Council Minutes 04/15/1982 I ~ to f'- o <t: <X: I I April 15, 1982 CITY OF AMMON April 15, 1982 203 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen with the following City Officials present: Acting Mayor Russell N. Swensen Councilman Thayle D. Monson Councilman Robert D. Williamson City Clerk Deon Hemingway Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley Engineer David E. Benton Attorney W. Joe Anderson Absent: Mayor George Wehmann, out of town Councilwoman Carol A. Dille, excused Also present during the meeting were Scouts Ron Call, 1940 Sunflower Circle, Justin Thompson, 3395 Rawson Street, Kasey Mitchell, 3340 Southwick Lane, and Shad Loveland, 3325 Rawson Street. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Monson and prayer was offered by Acting Mayor Swensen. Minutes of the meetings on March 18 and April 1, 1982, were approved as prepared. The following proclamation, which was prepared in response to a recommendation in a letter from Governor Evans, was presented for consideration: PRO C LAM A T ION WHEREAS, volunteering of one's time, talents, and resources has been an integral part of our American heritage since the early days of our nation; and WHEREAS, it is essential that we continue this tradition of giving and sharing in order that we can preserve and continue to improve the quality of life for all citizens in our communities; and WHE~AS, anyone--regardless of circumstance or station, factors of race, age, sex, color, or creed--can participate in volunteer service to neighbors and communities; and WHEREAS, our nation is experiencing a time of diminishing natural and technological resources and a time when our people have reached a realiza- tion that government--federal, state, or local--cannot and should not provide every service necessary to build a better environment; and WHEREAS, the receiver is not the only one who benefits from volunteer service, forasmuch as the giver reaps the rewards of improved skills and widened horizons; and WHEREAS, each year a special week is designated in our nation for the dual purpose of recognizing those who give of themselves ,and of encourag- ing all citizens to become involved in volunteer work; NOW, THEREFDRE, r; RUSSELL N. SWENSEN, Acting Mayor of the City of Ammon, do hereby proclaim the week of April 18 through 24, 1982, to be VOLUNI'EER WEEK in Ammon in honor of our City's selfless volunteers who truly give a help- ing heart, and I urge all our City's citizens to help renew and sustain the spirit and vitality of our nation by committing a portion of their time to addressing the needs of our community through volunteer action. It was moved by Councilman Williamson and seconded by Councilman Monson that the pro- clamation be issued; voting was all in favor; motion carried. In connection with the possibility of buying a used fire truck during FY-1983, Council- man Williamson reported that quotations are being obtained on three other trucks inasmuch as parts may not be available for the one in Idaho Falls which was mentioned at the previous meeting. He noted that the course for volunteer firemen at the VoTech School has been completed and an assessment is being made of what training is needed next. Regarding the hydroelectric projects, Councilman Williamson offered the informa- tion that the engineer from the firm of Gibbs & Hill will be in this area next week to inspect the Upper Deer Flat, Lower Deer Flat, and Ririe sites but will not be able to get to the Deadwood site at this time because of the snow depth at that location. According to Hayse Whiteley, Public Works Director, he was advised by Bill Manwill of the County Engineer's office that no federal funds are received for striping of 17th Street. City maintenance work items mentioned included preparations being made for the shelter construction and tree planting in Peterson Park, weed burning along the irrigation ditches in the Original Townsite, and checking the ditch culverts. Attorney Anderson noted that the petition to intervene in the current Utah Power & Light rate increase case has been filed and the pre-hearing conference will be held in Boise on April 27. In response to an inquiry by Councilman Williamson, it was ex- plained by Attorney Anderson that the City assumes the obligation of liability coverage on the Volunteer Fire Department. Acting Mayor Swensen mentioned that work on picnic tables by the 4-H Builders Club is under way and that there were problems at Well #6 over the weekend which were probably caused by a fluctuation in the power. April 15, 1982 May 6, 1982 204 -'"" The subject of the City right-of-way access to the well in Peterson Park, which was referred to in several meetings in the fall of 1981, was brought up for discussion by Acting Mayor Swensen. He explained that Delbert Wadsworth, owner of the land to the north has private equipment on the access and has expressed an unwillingness to cooper- ate with the request of the City Public Works Director to clear the right-of-way at this time. Attorney Anderson advised that official notice giving a reasonable time can be given and the materials can then be moved and stored at the owner's expense if there is no response to the notice, and this procedure was recommended by Acting Mayor Swensen. Public Works Director Hayse Whiteley noted that the City has materials on hand for erecting a chain-link fence along the property line, the same as was done several months ago on the south side of the access, and he recommended that the fence be put up follow- ing the removal of the private equipment inasmuch as Mr. Wadsworth has not kept the area clear as agreed when he met with Mayor Wehmann last fall. It was moved by Councilman Monson and seconded by Councilman Williamson that Attorney Anderson send notice to Mr. Wadsworth as advised giving until April 26, 1982, after which the City should clear the access, if neccessary, and put the fence in. Voting on the motion was all in favor; motion carried unanimously. Maintenance of the right-of-way after fencing was mentioned, and it was agreed that care should be taken to not let the area become a nuisanc~ with probably the best solution being to keep the grass growing rather than putting in gravel or some other surfacing material. The City Clerk presented claims to pay in the amount of $8,957.35 and claims for payroll, etc., paid since the previous meeting totaling $13,214.65, all of which were approved. A motion to adjourn was made by Councilman Williamson and seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. l ,~ I AT~ST:C~.~ ~ A 1'ING MAYOR J1.~ < CITY OF AMMON May 6, 1982 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: I The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann City Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilman Thayle D. Monson Public Works Foreman Thomas Reese Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Robert D. Williamson Absent: Engineer David Benton (excused) Others present during the meeting were Raymond James, 2080 Falcon Dr., Tom Robbins, 2065 Falcon Dr., Donna Rosen, 2985 Meadow Lane, and Loren Peterson, 2950 Geneva Dr. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilman Swensen and prayer was offered by Councilman Williamson. Minutes of the meeting on April 15, 1982, were approved as prepared. Raymond James expressed his feelings about the stop signs at the intersections of Falcon Drive with Salmon Street and Sawtooth Streets, which he suggested should be changed to yield signs, and also made known his concern about a number of other traffic signs in the area and the parking-in-the-street situation on Falcon Drive. Similar comments were made by his neighbor, Tom Robbins. Assurance was given to Mr. James that these matters would be taken under advisement and that Councilman Williamson would get back with him as soon as possible. A request was presented by Donna Rosen of 2985 Meadow Lane to have City approval to be able to replace an existing mobilehome with a double-wide mobilehome, with the possi- I bility of a partial basement under it. It was pointed out that the existing dwelling is non-conforming in an R-l Zone and that the zoning ordinance places certain restrictions on the enlargement of non-conforming uses. Attorney Anderson advised that the City Council needed to determine ff the request represented a material change. After a calculation was made on the difference in square footage and the matter was discussed by the Council members, it was moved by Councilwoman Dille that the request to replace an existing trailerhome with a double-wide trailerhome be granted since this is not a substantial increase in the present non-conforming use. The motion was seconded by Councilman Monson; voting was all in favor; motion passed unanimously. Mrs. Rosen was informed that a building permit would have to be obtained and that the placement of the trailerhome on the lot would have to meet all of the zoning setback requirements. In connection with the matter of trailerhomes in residential zones, Mayor Wehmann mentioned that a model ordinance on this subject has been sent out by the Association of Idaho Cities, and Councilman Monson was asked to bring this to the attention of the Planning and Zoning Commission for study and recommendation to the City Council.