Council Minutes 09/04/1974 I "'. to study the matter further and make a recommendation to the Council. Since this sug- gestiQn was considered advisable by all concerned, Councilman Hirschi moved that the Council appoint a committee with two on the committee from the residents of Jennie Jean Acres and three from within the City,and with Engineer Benton as advisor. Th~ motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Chairman Swensen requested recomme:ndations for the committee from the group present, and was given the names of Bill Quapp, Jim Southwick, and George Niederauer. Councilman Cheney moved that the increase in the water rate for outside the city limits be deferred until September 18, and before that time a special meeting with the five people on the committee should be held so that a decision can be made at the City Council Meeting on September 18, 1974, as to whether the resolution made on July 23, 1974, will remain in effect or be changed. The motion was seconded by Council man Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Councilman Anderson moved that the report meeting of the special com- mittee be set for 7 P. M. on September 17, 1974, at the City of Ammon Building, and that Councilman Swensen as Chairman of the City Council should conduct the meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried. 7'1 The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M. ~~r1~ M YOR ~t_<~ CLERK . <:> 00 ~ Q:l ~ C1.J CITY OF AMMON September 4, 1974 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council: I The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P..M. .by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Coumcilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Brent Hirschi Coucilman Russell N. Swensen arrived at 11:10 P. M. Clerk Deon Hemingway Assistant Attorney Franklin Smith Engineer David E. Benton Prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson. The meeting was opened as a continuation of the Protest Hearing for Local Improvement District No.6, with the following interested citizens pres'ent: Hazel Empey with her daughter and son-in-law Carl and Evelyn Moeller, DeLynn Hansen, Errol Landon, Mr. and Mrs~ C.. M. Mays, R. G. Stedtfeld, Rhea White, Barbara L. Hudnall, Logan Bee, Boyd Stewart, Thomas J. Murphy, Pierre H. Baduel, Wallace Pendleton, Bonnie Pendleton. Engineer Benton explained that this Local Improvement District is to be created mainly fOr the 17th Street widening, but is proposed to be a catch-all for street improvements, etc., needed in other areas of the City if desired by the adjoining' PJ:,operty owners; Six letters of protest were read and. there was one written request to withdraw a protest which was filed at the previous meeting on August 21, 1974. After the Mayor and Council had reviewed the protests and determined which streets should be deleted as listed on the "Notice of Intention", the motion was made by Councilman Hirschi that the Local Improvement District No. 6~"hould be created to include aU of n'th Street within the city limits not already fully improvt7d, all of Ross Avenue south of Geneva Drive not already fully improved, and one -half block of Romrell Lane south of Molen Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried. (Councilman Swensen was not present at the time of voting. ) I Garth Cunningham of Ellsworth Engineering displayed a plat of the proposed Hollycove Park Addition which l1as been recommended. for final approval by the Planning and Zoning C;:;ommission. There was some discussion about requiring a fence along the part of the development that borders on Sand Creek and the canal, and other details which need to be included in an annexation agreement for this addition.. Attorney Smith,sug- gested that a recom.mendation on the fence problem could be requested from the safety commit tee. It was noted that the bridge will have to be approved by the canal company and that the City is not to maintain the canal in any way. Attention was called to the Zoning Ordinance amendment which now requires 30-foot lots in R-l Zones, but it wa,s determined that this would not apply to this development since the preliminary plat was approved before the regulation went into effect. Councilman Cheney moved that the final plat of the Hollycove Park Addition be approve'd with the zoning to be R-l. The 78 motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried. The need for a park in this new subdivision area was discussed, and it was suggested that the owner of the, property along Sand Creek be approached about land for this purpose. Approval was given by the Council on binders to' be used for the Municipal Code book when the printing is finished. ,;., Matters pertaining to the street repair under the water and sewer project were discus- sed, and it was felt that the City could manage the financing to replace all the paving in the Hillsdale and Hillview Additions by using some of the funds being held for' the widening of 17th Street (which will not be done this year after all) and issuing v;.arrants for.the remainger of the charge for getting the work done. Engineer Benton presented I an estimated cost of $60,000. and was authorized to get the accurate figures and neg- 0tiate with Hartwell Excavating Company. The feeling of the Council on this was ex- pressed in a motion made by Councilman Anderson to go ahead on the basis of the figures presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting ,was all in favo.r;, motion carried. The Council. declared the .1970 Plymouth police car as surplus, and requested the City Attorney to advertise for bids for its sale. In other items mentioned, Councilman Swensen reported that crosswalks are to be painted when the roads are cleaned up, and some streets where the contractor paving has been done need to have the radius filled in. Mayor Turnbow noted that extensions of ditch culverts have been put in on Ammon Road at Rawson Street and Molen Street~ and it was suggested that this should be done also on Central Avenue at those two street interesections. Also, according to the Mayor and Councilmen, several complaint have been received about the dances at the tennis courts conceliling the.volume of the mtlsic, the damage to the cotlrts, etc., and it was decided that a further look at the situation will have to be made before the outdoor dancing season next year. Engineer Benton indicated that the plans are made to eliminate the drainage problem at Samuel Street and Dal Avenue so that the work will be under the Project. He re- ported that the testing of the sewer lines has had to be more extensive than the con- I tractor ha.d originally intended, but is almost completed, and all' of the sewer main lines should be laid by the end of the week. The new motor is now being installed in the Jennie Jean Well No.5, and the building of the storage tank is coming along welL Mayor Turnbow mentioned that the City is putting in shu,t-off valves on some water -service lines where there Jwere nome previously so that the City will have control for bill collecting purposes, etc. He also requested suggestions from tlfe Councilmen for someone who would be eligible for training under a manpower program, p:referably a person who is :mechanically inclined. Councilman Swensen moved that the meeting adjourn at 12:25 A. M.; seconded by' Councilman Cheney. Claims were approved for pay:n~/orl-j . (~~~ k~ ~7 MYOR CEERK CITY OF AMMON September 18,1974 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: I The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow, with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith,C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N.' Swensen Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Councilman Brent Hirschi Councilman Marvin J. Anderson arrived at 8:30 P. M. Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Others present during the meeting were Phillip Choate, William Quapp, Larry Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Nelson.