Council Minutes 08/19/1982 I ~ c..o f' o <[ <( I I CITY OF AMMON August 19, 1982 August 19, 1982 215 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Official present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Thayle D. Monson Councilman Robert D. Williamson Also present during the meeting was Brian Dille, Boy Scout. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Councilwoman Dille and prayer was offered by Mayor Wehmann. Minutes of the meeting on July 1, 1982, were approved as prepared. Gary Butterworth reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on requests for rezoning on four properties on the north side of 17th Street and one parcel on the northwest corner of Ammon-Lincoln Road and Sunnyside Road, following which a recommendation was made for approval on the applications of AMR Corporation, Valley Bank, and Richard Kelly, but action was deferred on the David Benton and GHG properties for further study. It was decided that a hearing before the City Council should be scheduled on the three requests which have been given Planning and Zoning approval, with the date to be set in accordance with the notice requirements of the land use law. Mayor Wehmann mentioned that the City will need to adopt an ordinance to regulate the procedures to be used in conducting public hearings as set forth by the State Legis- lature in House Bill 729. Deputy City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen Public Works Foreman Thomas Reese Planning Commission Member Gary Butterworth The problem of excessive use of sprinkling water on the school grounds was brought up by Mayor Wehmann, and it was agreed that the matter of establishing a summer water rate for the school district should be considered at an appropriate time next year. According to Mayor Wehmann, a favorable report has been received from the State Parks Department as a result of a recent inspection of park facilities which have been de- veloped with grant funds. Councilman Swensen noted that he has been contacted by a representative of the Homer- Koster Agency regarding giving a quote on the City's property and liability insurance. A review of the latest law enforcement report from the Sheriff's Department was given by Councilman Williamson. He also referred to a complaint about a piece of construction equipment (a gravel hopper) which has been parked on property owned by Harold Loveland, and it was ~reed that Councilman Swensen should talk to the responsible parties to get this hazard removed. Other items mentioned by Councilman Williamson were in connection with a report that should be coming from the Gibbs & Hill engineering firm on the hydro- electric feasibility studies and the testimony which was prepared and put into the record at the recent hearing on the Utah Power & Light Company rate-increase case. As a matter of interest, Councilwoman Dille observed that it was good to receive a note of appreciation from a family that used the park shelter recently. With reference to the dances which were shheduled at the tennis courts, as mentioned in the previous meeting, it was reported that the first dance was not a success so the second one has been cancelled. According to information given by Public Works Foreman Tom Reese, crosswalks are being painted, weeds on the City right-of-ways are being cut, and the Sunnyside Potato Company has obtained a permit and started work on sedimentation basins. Claims to pay in the amount of $14,977.10, along with vouchers for payroll and related expenses paid since the previous meeting in the amount of $10,925.93, were presented and approved by the Council and Mayor. Figures for a proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1983 were reviewed and discussed in detail. It was felt advisable to accept the calculations made by Mayor Wehmann, which included an increase of $2.00 per month in the sewer fee and $1.00 per month in the water fee in order to meet the estimated expenditures to provide those services, with no increase in property taxes and employee salary raises limited to 2% for cost-of-living. Mayor Weh- mann pointed out that revenue from the State liquor-tax and gas-tax funds are expected to be more than the preceding year because of legislative re-apportionments, but Federal revenue sharing funds will be reduced. It was moved by Councilwoman Dille and seconded by Councilman Monson that the tentative budget for FY-1983 be approved, with no increase in property taxes and an increase of $1.00 per month in the water fee and $2.00 per month in the sewer fee. Voting on the motion was all in favor; motion carried. The public hearing on the revenue sharing budget and the total budget will be at the next regular meeting on September 2, 1982. Councilwoman Dille moved to adjourn; the second on the motion was by Councilman William- son; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned. (Minutes taken by Deputy City Clerk Aleen C. Jensen) ~~ ATTEST CITY CLERK / /~~~{')t (J ~YOR - I / // -1 / / ,/ t: / 6' ;: ~~' ~7 -77 ,::" r9~ '77 /7-'7 September 2, 1982 21() CITY OF AMMON September 2, 1982 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann City Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Russell N. Swensen Public Works Director Hayse L. Whiteley Councilman Thayle D. Monson Engineer David E. Benton Councilman Robert D. Williamson Attorney W. Joe Anderson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Planning Commission Member Richard Kelly The pledge of allegiance to the flag was conducted by Mayor Wehmann and prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. I The meeting was opened as a public hearing on the $26,300 Revenue Sharing budget for Fiscal Year 1981, which had been advertised in the official newspaper on August 24 and August 31, 1982. Mayor Wehmann reviewed the proposed expenditures of $6,100 to a Fire Department Reserve Fund, $5,000 for authorized park improvements, and $15,200 to the Sanitation Capital Reserve Fund for a down payment on a new truck. It was noted that, if a garbage truck is not purchased, it may be necessary to re-open the budget and designate the Revenue Sharing funds for another purpose. There being no citizens present to make comment, the hearing was closed and the meeting continued as the hearing for the total budget of $667,224 for the 1983 fiscal year. Comments by Mayor Wehmann were relative to the increases of $1.00 per month for water service and $2.00 per month for sewer service on which the budget is based, and he indicated that he would prepare a message to go out with the new payment books to explain to the people about the un- controllable costs that are responsible for making the higher fees necessary. No interested residents were present, and the hearing was closed at 7155 P.M. Richard Kelly, of the Planning and Zoning Commission, had nothing new to report, and it was pointed out that the date for the public hearing before the City Council on the re- zoning requests for AMR Corporation, Valley Bank, and Richard Kelly has been established as October 7 at 7:30 P.M. In connection with the new budget on which the public hearing was just completed, it was moved by Councilman Swensen and seconded by Councilman Williamson that the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1983 be approved. Voting on the motion was all in favor; motion approved unanimously. Ordinance No. 192, having the following title, was introduced: I AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING' FOR THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO; FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF THE SEVERAL FUNDS AND THE PURPOSES FOR WHICH APPROPRIATED DURING THE FISCAL YEAR 1983 COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 1982, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1983, AND PROVIDING FOR THE AMOUNT APPROPRIATED FOR SUCH FUNDS. Councilman Swensen moved to dispense with the rule requiring the reading of the ordinance on three different days, that the three readings be waived, and that Ordinance No. 192 be placed on its third and final reading. Councilman Monson seconded the motion; voting was Swensen yes, Monson yes, Dille yes, Williamson yes; motion carried. Ordinance No. 192 was read in full. It was moved by Councilman Swensen and seconded by Councilman Monson that Ordinance No. 192 be adopted on its third and final reading. Voting on the motion was Swensen yes, Monson yes, Dille yes, Williamson yes; motion carried and Ordinance No. 192 adopted. According to Councilman Williamson, a representative of Gibbs & Hill, Inc., may be coming here next week regarding the hydropower project studies. He also presented a short re- port on the by-laws which are being proposed for'the volunteer fire department. Engineer Benton reviewed recent happenings in connection with efforts to plan for a sanitary sewer system in the City of Ucon, and Mayor Wehmann stated that there is a need to watch the situation closely as it relates to the flow through the Ammon sewer lines for calculating treatment costs., Public Works Director Hayse Whiteley reported on projects which are being worked on, including putting a new roof on the McCowin Park shelter. I Claims totaling $9,733.19 were presented by the City Clerk and approved for payment, along with the ,signing of vouchers for payroll items and fund transfers which were made since the previous meeting in the amount of $22,638.48. Councilwoman Dille made a motion to adjourn; Councilman Swensen seconded the motion; voting was all in favor; meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. ATrEST, ~~ Clf'{ CLERK ' ~ ~? A' "";;>0 . ,~~/Z./(kA/u.1 /~A OR ' I v