Council Minutes 03/04/2004 CITY OF AMMON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2004 The meeting was called to order by Mayor C. Bruce Ard at 7:30 p.m. in the City Building, 2135 South Ammon Road, Ammon, Idaho, with the following City Officials present: Mayor C. Bruce Ard Councilmember W. Lee Bean Councilmember Karen Y. Anderson Councilmember Randy Waite Councilmember Rex Thompson City Administrator Bruce Rose City Engineer Bill Manwill Planning & Zoning Chairman Doug Willden Planning & Zoning Commission Member Tom Hunsaker Deputy City Clerk/Treasurer Deon Cole City Officials Absent: City Attorney Scott Hall City Clerk/Treasurer Diane Gempler Councilmember Thompson led the Pledee of Alleeiance to the Flae and, Councilmember Anderson offered a Draver. Minutes -March 4. 2004: Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the February 19,2004, minutes. Councilmember Thompson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes. The motion carried. Consent Aeenda: Councilmember Waite motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Anderson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. Public Hearines: None ACTION ITEMS: Eaele Pines #1 PreliminarvlFinall Lot Plat and Site Plan: City Administrator Bruce Rose presented slides of the proposed plat, vicinity and zoning, and site plan. The Property is Locate at the South East Comer of Ammon Road and East 17th Street. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the preliminary/final plat and site plan at their March 2, 2004, meeting. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering, answered Council questions regarding the proposed plat and site plan Kim Hall, 3585 East 17th Street, addressed the Council voicing that the development will add to traffic on 17th Street, urging the Council to consider requiring the developer to improve 17th Street by widening and creation of a deceleration and acceleration lane from the entrance to the property. The Council discussed the proposed preliminary/final plat and site plan, including the location of the 17th Street entrance to the property, the requirement in the annexation and development agreement that provides for developer contribution to improvement of 17th Street, and set back requirements. It was suggested that additional street lighting be required at the entrances to the property. Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Eagle Pines #1 Preliminary/Final Plat and Site Plan with the conditions that 1) Street lighting is developed in conjunction with the City Engineer at the cost of the developer; 2) The exit to 17th Street be moved to the East 60 to 70 feet; 3) Curb, gutter and sidewalk be placed from Ammon Road to the entrance at a 40 foot right-of-way and further to the east at a 50 foot right- of-way; and 4) improvement of 17th Street from the center line to the property line, subject to approval by City Council Minutes 03/04/2004 - 1 the City Engineer of the improvement drawings. Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. Peterson Enterprises Site Plan and Development Al!reement: City Administrator Bruce Rose presented a history of the property with slides of the proposed Site Plan, vicinity and adjacent zoning. A copy of the July 11, 1996, City Council Minutes regarding the development agreement and rezone was provided to the Council with their meeting packets. The property is located South of East 17th Street between Heather Lane and Midway A venue. Planning and Zoning voted unanimously to recommend the Council approve the proposed Site Plan contingent on contractual agreement for maintenance of the lots south of the fence line. Michael Jones, 1805 Midway, addressed the Council with concerns that the development agreement has not been available to neighboring property owners prior to the consideration of the development agreement by the Council. Mr. Jones requests the Council hold a public hearing on the development agreement to allow neighboring property owners input. Holly Bond, 1805 Heather Lane, addressed the Council regarding 1987 agreements made by the previous property owner to construct a block wall in conjunction with the rezoning of the three lots that are currently residential to commercial. The Council discussed the buffering issue presented by Mr. Jones and Ms. Bond. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering, answered Council questions regarding the proposed Site Plan and Development Agreement. Mark Peterson, the developer answered the Council's questions regarding maintenance of the landscaping along the south side of the fence line. The plan is to deed that property to the homeowners who have been maintaining the property. The Council discussed proposed Site Plan and Development Agreement. Discussion included requiring a block wall along Lot 16; low level lighting along the length of the alley behind the building; and, the traffic flows generated by the location of the entrances/exits from the property and possible means of altering the potential flow patterns. Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the Peterson Enterprises Development Agreement including special conditions that the developer will 1) maintain the existing vinyl fencing, and construct a block fence along the border with lot 16; 2) install low level lighting in the alleyway behind the building; and, 3) will make necessary legal arrangements to ensure the landscaping of those lots south of the fence line will be maintained. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the Site Plan with the 17th Street entrance moved to the east, and change the obvious traffic flow from the property to Midway. Mr. Peterson indicated that the development will not be completed if the requirement is made to change the traffic flow from what has been presented in the Site Plan. The Council further discussed the traffic flow issue. Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Peterson Enterprises preliminary Site Plan with the condition that the 17th Street entrance is moved 30 feet to the east. Councilmember Waite seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - No, Councilmember Thompson - No, Mayor Ard - Yes. The motion carried. Fox Hollow Phase #4 & #5 Site Plans & Condo Plat: City Administrator Bruce Rose presented slides of the proposed Site Plan, vicinity and adjacent zoning. The property is located North of 17th Street across from Tiebreaker. Planning and Zoning voted unanimously to recommend the Council approve the proposed Site Plan. Alan Cunningham, 1020 Lincoln Road, of Mountain River Engineering, and Brett Skidmore, 324 Sunnyside, the developer, answered Council questions regarding the proposed Site Plan. The Council discussed proposed Site Plan, considering the private drive being planned and that there is not any access to the property other than from 1 sl Street; whether curb and gutter should be required along 1 sl Street; and, conditions contained in the Fox Hollow Development Agreement. Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Fox Hollow phase #4 preliminary Site Plan and condominium plat conditioned upon a memorandum of understanding being completed between the City Council Minutes 03/04/2004 - 2 developer and the City which stipulates that the developer agrees to participate in his equitable cost of construction of future curb, gutter, storm drainage and street improvements along the portions of this division that abuts 1 st Street at such time as the City implements and project to make these improvements; and, that the developer agree to allow the use of the private driveways by the property West of Phase #4 and East of Phase #5. Councilmember Anderson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Councilmember Bean motioned to approve the Fox Hollow phase #5 preliminary Site Plan. Councilmember Anderson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. Steve Clark Commercial Duildine: Site Plan: City Administrator Bruce Rose presented slides of the proposed Site Plan, vicinity and adjacent zoning. Planning and Zoning voted unanimously to recommend the Council approve the proposed Site Plan Steve Clark, the developer addressed the Council. The property is located on 14th North, in the M~estic Acres Addition to the City of Ammon. Planning and Zoning indicated that the landscaping along 14 North needs to be increased to 15 feet, with the entrance to the property to be a minimum of 12 feet. Mr. Clark answered Council questions regarding the proposed Site Plan. The Council discussed proposed Site Plan. Councilmember Anderson motioned to approve the Steve Clark Commercial Building preliminary Site Plan. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Aoorove Did for Two (2) Pickuos: Councilmember Waite motioned to approve the purchase of one pickup for the Parks Department and one pickup for the Public Works Department from Erickson Pontiac/GMC at $20,657 each. Councilmember Thompson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Waite - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Anderson- Yes. The motion carried. Lift Station Chane:e Order: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported on the status of the Ross Avenue Lift Station project. It became apparent that there may be an encroachment on private property on the north side of Nina. Additional survey work to locate the property line was been authorized by Mayor Arci, and the property line was located. The Contractor, HK, will bear the expense of restoration of the private property. City Administrator Rose requested the Council ratify the change order as was authorized. Councilmember Anderson motioned to ratify the change order. Councilmember Thompson seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Waite- Yes. The motion carried. City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that an additional delay has occurred with respect to the project. City Engineer Bill Manwill informed the Council that in designing the lift station, Forsgren and Associates noted the need to upgrade the electrical service to the lift station. Utah Power had not contacted with regard to upgrading the service, and work on the lift station cannot be started until the electrical service work has been completed, as it would require extensive use of temporary bypass pumps. Currently it is expected that a meeting with Utah Power will not be held until March 25th. Glen Pond of Utah Power is working to move the meeting up to facilitate upgrading of the electrical service as soon as possible. Shellev Mailbox Claim: City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that the Shelley's have written a formal request for review by the City Council, as the claim that was filed with the City insurance carrier was denied. The Council discussed the issue of setting a precedence that will obligate the City in the event of future claims. Councilmember Anderson motioned to table the Shelley Mailbox Claim. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Public Comment Ree:ardine: Items Not on Ae:enda: Eldon Harker, 2150 Caballero, Ammon, Idaho, addressed the Council with concerns regarding the Regional Sewer StudylProject. Mr. Harker attended the meeting at Benton Engineering and contacted Mayor Ard with questions. Mr. Harker's concern is that City Council Minutes 03/04/2004 - 3 there is too little information available to the citizen's. Mr. Harker feels that the information he has been given so far does not favor participation in the project; that the members of the Council do not appear to be informed; and, that few people in the City of Ammon are aware of the project. In addition, Mr. Harker feels that the people of Ammon are not being informed ofthe meetings that are being held regarding the project. The Council discussed the issues presented with Mr. Harker. Russel Swensen addressed the Council asking who is responsible for the intersection at Hitt and Sunnyside Road. City Engineer Bill Manwill informed Mr. Swensen that the intersection project is scheduled for later this summer, and that % of the intersection belongs to the City ofIdaho Falls and Y4 belongs to Bonneville County. Mr. Swensen also requested that the numerous potholes along the City of Ammon section of Sunnyside Road be repaired. PlanniDl! and Zonin!! Ordinance Amendments: Planning and Zoning Vice Chairman Tom Hunsaker reported that he has reviewed the ordinance and submitted corrections to City Attorney Scott Hall. City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that City Attorney Hall has delivered a computer diskette with the corrections made to the city office. Councilmember Anderson read Ordinance #342, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF A CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AMMON INCLUDING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF A CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AMMON INCLUDING AMENDING SECTION 10-33-1 RELATING TO THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RE RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-4; WIDTH REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND ANIMAL AREAS AND ENCLOSURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-6; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-11-3; APPLICATION OF ZONE REGULATIONS; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RP RESIDENCE PARK ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RP-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE RP-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-5 LOCATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE R-l RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10- 14A-l GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RI-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 1O-14A-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS OF THE RI-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-14A-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14A-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-14A-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14A-8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE F AMIL Y A TT ACHED DWELLINGS WITHIN THE RI-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-F AMIL Y ATTACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN THE R-2A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2A City Council Minutes 03/04/2004 - 4 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-16-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-2A RESIDENCE ZONE; ADDING SECTION 10-16-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-F AMIL Y A TT ACHED DWELLINGS; ADDING SECTION 10- 16-10 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING MULTIPLE-FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-6 HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-17-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; ADDING SECTION 10-17-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-17-10 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING MULTIPLE- F AMIL Y A TT ACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-6 HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-18-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; ADDING SECTION 10-18-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-18-10 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING MUL TIPLE-F AMIL Y A IT ACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE C-l LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE C-l LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE C-l LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE C-l LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-21-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE HC-l HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-22-2 USE REGULATIONS WITHIN THE CC-l CENTRAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-22-3 AREA, FRONTAGE, LOCATION, HEIGHT, AND SIZE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE CC-l CENTRAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-23-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE GC-l GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-23-3 AREA, FRONTAGE, LOCATION, HEIGHT, AND SIZE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE GC-l GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-2 PLAT REQUIRED; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-7 PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-8 FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF FINAL PLATTING WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS; AMENDING SECTION 10-5-23 REQUIRED PARKING AND LOADING AREAS; AMENDING SECTION 10-5-24 RELATING TO LANDSCAPING WITHIN THE SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS TO ZONES by title and motioned to dispense with the rule requiring three readings of the Ordinance. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson - Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Thompson - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes. The motion carried. Councilmember Anderson read Ordinance #342 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF A CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AMMON INCLUDING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF A CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF AMMON INCLUDING AMENDING SECTION 10-33-1 RELATING TO THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF RE RESIDENTIAL ESTATE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-4; WIDTH REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND ANIMAL AREAS AND ENCLOSURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-6; AMENDING SECTION 10-33-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-11-3; APPLICATION OF ZONE REGULATIONS; City Council Minutes 03/04/2004 - 5 AMENDING SECTION 10-12-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RP RESIDENCE PARK ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-12-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RP-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE RP-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-5 LOCATIONS OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-13-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE R-1 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-14-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10- 14A-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF R1-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-14A-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS OF THE R1-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 1O-14A-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14A-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 1O-14A-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-14A-8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS WITHIN THE R1-A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-2 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-15-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN THE R-2A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-2A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-16-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-16-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-2A RESIDENCE ZONE; ADDING SECTION 10-16-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-F AMIL Y A TT ACHED DWELLINGS; ADDING SECTION 10- 16-10 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING MULTIPLE-FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-2 USE REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-6 HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-17-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-17-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-3 RESIDENCE ZONE; ADDING SECTION 10-17-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-17-10 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING MULTIPLE- FAMILY ATTACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-1 GENERAL OBJECTIVES AND CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-6 HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-18-7 SIZE OF BUILDINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-18-8 LOT COVERAGE WITHIN THE R-3A RESIDENCE ZONE; ADDING SECTION 10-18-9 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLINGS; ADDING SECTION 10-18-10 SPECIAL PROVISIONS REGARDING MUL TIPLE-F AMIL Y ATTACHED DWELLINGS; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE C-1 LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-3 AREA REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE C-1 LIMITED BUSINESS City Council Minutes 03/04/2004 - 6 ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-4 WIDTH REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE C-l LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-20-5 LOCATION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE C-l LIMITED BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-21-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE HC-l HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-22-2 USE REGULATIONS WITHIN THE CC-l CENTRAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-22-3 AREA, FRONTAGE, LOCATION, HEIGHT, AND SIZE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE CC-l CENTRAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-23-2 USE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE GC-l GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-23-3 AREA, FRONTAGE, LOCATION, HEIGHT, AND SIZE REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE GC-l GENERAL COMMERCIAL ZONE; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-2 PLAT REQUIRED; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-6 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-7 PRELIMINARY PLAT REQUIREMENTS; AMENDING SECTION 10-29-8 FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF FINAL PLATTING WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS; AMENDING SECTION 10-5-23 REQUIRED PARKING AND LOADING AREAS; AMENDING SECTION 10-5-24 RELATING TO LANDSCAPING WITHIN THE SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS TO ZONES by title and motioned to adopt Ordinance #342 on its third and final reading following final proofreading by Planning and Zoning Vice Chairman Tom Hunsaker. Councilmember Bean seconded. Roll call vote: Councilmember Anderson- Yes, Councilmember Bean - Yes, Councilmember Waite - Yes, and Councilmember Thompson - Yes. The motion carried. MISCELLANEOUS DISCUSSION: Planning and Zoning Vice Chairman Tom Hunsaker reported that the Comprehensive Plan Committee has been discussing a master plan for bicycle paths. The Committee has also begun research on regulation of condominiums and condominium plats. Bill Manwill reported that there has been a verbal made for the Sunnyside Drainage with Jay Johnson with an easement through the Judy property which is under option with Woodbury Corporation. Councilmember Bean reported that the Fire Department has had a brush truck donated to them by the State of Idaho. They also may have a tanker truck donated to them. The Fire Department would like to donate an older truck to another department. The Council agreed with the plan to donate the older truck. Councilmember Bean reported he has spoken with Jeff Frieberg at Harper-Leavitt regarding the Suitter property. The City ofIdaho Falls has submitted plans for widening ofHitt Road to 151 Street and Curb and Gutter along the easement to Mr. Suitter. Councilmember Bean informed the Council that the City ofIdaho Falls might request the City of Ammon participate in the cost of those improvements. City Administrator Bruce Rose reported that the McDonald's have not yet agreed to the easements for the John Adams/Ammon Road water project. The McDonald's are requesting guarantee hook-ups for all development and reserve water capacity for anyone in their development. City Attorney Scott Hall has responded to the McDonald's letter requesting these concessions. The City is awaiting response at this time. Councilmember Bean motioned to adjourn. Councilmember Waite seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11 :30 p.m. ///./..._--.~ ~ ~ ~~ C:--Bfuce ,. yor . ..,,--~ " \ . <-. . L <!>-y...J. Diane B. Gempler, City Clerk/Tr L-___ City Council Minutes 03/04/2004 - 7