Council Minutes 05/15/1974 I o 00 f:'- Q.:l tt:l C1J I I 0/' Engineer Benton went over the procedure for setting up a Local Improvement District for the 17th Street widening and paving project, and pointed out on the City map some short street sections in other parts of the City that might be included in the same L. 1. D. If felt advisable. He was asked to check with the property owners on the sUggested streets to see if they are interested. A-CCording to Mr. Benton, the engineering work has been done for the drainage situation at Dal Avenue and Samuel Street, so the problem will be taken care of when the paving, etc., is done after the sewer construction is Completed there. Councilman Swensen reported that traffic survey forms regarding the parking problem are being mailed to all residents of the Hillview and Hillsdale Additions which is expected to give the Traffic Safety Commission some help in making a recommendation on this subject. Concerning the matter of having special garbage containers for schools and businesses, Councilman Anderson noted that the people he has contacted about this do not like having to pay extra for garbage service and there are still more to be contacted. (See excerpt of minutes prepared by Attorney for resolution adopted approving request for payment for the water and sewer construction project: Motion made by Councilman Cheney, seconded by Councilman Anderson, voting all in favor. ) Mayor Turnbow reported to the Council on the status of the application to the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for matching funds for acquisition of land for a city park in Peterson Park Division #3 to the effect that the B. O. R. is working to have the money to the City near the first of June, even though this funding was not previously scheduled until after September of this year. He explained that this is due to a project being cancelled by the City of American Falls, so the money for that can be put out to other municipalities. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Cheney moved that the meeting adjourn at approximately 12:45 A. M.; seconded by Councilman Anderson; meeting adjourned. ~~. CLERK ' /T' ~.-({, c111~ MA OR . . CITY OF AMMON May 15, 1974 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7: 33 P. M. by Council Chairman Russell N. Swensen with the following City Officials present; Councilman Russell N. Swensen Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Brent Hirschi Engineer David E. Benton Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Project Engineer Larry Perkins Attorney W. Joe Anderson Project Engineer Robert Butler Attorney Franklin Smith Mayor Keith C. Turnbow arrived at 9:30 P.M. Councilman Marvin J. Anderson arrived at 9:45 P. M. Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 1, 1974, were approved as typed later in the meeting' 2J;f. (; L Approximately 75 citizens, representing new property owners in the City, were pre sent to tmd get better informed on the "ewer "e rvice line charge notified about recently for those whose homes were constructed since the sewer bond election on July 18, 1972. Background information was given by Attorney W. Joe Anderson, with Engineers Larry Perkins and David Benton helping to answer questions. It was explained that the unexpected number of new homes built in Ammon in the last two years has resulted in an increased cost of putting in sewer service lines above the original project financing, with no possibilities of getting additional funds under the present federal grants and bond issue. Accordingly, all owners of new homes built since the bond electi:)]rn were assessed a service line charge (see motion and chart in minutes of April 17 , 1974) which was implied in the original planning but which those involved were not previously made aware of, this being one of the reasons for complai.nt. Other objections expressed were the short notice given allowing only until June 1, 1974, to get the money paid, and the failure to consider spreading the additional cost out to all theresidents of the City. An explanation of the distinction between the sewer hook-on fee and the charge for the sewer service line was made, noting that a policy on the hook-on fee was nade early in the project planning, while a projection had been made on what was felt to be a reasonable increase in the nember of sewer service lines that would be added during the construction which had now beendetermined to be inadequate. In answer to a question regarding what authority the City had to make the charge under discussion, Attorney Anderson replied that the basis is the responsibility that the City Council has, both under the statutes and the Sewer Bond Ordinance, to make sure that the system is paid for. Several sUggestions were made be the citizens as alternatives to making the payment as requested at this time: Spread the cost out to all property owners in the Citv; allow those who prefer to wait until the project is completed and accepted to have their service line put in by a contractor of their choosing if the cost would be less than the charge assessed by the Cit)/"; or look into the possibilitiesof an additional loan to the City to be paid by a portion of the monthly charge which will be coming in from the new-construction owne rs. The last plan was felt to be the most acceptable by the Council, and the June 1 payment deadline was relaxed whil further study and consideration is being given to the matter. Attorney Anderson was asked to check out the legal procedure to follow to obtain the sUggested additional loan, and a continuation of this meeting was set up for Thursday, May 23, 6: 30 A. M., in the CityBuilding' at which time it was felt that a decision could be made. . Attorney Smith reported on the progress of the agreement with' Boise Cascade regarding the curb and gutter for East Hills Addition to the effect that putting the money in escrow seems to be the likely arrangement. Mayor Turnbow requested that a City account be used for this purpose, and that the Boise Cascade people be informed that there will be a charge to them for a proportionate share of the cost of the waterline going past the property, for which Engineer Benton is to get the figures to the Attorney. (See excerpt of minutes prepared by Attorney for resolution regarding approval of requests for payment on the sewer and water project. ) An inquiry from Mayor Turnbow regarding obtaining money to apply on the interim financing loan for the water and sewer project from the HUD grant will be referred to Project Engineer :POUg Jensen. I I I ,J I --:'& I u7 /~ //7y I! . II /I I~. ~~(~ 'I~ I -J I I ia .;d?d~ u i tk,~eh .0- ... 1 ~~_.._,~ . _. !1..ah4:1 c.an.;:::r 1+ ..m~ r-{. .4~ IL~~. . F!~tf .~. .... I ~Li... d.. &-veZ/ I "'~0 r-= i ~flJ&," ii~o~.. L. ~-,-.__;j.~o..,- . ff I I' '""'.~~"""'_"_ ~. ...,_.J i I II II - ______________ Iii.. --11 , i - II --r.... .---- . --- . - I j- I ! i -t- I I i , -lJ I~- II __ Ir----. m I! -4+ II -rr- II ir --~- - . ~t- ---- ! I ! 1 II -- --------+-+ - ----- -- -- ! ! i! i' _ ___-11_ , . , i I j -++----------- I! j ~ i' .~t--T--- -~ ..~ -.-~~-__r__~-'-~-~- Ii ! j . I -1\ ~ 1 --_._-----~----_._._----- i .--.----..- 1 ' --.- .-+ , I I I -1- I! - II i I i; j I II ! i J;.Y77~t~7~ '~41~:1~ .rv1.111 ~ YV\A.a!! ~~ ~~'- 1!iFW- Ijc1 ~ c;f7~ ~~ . ~.-+ 7JJ~'II~ J ~ +~ ~ ~~~'6., ~MA- 8~/na.v' ~...~ ~c:J-. .~~ >'17..'. ....::A... ~ .>?1/Ud. :! .8~f. ~ .. ~A~~... !Y\ a.. 'v- fV\ R-.>l i J'h:dJ. ~ I i I j . .... i/~~ IY/~ -- ?:s-- I Ij i I I [ 11 ! 1 I U II : ! -.. .. . l.! .. i II t, , i .\ ........- .~ ~ _ .__ ."__m___.__n -...J . ,.<& . Wf(~,'.ii ---..- -- Ii i' j l I I I t i I t ~ "-----~~- "~ --- -t ." -- -----~- ------- --=1--=1 II -- I~~ I~ ~-- ___ J 1--- ~ i II I 63~ I The Council viewed preliminary plats which have been presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission for developments on the McCowin Property (bordered by 17th St. and Midway Avenue), the Vern P~t:erson Property (north of Peterson Park Division #3), and the Derrald Ricks property to be known as Holly Cove Park (south of the Hillsdale Addition on an extension of EaQ'le Drive). It is expected that all of these areas would become part of the Citv if developed as planned. A proposed development south of the City on the Ammon Road was also viewed, and Engineer Benton explained that this plan will gO to the BCOG now that the Ammon Planning and Zoning Commission has given approval. Mayor Turnbow expressed the feeling that the City of Ammon may be involved with this in the future since it is within 150 feet of the City Limits and may be required to hook on to the sewer system. A recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission to have the Zoning Ordinance changed to require a minimum frontage of 80 feet for lots in the R-l Zone was considered and felt to be advisable. Attorney Smith agreed to work out the details of an am.endment on this subject. o 00 l'- ~ c:.x.:J ~ The necessity of avoiding any misunderstanding about the sewer serVlce line charge for future construction was discussed. Accordingly, Councilman Hirschi made the following motion: Regarding the sewer service line charge for construction since July 18, 1972, and regardles s of the decision to be reached pe rtaining to the letters of May 2, 1974, the cut-off date for any new construction of sewer service lines is May 15, 1974; any new construction after that time will pay the sewer service line charge in accordance with the procedure outlined in the meeting of April 17, 1974. Seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Swenson moved to recess until 6: 30 A. M., May 23, 1974; seconded by Councilman Cheney. (Time:12:20 A. M.) Claims were approved for payment. I /J " ~~~ CLERK ~tfl1 cJWvnhw-- M YOR CITY OF AMMON May 23, 1974 Meeting was called to order at 6: 30 A. M. Present were; Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Swensen Councilman Cheney Councilman Hirschi Attorney Joe Anderson Attorney Franklin Smith Engineer David Benton Engineer Larry Perkins Clerk Deon Hemingway I Attorney Anderson explained that his stUdy of the statutes and checking with the bonding attorney revealed that the City can obtain the additional fundS needed to pay the con- tractor for putting in extra sewer service lines for the new ho:nes built since the bond election by setting up a Local Improvement District of the pro~perties that are affected, ana either issue registerea warrants or bo~s, which the bark. people have inaica~d they would accept at probably ( or 8 percent interest over a lO-year periOd. Arrange- lments could be made to pay the debt set up in this manner from the monthly charges as