02072007PZMinutesCITY OF AMMON
FEBRUARY 7, 2007
2135 South Ammon Road 7:00 P.M.
I.Pledge of Allegiance:
II.Introduction of New Members –
Bruce Cook, Quinn Simmons and Scott Wessel
November 1, 2006, December 6, 2006 and January 3, 2007
IV.Public Hearings:
Annexation w/initial R-1 Zoning AND Conditional Use Permit to allow Church in R-1 Zone, LDS Church 17 Street
Conditional Use Permit in RP-A zone, School District 93
Rezone from I&M-1 to CC-1, Trellis Square
Comprehensive Plan Map Change Request, Low Density Residential to Commercial designation, Hawkes Holdings.
Conditional Use Permit for PUD -Rezone Requests, RP to HC-1, R-1, R1-A and RP-A - Final Approval Master Plan PUD
V.Action Items:
Decision on Additional Hearings on Above Public Hearings
Preliminary and Final Plat, 17 St. Church Subdivision #1
Final Plat, Bridgewater Division #2
Site Plan, District 93, School Bridgewater
Site Plan, Teton Spectrum
Variance Requests, Hawks Landing
Preliminary Plat, Hawks Landing Division 1
VI.Discussion Items:
AIC Subdivisions – Dealing with Change – Meeting March 24, 2007
A.City Council actions
B.City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions – Cindy Donovan
C.Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions – Tom Hunsaker
Call for Adjournment:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cindy Donovan at 7:00 p.m. in the City Building at 2135 South
Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho
Members Present
: Cindy Donovan, Chairman
Tom Hunsaker
Robert Gustafson
Bruce Cook
Quinn Simmons
Scott Wessel
Members Absent
: Jarin Hammer, Vice Chairman
Greg Maeser
Richard Jaussi
City Officials Present
: Ron Folsom, Planning Director
Gay Leming, Deputy Clerk
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Bill Manwill, City Engineer
City Officials Absent
: None
Bob Gustafson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Cindy Donovan introduced the three new members of the Commission to the public – Quinn Simmons,
Bruce Cook and Scott Wessel.
November 1, 2006, December 6, 2006 and January 3, 2007. Tom Hunsaker commented the minutes
all refer to the “Committee” and they should be referred to as “Commission” instead. November 1: Tom Hunsaker
commented on Page 3 that is should read he “recommended” rather than “stated” under the Action Items. He also
stated on Page 4, Nancy Pinnock’s address should read 52 East. A couple of more paragraphs down the well should
read “it is within 1000’ draw”. On the next line get rid of “inform the Committee of the” and replace with “follow”.
On the final page under the Wind Turbines, changes to read “add turbines as a restricted use”. Tom Hunsaker
motioned to approve the November 1, 2006 minutes as amended. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, motion
December 6, 2006: Tom Hunsaker stated on page 4, in about the middle of the page the first condition
should read “The City Engineer look into the need for a traffic study…”. Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the
December 6, 2006 minutes as amended. Tom Hunsaker seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
January 3, 2007: Tom Hunsaker stated on page 2 on the very bottom under part B to read “Tom Hunsaker
recommended absolutely no pedestrian access…” and add “from within the interior of neighborhood” to the end of
the sentence. The next sentence he would like to see a “low intensity” rather than well lit property. He also stated
on page 3 under Part E to change “there” to “the” on the 5 sentence in the second paragraph. A couple of sentences
down should also read as “Anita stated the building allows…” On the last page, add the word “later” to public
hearing for T-Mobile variance. The next sentence should read “the Peterson Cabinet land”. Tom Hunsaker
motioned to approve January 3, 2007 as amended. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Hearing #2007-004 (Annexation w/Initial R-1 Zoning AND Conditional Use Permit to allow Church in R-1
Zone, LDS Church 17 Street):
Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the property is located.
Scott Nielson, 990 John Adams Parkway, stated this property meets all requirements for a conditional use
permit. P&Z stated it seemed like rather large lot and asked if there would only be one building. Scott Nielson
replied there would only be one building with about 250 parking stalls. He also stated it will improve the entire
property with a combination of landscape, paving and building. There are no plans to build behind it.
Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, added that it is about a 5 acre plot and drops down to about 4.5
acres when platted. He also added they chose the R-1 zoning to connect with the R-1zone to the North. Ron
Folsom stated it is actually R-2. Alan Cunningham agreed and they use it as an R-1zone.
Cindy Donovan closed the public hearing. Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the annexation with initial
R-1 zoning. Bruce Cook seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit for the LDS Church. Quinn Simmons
seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Planning Director Ron Folsom recommended we move to Action Item B, as it relates directly with the hearing
previously discussed and helps assist with the consistency of information. Cindy Donovan agreed.
B. Preliminary and Final Plat, 17 Street Church Subdivision #1:
Alan Cunningham explained the plat. It has
50 feet for public right of way. Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the Preliminary and Final Plat for the 17 Street
Church. Scott Wessel seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Cindy Donovan stated we will move to the next Hearing number.
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Hearing #2007-007 (Conditional Use Permit in RP-A zone, School District 93):
Planning Director Ron Folsom
explained the Conditional Use Permit and what the district is requesting.
Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, stated the property is approximately 11 acres. He reminded the
Commission, for benefit of new members, the Preliminary Plat was already approved.
Roger Hill, 3497 N. Ammon Road, stated the School District is requesting the school due to growth. The
elementary school would be about 53,000 square feet and run K– 6 grade.
Todd Hicks, 3497 Ammon Road, stated he is an employee of Bonneville School District and is here to
answer any questions they may have. Quinn Simmons inquired about the busing. Todd Hicks stated busing will be
based on the growth.
Cindy Donovan closed the public hearing. Ron Folsom stated for the record that there has already been a
traffic study ordered. Bill Manwill suggested that any student crossing an arterial needs to be bused. Pedestrian
crossings were discussed. Bruce Cook motioned to approve the Conditional Use Permit with the condition that they
bus any student outside of Section 15. Bob Gustafson seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Planning Director Ron Folsom recommended we move to Action Items C & D, as they relate directly with the
hearing previously discussed and helps assist with the consistency of information. Cindy Donovan agreed.
C. Final Plat, Bridgewater Division #2:
Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, explained the plat. He explained
it is in complete harmony with the Preliminary Plat. It is all RP-A zoned. It is a direct following of Division 1, but
this one has a school in it. Tom Hunsaker motioned to approve the Final Plat for Bridgewater Division #2 as is.
Bruce Cook seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
D. Site Plan, District 93, School Bridgewater:
Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, explained that this school
is almost identical to the school at Woodland Hills. He explained the site plan.
Roger Hill, 3497 N. Ammon, was asked about the exits by Tom Hunsaker. Tom Hunsaker also asked
about neighboring homes and the exiting and entering for the school.
Todd Hicks stated neighboring homes would not be affected with entering and exiting. Tom Hunsaker
inquired about Back to School night and parking situations. Roger Hill stated it is the same parking as it is at
Woodland Hills and it is more than adequate. Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the Site Plan for District 93
School Bridgewater as presented. Scott Wessel seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Cindy Donovan stated we will move to the next Hearing number.
Hearing #2007-008 (Rezone from 1&M-1 to CC-1, Trellis Square:
Planning Director Ron Folsom explained
where the property is located. When the property was originally zoned, there was a 30 foot strip that the current
property did not own. It is now the piece of property in question to be consistent with the rest of the property.
Cindy Donovan closed the public hearing. Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the rezone from 1&M-1 to CC-1,
Trellis Square as presented. Bruce Cook seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Planning Director Ron Folsom recommended we move to Action Item E, as it relates directly with the hearing
previously discussed and helps assist with the consistency of information. Cindy Donovan agreed.
E. Site Plan, Teton Spectrum:
Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the Site Plan is located. The
parking and landscaping were already presented as part of the Kohl’s plan, but this section was not.
Mitchell Greer, 155 N. Woodruff, representing the developer stated the parcel has 221parking spaces.
They are proposing a little less than 34,000 square feet of space that would include what they call Phase II. They
should be in excess of what is required. Everything has been constructed, except for a few improvements. They
have addressed everything except items 1 and 2. Cindy Donovan inquired what the two items are. Mitchell Greer
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stated it is a shell structure that can accommodate more tenants. They are in negotiation with the tenants and it is
required that they have a separate water and sewer service for each tenant which makes it a little complicated for the
developer. They understand the City’s position, but need a little flexibility on those items. Ron Folsom stated there
is about 33,000 square feet and they have approximately 174 spaces provided which is about right according to his
calculations. Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the Site Plan for Teton Spectrum with modification added for
future retail pad. Quinn Simmons seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Cindy Donovan stated we will move to the next Hearing number.
Hearing #2007-006 (Conditional Use Permit for PUD/Rezone Requests, RP to HC-1, R-1, R1-A, and RP-A /
Final Approval Master Plan PUD) and 2007-009 (Comprehensive Plan Map Change Request, Low Density
Residential to Commercial Designation, Hawks Holdings)
: Planning Director Ron Folsom explained where the
property is located. The Commission had previously recommended a denial of this PUD to Council and the Council
held a work session on it. On September 6, 2006, P&Z held a public hearing. Council held a meeting on the 21
based on the questions of how water and sewer were going to be used by the developer. Based on that, the City
Council tabled the annexation, which in turn, would table the decision on the PUD. The Council took it to a work
session on October 12 and there was a lot of concern regarding density. The three Council members attending
stated they could live with a net density per acre from 2 to 2.5 units per acre. On November 16, the City Council
was again presented this. Ron Folsom read the motion made by Councilmember Bean. He motioned to “go ahead
with the conceptual project plan as presented and PUD with lots of details to be worked out”. Ron explained the
Council approved it unanimously. He explained the items being presented to the Commission now and for them to
keep in mind there will probably be some variance requests.
Jeff Hawkes, Hawks Landing, the developer stated he has his team here. He explained what the Council
approved for them on November 16. He explained what they are proposing this evening. The land use clusters
have been approved by Council. He explained and pointed out what has been approved to this point. There are a
total of 231 dwelling units in the residential section. There are 10.8 acres in the commercial section. There is a 100
foot green space buffer near Laurelwood. The lowest density housing runs along Sunnyside Road. It is on record
with the Council. They have listened to everyone and feel they have met everyone’s needs as best as possible. The
PUD gives the City much more control. They reduced the density to 2.3 per acre. They also increased their open
space to about 21% open space. He explained their zoning map. The proposed zoning for mansion homes is R1-A
with some variances that need to be considered. The proposed zoning for the cluster homes is R-1. RP-A is for the
quarter acre density section.
Soren Simonson, architect representing the developer, explained the different zones and types of homes
that would be in each zone. They are requesting a variance to be able accommodate a building that would be 100
feet wide. They would like to put the narrower side of the building near the street. They would like the option of
attached or detached garages due to configuration. Detached garages were very popular in the 1970s. He explained
a lot of people like the detached garages. He explained each variance request with each zone. He explained the
square footage of the home types in each zone section. He explained the Village Center envisioned for Hawks
Landing for the commercial side.
Jay Bollwinkel, representing the developer, explained the trail ways. He stated they are requesting smaller
lot sizes because they are putting more green space than most. He stated they are planning a park for the community
and 2.8 miles of trail ways.
Jeff Hawkes showed a few more slides and an aerial view for the Planned Unit Development. He stated it
is a well designed community plan for tomorrow. They are really trying to attract the best for the hillside. He
presented their master plan along with a trail system around the development which will be done in three different
phases. They would like to go before the Council on February 22, 2007. They are willing to give the City this type
of control because they believe in this and think it is good for our community. They requested amending the
comprehensive plan to include the commercial as approved by the Council along with the proposed zoning clusters.
Quinn Simmons inquired if the homes will be developed by one developer. Jeff Hawkes stated they have already
written their CCR’s, which include architectural guidelines with an architectural committee and themes. The
homeowners will have to have their plans approved by the committee. Quinn Simmons asked who the committee
would be composed of, the homeowners or developers. Jeff Hawkes stated under the PUD the City would have a lot
of control. Initially the developer would be involved, the CRSA would be involved, and they have talked about
having 2 or 3 builders also. Ron Folsom stated there will most likely be architectural requirements made by the
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City. Jeff stated that they have asked for HC1, specifically, to try to attract a nice restaurateur. It was inquired if
they had ever done a PUD in another town. Jeff Hawkes stated he has not but his team members have. He
explained the projects he has done in comparison. Quinn Simmons inquired if they have surveyed anyone about this
to see what the demand in this area is. Jeff Hawkes said they have not done any formal survey but have spoken to
many people about the proposed development. He understands some residents next to them may not be for it.
Quinn Simmons inquired how long the development plans to take. Jeff Hawkes stated he will be there for it, and is
unsure how long it will take. He would like to see it done in about 3 – 5 years.
Greg Nebeker, 6220 Partridge Way, stated he moved from Boise and was concerned about privacy. He
understands it looks good, but this is a little city bursting at the seams. He lives in Quail Ridge and is concerned
about the infrastructure. He is concerned about putting lights at Crowley Road on 21 and on 17 He thinks this
community belongs in California or is 15 years ahead of its time. He moved here for wide open spaces, but there is
only 10 feet between residences. He already pays over $4000 a year for schools and that will only increase. He
works in the City of Idaho Falls and is a business owner. He would like to see population, but not this dense. He
doesn’t feel our City is prepared for this type of congestion.
Mike Denning, 2202 S. 60 E. Idaho Falls, stated he is here to inquire for more information. He would like
to see this more spread out. He would propose to look at the density issue closer.
Kim Johnson, 6195 E. Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, stated he thinks it looks like a beautiful project.
However, it is not California and we have winters here. He feels the density is still too great, a lot of variances
requested, servicing all the traffic, silt buildup in the ditch with the Spring runoff, commercial property in what they
call their “country” and the mix of homes. He doesn’t see any reason to change any zoning requirements.
Gary Roberts, 6324 E. Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, stated he is adjacent to the proposed the development.
His questions are: the size of the lots to the west of the development and how they figured out 2.39 units per acre,
because he calculates a little over 3. His opposing testimony would be that he does support the commercial
segment; however he is concerned about bringing a restaurant up there with the parking spaces that would be
needed. He is really concerned with density. When this was originally brought in they said they would have 1 acre
lots, he doesn’t see that now. The average is .3 acres.
Reggie Duke, 6133 E. Sunnyside Road Idaho Falls, stated he has a couple of questions. He is concerned
about the gas station and how it will affect those around it. In between Laurelwood and Founders Point subdivision
there is a drainage canal. He wants to know how they plan to maintain it.
Kathy & Jim Pasley, 2491 S. Foothill Road, (Jim) stated this isn’t California. He would like to see
individual landscaping; hiding the density on the inside isn’t beautiful. He thinks the trails now are beautiful. Kathy
is concerned about high schools and it is too dense to see a sunset.
Tyson Hackbarth, 6263 Partridge Court, stated he is a young professional and lives in Quail Ridge. He
thinks it will have the opposite effect than what they think.
Cindy Donovan asked Bill Manwill if there is anything he would like to address. Bill Manwill talked about
Jeff Hawkes, developer, stated the houses setbacks are 20 to 30 feet, not 10. He stated 2.3 units are not
super dense. It is very consistent with most of the City of Ammon. The densities and land clusters have been
approved. We are looking at zoning and variances and development under PUD. Development will take place on
the hillside and they are trying to work together. He stated they have reduced the density by about 40%. This type
of community will statistically reduce traffic by about 50%. They are a solution to reduce traffic. They are planning
to maintain the trail system; they hope it to be a 12 month access. This type of community is in Idaho. Storm water
and silt will be controlled by engineering it properly, which they have planned for. The density is calculated on the
gross acreage. It is 2.3 dwelling units per acre. The Council approved that calculation. The City has line item veto
with the PUD. Cindy Donovan inquired as to the average lot size on the west side. Jeff Hawkes stated the smallest
is .3 acres and the largest is a little over a half acre. There is also a 6 acre park there. They tried to be very sensitive
to Laurelwood residents. Cindy Donovan inquired about the gas station topic. Jeff Hawkes said the station would
remain to be seen, he is not sure it will go in there. The City will be able to oversee that. He feels the technology
today should not contaminate the existing wells around it with tanks being tested frequently.
Cindy Donovan closed the public hearing. Tom Hunsaker explained the definition of the Planned Unit
Development. He explained the history of the hearings and where the proposal is now. He feels there are still
details we will have to hammer out. Ron Folsom stated they are below on the density from what the Council
recommended. Cindy Donovan inquired what is meant by conditional use. Ron Folsom stated you allow them to
do the use they are asking for based on certain conditions. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend to City Council
that Hawks be granted a Conditional Use Permit for the PUD with conditions to be worked out later. Bob Gustafson
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seconded. Five in favor, one against. Cindy Donovan voted against and stated her concern is about the use,
densities and the developers’ lack of experience. The motion passed.
Ron Folsom commented if they approve the rezone then you have to approve the Comp Plan first. Bob
Gustafson questioned how the HC-1 works. Ron Folsom commented that in the PUD that they cannot put anything
in the HC zone without our approval. You can put more restrictions on a PUD than in a normal development. Scott
Wessel asked if you can put a time limit on a PUD. Tom Hunsaker explained the different zoning requirements for
commercial. He also explained the Conditional Use Permits. He stated he is juggling between C-1 and HC-1 for the
commercial. It was discussed to approve C-1 and then have to get approval for anything needed above that
designation. Ron Folsom said the PUD, once approved, does not expire, unless the developer fails to begin the
project within one year. Tom Hunsaker inquired to Bill Manwill regarding the street alignments with Quail Ridge 9
& 10. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend to City Council to approve the Comprehensive Plan Map Change for
the area they are requesting to go to commercial with the boundaries that are shown. Tom Hunsaker warned
everyone that the state statutes say we can only change our comprehensive plan map, no more frequently, than every
six months. Bruce Cook seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Tom Hunsaker explained all the zones and their requirements for the Commission and the public. It was
discussed whether a zone change is needed for detached or attached homes. Soren Simonson, representing the
developer, stated what they are essentially proposing is individually platted lots, but the setback is reduced to zero.
It was discussed how a building would be defined. Tom Hunsaker inquired where they would put visitor parking.
Soren Simonson stated they have some corner areas to accommodate visitor parking but there is also parking
available on the streets. Quinn Simmons stated it doesn’t look like adequate parking. Some of the inner lots would
not have adequate parking options for visitors. Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend that Council grant the
portion of Hawks Landing subdivision as being requested, be rezoned from HC-1 to C-1 limited commercial. The
portion RP to R1-A be granted with the stipulation that this granting does not allow any greater density in the overall
Hawks Landing subdivision than would have been permitted in a RP zone. That the land requested in Hawks
Landing subdivision to be rezoned from RP to R-1 be denied because the RP zone already accomplishes everything
that the developer desires. The land in Hawks Landing subdivision requested to be rezoned from RP to RP-A be
denied because the existing zone in the PUD is already allowing for everything they want to do. Quinn Simmons
seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
The variance requests and trail ways were discussed by the Commission. Soren Simonson spoke about the
intent from property lines; the actual distance from the curb is 17 feet and 15 feet of setback. The distance from the
trail to the street would exceed the 15 feet. The intent is to give an envelope for trails and right of way. Soren
Simonson discussed the detached versus the attached garages and why they wanted to have them. Tom Hunsaker
mentioned we won’t need to discuss the variances because they are covered in the Master Plan. When we get to
them in the action items, we can say they are not relevant, as they have already been covered.
Tom Hunsaker motioned to recommend to City Council to grant the approval of the Final Master Plan for
the planning and development of the Hawks Landing subdivision subject to the following.
1) The dark green areas (designated on the legend as low density RP) to have a lot width of no less than 85
feet and side yards of no less than 15 feet. The garage can be either attached or detached, as long as, they
meet the parking requirements of the ordinance.
2) The areas in the light orange (designated on the legend as medium density RP-A), the minimum lot size
will be 8000 square feet. The minimum lot width allowed shall be 65 feet. The minimum building setback
is at least 20 feet from the right of way line of any other public streets. The garage can be either attached or
detached, as long as, they meet the parking requirements of the ordinance. Any garage accessed from a
public street shall have a driveway of no less than 20 feet from the foundation of the garage to the public
sidewalk that parallels the public street.
3) The area shown as pink (designated on the legend as clustered R1), that the minimum lot size be 3500
square feet. The minimum lot width is 60 feet. The minimum building setback is 15 feet from the property
line adjacent to the front, unless the front property line has a trail, in that case, it would be a minimum of 5
feet. The garage can be either attached or detached, as long as, they meet the parking requirements of the
ordinance and provided that any garage with access to a public street must have a minimum of 20 feet from
the foundation of the garage to the public sidewalk which parallels the public street. The minimum
building size is 1500 square feet regardless of how many levels there are.
4) The area shown as blue (designated on the legend as mansion R1A, the minimum lot size is 2700 square
feet per dwelling unit or 5400 per building. The minimum lot width is 50 feet per dwelling unit or 100 feet
per building. The minimum side yard is 6 feet from the side that not a zero lot line. The minimum setback
from any public street, from the front of the building, is at least 15 feet unless it faces onto a trail in that
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case it would be a minimum 5 feet. The minimum building size is 1100 square feet for all levels above
ground. The garage can be either attached or detached, as long as, they meet the parking requirements of
the ordinance and provided that any garage that accesses a public street, the distance from the foundation of
the garage to the public sidewalk, which parallels the public street, be no less than 20 feet.
5) The area shown as green (designated on the legend as commercial HC-1), all buildings are set back a
minimum 30 feet from Sunnyside and 20 feet from any other public streets.
The motion was suspended by Tom Hunsaker so they could discuss parking issues. Soren Simonson stated
their proposal is based on a lot of research. It was proposed on daily use, not seasonal use. They do not expect any
more during the seasons. Tom Hunsaker mentioned restaurants will use more parking. Soren Simonson asked if
Ammon has looked into shared parking. He feels they can justify the parking. Jeff Hawkes, developer, stated they
will 150 parking stalls and have two nice sit down restaurants and in the evening the other parking spots won’t be
being used and can be used by the restaurant patrons. Tom Hunsaker inquired about lunch time crowds. Cindy
Donovan would like to see data that would show how it could be reduced in regards to the usages they intend. Tom
Hunsaker also commented that the City Council meeting is one week away on the 15, not the 22.
Tom Hunsaker continued his motion on the green area…
5) Continued…No adjustment will be allowed in regards to minimum parking spaces by Planning and
Zoning, with recommendation that the applicant bring industry standard information to the City Council
meeting so the Council can consider whether or not they can justify a reduction in parking. Landscaping is
a minimum of 30 feet along the arterial but along any other public street it only has to be 10 feet minimum.
Bob Gustafson seconded the motion. Four favors, one opposed. Quinn Simmons stated he feels the orange
section didn’t allow enough green space for the lots. The motion passed.
Planning Director Ron Folsom recommended we move to Action Items F & G, as they relate directly with the
hearing previously discussed and helps assist with the consistency of information. Cindy Donovan agreed.
F. Variance Requests, Hawks Landing:
Tom Hunsaker motioned that we deny all variance requests because no
variances are required to achieve the objectives that the developers have asked for. Bruce Cook seconded. All in
favor, motion passed.
G. Preliminary Plat, Hawks Landing Division 1:
Mountain River presented the Preliminary Plat. They are
working directly with Bill Manwill, City Engineer, to create a good storm water plan for this area.
Tom Hunsaker motioned to add one more condition to the Master Plan - the street shown as Red Tail Loop
is allowed to have a right of way with 50 feet instead of 60 feet and be included in the master plan allowances. Scott
Wessel seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Bob Gustafson motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat for Hawks Landing Division 1 as presented.
Bruce Cook seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
Cindy Donovan inquired to the Commission if we need any additional public hearings on any of the
hearings that have been heard tonight. Tom Hunsaker recommended we don’t need any additional public hearings
but that they allow plenty of time next week for public input. Quinn Simmons motioned to recommend for no
public hearings to go to the Council, but allow plenty of time for public input on Hawks Landing on PUD. Bob
Gustafson seconded. All in favor, motion passed.
A. AIC Subdivisions – Dealing with Change – Meeting March 24, 2007:
Planning Director Ron Folsom
explained the meeting and asked who would like to go. They need to turn the sheet into Ron.
A. City Council actions:
Ron Folsom reported there are two new positions for Council members. The water bond
B. City of Idaho Falls Planning and Zoning actions:
No Report.
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C. Bonneville County Planning and Zoning actions:
Tom Hunsaker reported a couple of items.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 a.m.
Cindy Donovan, Chairman
Leslie Folsom, City Clerk
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