Council Minutes 10/18/1979 I ~ CD I"- o <:( c:::( I I CITY OF AMMON October 18, 1979 October 18, 1979 121 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman David Rowberry Clerk Deon Hemingway Public Works Director Hayse Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Auditor Walter Clapp L. Whiteley Absent: Councilman Francis Lee Others present during the meeting were Brent Andrew, Levi and Dorothy Clements, Ron Parish, Michael D. Rowberry, and Scouts Mark Hirschi and Eric Hirschi. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Mayor Wehmann and the invocation was offered by Councilman Swensen. There were no minutes ready to be approved. The subject of the Tiny Tot Day Care Cent~r at 3415 Molen Street was brought up for dis- cussion, and the presence of Brent Andrew representing the business was acknowledged. Attorney Anderson advised that, since there is a zoning violation involved with this business operating in an R-l Zone and inasmuch as a zone change would be undesirable from the City's standpoint, consideration could be given to issuing a special use permit for this situation. He pointed out, however, that the language of the City Ordinance re- garding special use permits as presently written does not include uses of this nature and suggested that the ordinance could be amended to allow a wider disgression if agreeable with the Planning and Zoning Commission. This suggestion met with the approval of the Mayor and Council members, and Councilman Rowberry indicated that he would present the proposal to the Planning and Zoning Commission at the November meeting. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that it might be well to adopt an ordinance regulating the operation of day care centers, noting that the City of Pocatello has such an ordinance that has been found to be reasonable in its provisions to protect the business as well as the customers. Mr. Andrew indicated willingness to operate the facility with certain restrictions as stipu- lated by the City until such time as the appropriate action can be taken. After matters concerning the fire code, hours of operation, size of the sign, etc., were discussed, Councilwoman Dille moved that consideration be given to amending the City Ordinance re- lative to special use permits and,in the interim, allow the Tiny Tot Day Care Center to continue in operation under the conditions that the number of children be limited to 30, the hours at the center be no longer than' from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M., the sign size be re- stricted to that allowed for home occupations, and the fence be repaired. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried unanimously. An application for a variance submitted by Levi Clements, 3060 Rawson Street, was pre- sented and noted to be a request to build a garage on the east side of his house, which is on a corner lot, with a sideyard setback of less than 30 feet as required in an R-l Zone to a point which the application stated would be 22 feet from the property line. Hayse Whiteley, City Building Inspector, reported that he had checked the location of the property line on the basis of a 99-foot street right-of-way on Western Avenue and de- termined that the measurements provided by Mr. Clements appear to be inaccurate, and that the garage foundation, which is already poured, may be in the City right-of-way. Mayor Wehmann recommended that, on the basis of the research work done, Mr. Clements should have a survey made of his property to definitely establish where the lot lines are, and no action should be taken on the variance until the facts are available and advice from the City Engineer has been obtained. Mr. Clements was asked to notify the City of the findings of a survey one week before the next meeting on November 1, 1979. According to Ron Parish, City insurance agent, the underwriter has inquired if the City officials would like to consider raising the value of insured properties due to inflation, with the recommended value of $130,040 resulting in an additional $40 to $60 of premium per year. The Council indicated that a decision would be made on this right away since the policy renewal date is November 1st. In response to a question by Mayor Wehmann, Mr. Parish stated that there would be no problem with insurance coverage when animal control officers drive a city truck as long as they are employees of the City. The City's financial condition was reviewed under the direction of Auditor Walter Clapp, and a recommendation was made that the City's annual budget be broken down into a monthly budget so that a close comparison of estimated and actual revenue and expenditures can be made on a regular basis. In connection with City finances, Engineer Benton mentioned that the Iona-Bonneville Sewer District expects to be able to make a proposal to pay the City of Ammon in full on its obligation rather than annual payments, and it was requested that the Auditor study this proposal and advise the City. Other items discussed were the sewer at Ammon Produce, the proposed hiring of two part- time animal control officers, business before the Planning Commission, maintenance being done in the Public Works Dept., and a billing from Ammon Plumbing for sewer repair at 2995 Central Avenue. Claims totaling $9,175.89 were approved. Councilwoman Dllle moved and Councilman Rowberry seconded that the meeting adjourn, with voting all in favor, at 9:50 P.M. An executive meeting followed at which time a7% cost-of-living raise for all employees and a number of grade-step salary increases, effective Oct. 26, 1979, were approved. /' -&--,., ~ / / . ATTEST: ~ ~~~ ' ~(LKL-~~ CITY CLERK /. ;-?7