ORDINANCE. Page 3: [47] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Cortland Ridge Division #2 Final Plat Page 3: [48] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM : City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing the general vicinity and location of the property. The property is located Page 3: [49] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:11:00 AM Font: 10 pt, All caps Page 3: [50] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:11:00 AM All caps Page 3: [51] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:11:00 AM Font: 10 pt, All caps Page 3: [51] Formatted Preferred Customer 1/12/2006 10:11:00 AM All caps Page 3: [52] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:38:00 PM DEATON STATED HE DOES NOT LIKE CHANGE JUST FOR THE SAKE OF CHANGE. CAROLYN COOK TESTIFIED SHE IS IN FAVOR OF THE FACILITY. SHE FEELS THAT HORSES ARE GREAT FOR THERAPY, THAT THEY DO HELP A LOT. CHAIRMAN WILLDEN READ A LETTER OF SUPPORT INTO THE RECORD FROM MR. TOM ARAVE. MR. ARAVE FEELS THE PROPOSED FACILITIES WILL PROVIDE A NATURAL TRANSITION FROM THE RETAIL PROPERTY, CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT TO THE NORTH AND THE MORE RESIDENTIAL AND RURAL PROPERTIES WHICH WILL OCCUR TO THE SOUTH. CHAIRMAN WILLDEN CLOSED THE PUBLIC HEARING. THE COMMISSION DISCUSSED THE REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. GREG MAESER MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE REQUESTED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT LIMITING OCCUPANCY TO OVERNIGHT STAYS FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES Page 3: [53] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:38:00 PM THE HORSE PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS TO MATCH THE RE ZONE'S REQUIREMENTS AND ALSO BE LIMITED TO MEDICAL PURPOSES, WITH RENEWAL OF BOTH PARTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE REQUIRED IN THREE YEARS. BOB GUSTAFSON SECONDED. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED. ACTION ITEMS : Page 3: [54] Deleted Preferred Customer 4/25/2006 10:08:00 AM Trailwood #9 Amended Plat : City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the proposed plat and vicinity. The lots to be adjusted are located on the west side of Midway Avenue, north of Chasewood in Trailwood Division #9. Casey Dennert, 3025 Devonwood, of Benton Engineering, answered the Commissions questions regarding the request. The request is to move the line between lots 27 and 28 of block 6 just over 49 feet to the south. The Commission discussed the proposed amended plat. Rodney Allen motioned to recommend approval of the Trailwood Division #9 first amended plat. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [55] Deleted Diane 3/12/2006 1:39:00 PM ? Beginning at a point that is N028'59"W 2141.58 feet along the Section line from the Southeast corner of ? Section 22 Township 2 North, Range 38 East of the Boise Meridian, and running thence N8958'22"W ??? 195.21 feet; thence S023'19"E 532.67 feet; thence S8936'41"W 125.00 feet; thence S023'19"E 510.08 ?? feet; thence N8922'56"W 339.05 feet; thence N023'19"E 1434.83 feet to the South line of Mountain View Addition Division No. 2, Bonneville County, Idaho as shown on the recorded plat thereof; thence ?? S8920'51"E 324.37 feet along said South line; thence N5351'00"E 411.40 feet along said Mountain ? View Addition Division No. 1 to the East line of said Section 22; thence S0029'12"E 246.50 feet to the ? East 1/4 corner of said Section 22; thence S0028'59"E 387.48 feet along the East line of said Section 22 to the Point of Beginning, containing 16.50 acresLeroy Mr. Wolfley stated that the requested rezone is just for profit, not to better the City. The property was recently annexed and zoned. He does not feel rezone is needed.testified he in the areaHe p. If the developer feels the commercial is too narrow to be usable why not rezone the commercial strip to residential?Gail Kisling,testified she is . She feels there should be more parks and green space., testified they are opposed to commercial zoning next to their property. Mr. Tuck Cazeau,,testified he is in favor of the rezone. He stated that m itit totally plans for the property.Leroy, testified in opposition to the rezone. Ms. Kelly feels there ist and the City P, testified she is opposed to the rezone. She feels thatingcommercial . Ms. Plock stated there isneed for . She is concerned about lights, noise and the safety of children in the neighborhood., testified she is opposed to Wal-Mart Fuel Station Site Plan: City Planning more commercial. She feels it should all be Director Ron Folsom presented slides of the location, vicinity and site plan. The Commission reviewed the Site Plan. Tom Hunsaker noted that the location of the air station could be problematic as traffic will be blocked when somebody is filling tires. However, there does not appear to be a better place. Jarin Hammer motioned to approve the Wal-Mart Fuel Station preliminary site plan as presented. Rodney Allen seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. First Amended Plat – Centennial Ranch Division #15: S2M Site Plan – Lincoln Industrial Park: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing the proposed site plan and vicinity. th The property is located on 14 North in the Lincoln Industrial Park. The Commission discussed the proposed site plan. Greg Maeser motioned to approve the S2M Site Plan as presented. Richard Jaussi seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [56] Formatted Preferred Customer 2/21/2006 12:52:00 PM Font: Not Bold Page 3: [57] Formatted Diane 2/20/2006 9:52:00 PM Font: Bold, Underline Page 3: [58] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM st Trailwood Division #9 – 1Amended Pl Page 3: [59] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Cobblestone Division #2 Final Plat Page 3: [60] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM : City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing the general vicinity and location of st the property. The property is located north of 1 Street, south and east of sandcreek and west of the Fox Hollow Addition to the City of Ammon. Page 3: [61] Formatted Diane 2/20/2006 9:52:00 PM Font: Bold, Underline Page 3: [61] Formatted Diane 2/20/2006 9:52:00 PM Font: Bold, Underline, Superscript Page 3: [61] Formatted Diane 2/20/2006 9:52:00 PM Font: Bold, Underline Page 3: [62] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM th north of East 17 at the intersection of Midway and Moss Drive. Page 3: [63] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM The Commission discussed the proposed final plat. Page 3: [64] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Casey Dennert, 3025 Devonwood, of Benton Engineering presented the request for the developer and answered the Commissions questions. The Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed Amended Plat. Rodney Allen Page 3: [65] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Jarin Hammer motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Cobblestone Division #2 Final Plat. Dana Kirkham seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [66] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Trailwood Division #9 First Amended Plat as presented. Tom Hunsaker seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [67] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM Page 3: [68] Formatted Diane 2/20/2006 9:52:00 PM Font: Bold, Underline Page 3: [69] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing the general vicinity and location of the th property. The property is located north of East 17 and Wally’s Auto Care on the west side of Midway. Casey Dennert, 3025 Devonwood, of Benton Engineering presented the site plan for the developer and answered the Commissions questions. The Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed preliminary site plan. Bob Gustafson motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Ammon Office Park Site Plan as presented. Rodney Allen seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Ammon Park Center Tire Store Site Plan: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides th showing the general vicinity and location of the property. The property is located north of East 17 and Wally’s Auto Care on the west side of Midway. Casey Dennert, 3025 Devonwood, of Benton Engineering presented the site plan for the developer and answered the Commissions questions. The Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed preliminary site plan. Greg Maeser motioned to recommend the Tire Store preliminary site plan as presented. Cindy Donovan seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Ammonside Division 1 Preliminary & Final Plat: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing the general vicinity and location of the property. The property is located at the th southeast corner of the intersection of Sunnyside and 25 East (Hitt Road). The Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed preliminary and final plat. Jarin Hammer motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Ammonside Division #1 Preliminary and Final Plat as presented. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Eastgate Drug Site Plan: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing the general th vicinity and location of the property. The property is located south of East 17 on the east side of Midway. The owners of Eastgate Drug have purchased property to the south of their business and are proposing an expansion of their parking. The Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed site plan. Jarin Hammer motioned to recommend the City Council approved the Eastgate Drug Site Plan as presented with the inclusion of a six-foot vinyl fence between the property and adjacent residential properties to the south and east, as shown. Greg Maeser seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Merlin’s TV Site Plan: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing the general th vicinity and location of the property. The property is located east of 25 East (Hitt Road) on north side of Brianne Avenue between IHOP and Ameritel. The Commission reviewed and discussed the proposed preliminary site plan. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Merlin’s TV preliminary site plan as shown, provided the final site plan meets landscaping and sidewalk requirements. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. The Villas Revised Preliminary Plat: City Planning Director Ron Folsom presented slides showing st the general vicinity and location of the property. The property is located north of East 21 South nd and west of 52 East. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road of Mountain River Engineering presented the revised plat to the Commission and answered their questions. Mary Taylor, a neighboring property owner expressed that she is still concerned with the water ditch and Page 3: [70] Formatted Diane 2/20/2006 9:52:00 PM Font: Bold, Underline Page 3: [71] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM her water will go. The Commission reviewed and discussed the revised preliminary plat. Cindy Donovan motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Villas Revised Preliminary Platt with the recommended area for bike path Page 3: [72] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM thstth adjacent to 17 (10 feet wide) and Castelli Drive from 21 South to 17 Street (8 feet wide) and fixing street names. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. Page 3: [73] Deleted Diane 12/13/2005 1:45:00 PM south of Township Road in the Woodland Hills addition to the City of Ammon. th Camille Clifford, 5556 South 45 East, addressed the Commission. Ms. Clifford voiced her concern that the development will create problems with the drainage of irrigation water through and from her property. Allan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering answered the Commission’s questions regarding the drainage issue and the plat. The developer is aware that they have to make provisions for the drainage. The improvement drawings will reflect how the issue is being addressed. The water must be diverted through the storm drainage system. th Robert Montgomery, 5652 South 45 East, asked if it would be possible to run the water back into the ditch instead of the storm drains. Mr. Montgomery was informed that regulations prohibit drainage through a subdivision back into the irrigation system. The Commission discussed the proposed final plat. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend the City Council approve the Cortland Ridge Division #2 Final Plat with the provision that the improvement drawings show how the run-off water is being handled. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, the motion carried. 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