Council Minutes 10/01/1975 13'8 Councilman Swensen called attention to an announcement in the AIC City Report regarding city seals or logos, and suggested that a contest be set up for design- ing a logo for the City of Ammon. It was decided that Councilmen Anderson and Swensen (with Councilman Anderson as Chairman) should get together and deter- mine the rules for such a contest, then the residents should be notified of the details by newsletter. Reference was made by Councilman Swensen to the decrease in the property tax mill levy for Ammon from 23.14 to 17.80, which has just been published in the newspaper. It was felt that this should bring favorable reaction from the re s idents. Councilman Hirschi reported problems concerning waterline leaks ln Lions Park I and the stop sign at Falcon and Sawtooth. Claims were approved for payment. CL~.2Ln The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P. M. ~d -(;' 0/~ MA OR CITY OF AMMON October 1, 1975 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N.Swensen Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Brent Hirschi Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Turnbow, Clerk Deon Hemingway Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith Engineer David Benton Planning Commission Members - Harvey Crandall Tom Chriswell I Also present were Rolfe Lines of the Bonneville Council of Governments and six Boy Scouts. Prayer was offered by Councilman Anderson. The minutes of the meeting of September 17, 1975, were approved as typed. A review of the new State Land Use Law, PL 1094, 'which has been in effect since July 1, 1975, was presented by Rolfe Lines of BCOG. Several items which the City officials should take special note of are as follows: A compre- hensive plan must be approved by the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commision before January 1, 1977. After the plan is reviewed, a public hearing will have to be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission, with the first advertising to be 21 d'ilYs before the hearing and three publications required. Then the City Council is to review the plans and hold a hearing. The City will have to determine areas of City impact and meet with the County and the City of Idaho Falls to make proposals and resolve any differences with them. There cannot be overlapping areas of impact. Prior to January 1, 1978, the Planning Commission will have to review and revise the subdivision ordinance and zoning ordinance to conform with the new law, or if these Qrdinances already conform, they should be I gone over and re-affirmed. The land use map can only be amended two times a year, so there could be up to six months of waiting for those who want to have changes made. Hearings on any changes on the land use map or the zoniing ordinance are to be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council (this may be changed back to only one hearing)., These procedures insure that there will be no hurried actions that might not be understood and brought out to the public. Mayor Turnbow expressed appreciation to Mr. Lines for coming to review the new law, and Mr. Lines offered to meet with the Planning and Zoning Commission again at their next meeting on October 21, at which time he could bring a graph showing a time schedule of things that need to be done to conform to the new State Land Use Law. I o 00 t-- CO ~ ~ I I 139 Regarding flood insurance, Rolfe Lines of ]BCOG reported that the City should be getting a letter showing that Ammon is no longer in the flood plain due to the percentage of completion of the Ririe Dam. A request by Wallace Pendleton of 3460 Owen Street to extend the water and sewer lines on the middle block of Meadow Lane to serve some building lots which he plans to develop was placed before the Council for consideration. It was agreed that, to be consistent with established city policy, a 6-inch line will be required from Owen Street to the existing 2-inch line to the south, with a valve on OweR Street and a fire hydrant on Meadow Lane at the south end of Mr. Pendleton's property or on the property line between the existing house and the trailerhome further to the south. The City will participate 50% on the cost of the valve and the 6-inch waterline from the main on Owen Street to the north end of the Pendleton property and all of the cost of the fire hydrant. The sewer line would only need to be extended by Mr. Pendleton as far north as needed to serve the lots to be developed with a manhole installed at the end. (Engineer Benton suggested that at some future time when the City has funds, it might be justified in replacing the undersized 2-inch waterline in this block as was done on the block of Meadow Lane to the south. ) Attorney Smith explained that, in accordance with action taken in the meeting of September 17, 1975, a resolution has been prepared for the Mayor's signature authorizing automatic bank withdrawals from the City's General Fund account to be placed in Time Certificates of Deposit for setting money aside to pay the Water and Sewer Revenue Bond and LID #5 payments. Also, he noted that he and Attorney Anderson have reviewed the sample contracts for sewer and water service outside the city limits and found them to be more restrictive than felt to be advisable, so will study the matter further and make a recommendation for the wording of such contracts at the next meeting. Attorney Smith advised that making parking regulations by resolution as set forth in the re -codified city ordinances is a legal way to implement that statute. Council- man Swensen moved to authorize the city's legal counsel to. prepare a resolution regulating parking on various streets in Ammon for consideration at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Engineer Benton requested that the Attorney prepare a waiver to be included in the LID #7 proceedings so that sewer and water service lines for Hatches and other property owners on 17th Street can be installed under this Local Improve- ment District. Mayor Turnbow asked Attorney Smith to check into the city's liability insurance to see if the city is cove red for damage to home s due to plugging problems in the main sewer line. The Mayor also' mentioned that there is a need to have plans made about enforcing the sewe r connection deadline. According to Mayor Turnbow, the Water and Sewer Project Engineer, Douglas Jensen, has left the employ of Forsgren and Perkins, but has promised to follow through with the details on the checking and paper work needed to carry the pro- ject to completion. He noted that there are still funds totaling approximately $163,000 due from E. P. A. , the State, the City of Idaho Falls, and Bonneville County, and approximately $162, 900 is owing to Hartwell Excavating Company for the balance of the construction work, while Goodwin Construction Company, Andrew Well Drilling Company, the engineers, and the attorney have been paid in fulL Mayor Turnbow explained that he felt that legal action should be taken in regard to the failure of Hartwell Excavating Company to get the sewer metering station in operation. He reported that the telephone transmitting equipment has been checked out and found to be in order, and that the representative of Waterworks Equipment Company which is supplying the parts for the metering equipment is making a special effort to get immediate delivery from the factory of whatever is needed. Engineer Benton mentioned that the "liquidated damage clause" of the contract with hartwells could be reinstated. The Council members indicated - 1140 approval that the contractor shotild be put On notice that legal action is to be taken after the end of next week. Mayor Turnbow expressed the opinion that the City is having to pay considerably more to the City of Idaho Falls for sewage collection and treatment under the billing system which is being used than it would be if the meter' were working. The matter of deposits on utility accounts for businesses, apartments, etc., was discussed, and it was suggested that businesses' with billings other than the reg- ular amount should pay a $50 deposit, and for others, including apartments, the deposit should be $15. It was determined that sewer service for the business building at 3250 E. 17th I Street, now occupied by Servisoft Water Conditioning Co., was not provided when the sewer construction work was done. The feeling of the Council was that this should be taken care of and the property owner notified that the con- nection must be made. In a motion made by Councilman Hirschi and seconded by Councilman Cheney, wi th voting all in favor, judges, clerks, a constable, and alternates for the City Election of November 4, 1975, were named from among a list of sugges- tions made by the Council members, including a number of older men in the community who ha.ve never had experience working at the polls. Later it was . ' decided that this matter should be reconsidered at the regular meeting on October 15. The compensation for election officials was set at $2.10 per hour. Mayor Turnbow mentioned that complaints have been received regarding livestock animals, especially chickens, in areas which are hot in the animal overlay zone. The Council felt that it is advisable to give notice to those who are in violation that the animals will have to be removed within 30 days. This matter was turned over to Councilman Swensen who is to con tact the Animal Control Officer. Engineer Benton presented a bill in the amount of $3388.00 from H-K Con- tractors for part of the cost of extending the waterline from Wanda Street to the south end of Jennie Jean as agreed upon earlier in the year. Approval was given to make payment. The balance will be paid next year, and MI'. Benton is to have a report on the amount still due for the next meeting. I In response to an inquiry placed through Engineer Benton about changing the name on the part of Maiben Drive that runs east and west, it was suggested that the person making the request should do so in writing and get the approval of the subdivision developer, Dick Skidmore. Councilman Anderson stated that he knows someone who want's to'work if the City needs more help in the maintenance department. Councilman Swensen reported that he will be making arrangements this week to get the lawn repaired on the Romrell property east of the Cit'y Building. He also mentioned that details on the proposed contest to design a logo for the City have not been worked out yet. According to Councilman Swensen, a proposal has -been received from the Bonneville County Sheriff's Department for law enforcement during 1976, and the figures are up from last year. Regarding the rock picker which Councilman Swensen was to check out for use I on the new part of McCowin Pa'rk, he reported t~at the equipment he had in . mind will not pick up anything smaller than one inch. He suggested that con- sideration be given to purchasing a "York Rake" which would fit on the city's small tractor, and pointed out that this equipment could be used not only for raking rocks to prepare the seed bed but also for raking weeds along roads, etc., and that a front-end brush is also available which could be us,ed to sweep intersections. Approval was given to look into this matter further. A report by Councilman Cheney indicated that Merle Quigley could work on this park seeding project, but it must be dry to be done. I o 00 l'- CO ~ t:I.J I I 141 Mayo.r. :r'urn.b.o.w .asked Councilman Swensen to add some fire ex~inguishers to the order for fire department equipment under the Community Development Grant application which has been approved according to notice given by tele- phone. According to Councilman Swensen, contact has been made with the appropriate Church officials, and the ditch culvert problem will be discussed with them in the near future. Councilman Swensen was given a copy of the County Animal Control Ordinance which the Animal Control Officer recommends that the City adopt so that the laws for the City and the County will be consistent. This matter will be studied and considered at a later date. A suggestion was made by Councilman Anderson to have the City maintain graveled {pumice covered) walkways off the pavement along streets where there are no sidewalks, especially in the original townsite, so that the young people walking to school can keep off the traveled area of the streets.. It was felt that this should be done, and Councilman Anderson was assigned to check on the cos t. Mayor Turnbow suggested getting flashing lights for school zO,nes; no action was taken. Claims were approved for payment. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 A. M. ~-(p ~~ M YOR 4~ CLERK. /. CITY OF AMMON October 15, 1975 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Brent Hirschi Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Gerald B. Cheney P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith Others present during the meeting were Carol Dille, candidate for the City Council in the coming election, and Reese Brown, manager of the Eastga~e Mobile Village. Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of Oct. 1, 1975, were approved as typed. Mayor Turnbow announced that, according to information received from the County Clerk, work is to proceed on taking the special census on November 5th and is to be completed in approximately 4 weeks, with the County providing the office, etc., for this, and the several cities in the county, including Ammon, paying a proportionate share of the cost. The Mayor reminded Council members of a meeting with the officials from the State Traffic Safety Commission which is set for Monday, October 20, 1975, at 2 P. M. at the City Building. Councilman Swensen indicated that he could be present for part of the time, and that he would contact the members of the local Traffic Safety Cornmis sion to invite theTIl. Copies of a Senate Bill that is being submitted to the Legislature in January for making changes in the state law regarding Local. Improv~ment Districts were distributed to all councilmen, the attorney, and the engineer for their review, and Mayor Turnbow asked that any comments be turned in to him by Monday, October 20. 142 Regarding forms for contracts for water and sewer service outside the City limits which the City Attorney is preparing, Engineer Benton explained that there is a need for these contracts to apply to service for those where the main lines already exist and for requests to extend the main outside the City. Enforcing the- sewer-hookup deadline was discussed, and it was made of record that messages were sent out giving the 90-days notice on August I, with the same notice going out again on September 1, October 1. It was recommended that another notice should be sent out this week to those who have not yet had the sewer connection work completed, and that a letter from the attorney's office s ould follow in a few days explaining that citations will not be issued to anyone who, on the deadline date of November 1, has the work in progress or has a contract I with a qualified contractor, provided the work is completed by November 15.. It was felt that this would be best for public relations and would reduce the number of violations to a number which would be handled on a prosecution basis. In the matter of regulating parking in the streets, Attorney Smith noted that a resolution can be adopted designating on which streets no parking will.be allowed, but felt that the recommendation of this should come from the city's Traffic Safety Commission. Councilman Swensen agreed to call a meeting of that committee this month to make recommendations on this problem. Attorney Smith reported that he had contacted the city's insurance carrier, Blackburn Insurance Agency, as requested by the Mayor, and asked if the liability insurance covers damage for claims .which result from plugging of the main sewer line, but a reply has not been received at this time. Engineer Benton indicated that the measurements will be obtained so that an easement agreement can be entered into with Roland R9mrell, owner of the property just east of the City Building, regarding the sew.er service line for the City Building; Mayor Turnbow reviewed the probability of future housing developments in several areas adjacent to the City for whi.ch grant funds might be available to assist in the planning to extend the water and sewer lines, and noted that intention to apply for such funds must be filed by October 24, 1975. It was felt that this matter should be discussed with the officials of the Bonneville lona Sewer District to be sure that such action would not interfere with any of the plans of that agency. A meeting was set up for Monday morning, Oct. 20, with Engineer Benton to get information together and decide whether any application should be submitted for comprehensive planning funds. I The matter of election officials for the General City Election on November 4, 1975, was discussed and suggestions were made. Councilman Swensen moved to make the appointments as follows: Electiop Judge, Almira Richardson; . Election C~erks, Ethel Pickett, Leona Dees, Patricia Hay, LuNone Heilesen, and Josephine Baker, with alternates Myrle Groom, Beth Lords, and Mildred Empey; Election Constable, Dermont Ricks, with Elvin Gottfredsen as alternate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was unanimous in favor; motion carried. Mayor Turnbow referred to a request from the Health Department to have some- one from the City of Ammon in attendance at a conference on the Safe Drinking Water Act the following morning, and it was felt that the City Clerk should go since none of the elected officials would be available. I The Council members were reminded that there will be a meeting at 10 a. m. on October 22 for a final inspection, etc., of the Sewer and Water Project with otficials of the Farmers Home Administration. Councilman Swensen indicated t hat he would try to be there, and perhaps Councilman Hir'schi and COllncilman Anderson will be able to be present. Engineer Benton reviewed a list of cement-repair items, (curb, gutter, sidewalk) which the City needs to take care of, noting that there is approximately $2, 000 involved in this repair work which it is felt the City. is responsible for. Mayor Turnbow recommended that the work not be scheduled until next spring except