Council Minutes 08/01/1991 I I I Book 7-351 August 1, 1991 CITY OF AMMON August 1, 1991 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order lowing City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Harvey Crandall Councilman Ira K. Hall Councilman Greg J. Maeser at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor C. Bruce Ard with the fol- Attorney W. Joe Anderson Public Works Director David Wadsworth Fire Chief Cal Smith City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen Others Present: James and Marilynn W. Baker, 2180 Dove Drive, Ammon Absent: Engineer David E. Benton The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was directed by Councilman Anderson, and the invocation was offered by Councilman Maeser. Marilynn W. Baker, 2180 Dove Drive, requested a Home Occupation Permit to conduct Northwest Specialty Suppliers from her home. The business involves wholesale and retail catalog sales. The inventory will be minimal, and all the merchandise that is kept in the home is for showing. Usually the orders are sent directly to the purchaser, but occasionally a shipment is received at Baker's residence via United Parcel. The operation does not involve door to door sales. Customers are solicited from stores and friends. Councilman Maeser asked if the home occupation requirements of City Code Chapter 11 Section 5-27-H could be complied with. The applicant agreed, and she was advised that any change in the character of the business would require a review. Councilman Maeser moved to approve the home occupation permit for Marilyn Baker, 2180 Dove Drive. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crandall. Roll call vote: Maeser - Yes; Crandall - Yes; Anderson _ Yes; Hall - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Maeser moved to approve the minutes of City Council Meeting held July 18, 1991, as written. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hall. Roll call vote: Maeser - Yes; Hall - Yes; Anderson - Yes; Crandall - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. The minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held July 24, 1991, were discussed. It was agreed the minutes should be corrected to show the maximum cost approved for road repairs by Beco in Hillview, Hillsdale and the Ammon Townsite to be $89,600. Councilman Maeser moved to approve the minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held July 24, 1991, with the amendment that the total cost of road repairs by Beco is not to exceed $89,600. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crandall. Roll call vote: Maeser - Yes; Crandall - Yes; Anderson - Yes; Hall - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Ard reported on the neighborhood meeting for a park in Tie Breaker Village. Residents were promised that the Mayor would present their ideas to the School Board to determine the School District's willingness to participate. Engineer Benton is working with Developer Suitter on a layout. Some types of neighborhood fund raising and an application for a CHC Foundation grant are being considered. The park can not happen over night, but the City Council agreed to work toward one. A priority list would be beneficial to guide development. Right-of-way acquisition for Ammon Road was discussed. Forsgren Associates have prepared Temporary Construction Easements and Quit Claim Deeds for several of the property owners to sign. The Construction Easement gives permission to the contractor to go five feet on to private property, if necessary, during the construction period. The Quit Claim Deeds are needed to establish a definite right-of-way line. Council members divided up the easements and deeds to visit the property owners to obtain their signature on the appropriate document. If the property owner has questions about signing, he should be referred to Forsgren Associates for a detailed explanation. The City Council has been studying proposed reV1S1ons to the home occupation permit requirements in order to approve an ordinance format prior to returning it to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a Public Hearing and their recom- mendation. The existing ordinance and all susggested revisions were discussed. Areas of discussion included penalty, enforcement, appeal process, over burden of procedures, leaving the R-l requirements as is, more restrictive requirements for the RP and RPA zones, permit fees, non-conforming uses, and the authority rests with the City Council to grant permits. Attorney Anderson agreed to redraft an ordinance to incorporate the suggestions for further Council consideration. The 1992 Fiscal Year Budget Calendar was approved. At City Council Meeting on 352 August 1, 1991 Thursday, August 15, the Council plans to adopt the tentative budget and set the budget hearing for Council Meeting on Thursday, September 5, 1991. At Council Meeting on Thursday, September 19, the Appropriation Ordinance needs to be adopted. Councilman Crandall introduced a proposed ordinance to increase the salary of the Mayor and City Council and moved to defer action on the ordinance until City Council Meeting of August 15, 1991. The City Clerk was instructed to publish notice of the proposed action. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hall. Roll call vote: Crandall - Yes; Hall - Yes; Maeser - Yes; Anderson - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Ard discussed a study completed by Susy Hufford, 1815 Curlew Drive, for a class at Idaho State University. A copy of her report was given to the Mayor, and it is entitled "A Study of the Necessity and Feasibility of Building An Asphalt Walkway Between Hillview and Ammon Elementary Schools." The report is on file in the City Office. I Reports: Public Works Director David Wadsworth reported on the street repair project. Work is underway on the crack routing and crack sealant. Repair was made on the underground electric wiring at Well No. 6 necessitated by a short. The gun in Lions' Park has been painted. Attorney Joe Anderson advised that Attorney Reed Moss responded on the Skidmore fire suppression problem. The letter of response suggested alternate requirements to reduce the fire risk and resolve the sprinkler issue. Mr. Skidmore expressed a willingness to enter into a written agreement with the City. Fire Chief Smith expressed that Skidmore seems more concerned with the building rather than the contents. The Fire Department will accept an agreement, and the City Council concurred. Fire Chief Cal Smith reported on a fire at the new High School which involved a truck. The truck was parked near an open pit where they had been burning construction scraps earlier in the day. The Fire Department continues to receive notices about the availability of used fire trucks. It was suggested that Public Works Director Wadsworth be involved in the selection process. Councilman Hall discussed a request from Idaho Counties Reciprocal Management Program (ICRMP) requesting the City of Ammon adopt a risk management policy and appoint a risk manager. Councilman Hall moved to appoint Aleen Jensen as risk manager and to complete the blanks in the sample risk management statement prepared by ICRMP and adopt it as Resolution No. 91-3 "Risk Management Policy Resolution for City of Ammon." The motion was seconded by Councilman Maeser. Roll call vote: Hall - Yes; Maeser - Yes; Crandall - Yes; Anderson - Yes. The motion carried unanimously. I Councilman Maeser called attention to the new "call before you dig" requirements involving underground utilities. He wondered if the City should adopt a policy. Attorney Anderson was asked to study the information and make a recommendation. The law enforcement agreement with Bonneville County was discussed. A letter from the Sheriff's Office proposed an increase of $35,000 in the contract price for the 1992 Fiscal Year. This is a sizeable increase, and the Mayor and City Council have scheduled a meeting with the County Commissioners to get their input on the proposal. A Public Hearing before the City Council has been scheduled for September 5 to consider revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. Claims were approved. Councilman Crandall moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Maeser. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. c~ I ATTEST tZLe~.;J (! 2 J2,? /4~~-~J CITY CLERK t/