Council Minutes 11/05/1975 144 Mayor Turnbow indicated that there are still problems at the sewer metering station, and the contractor has been put on notice that suit will be' filed if satisfactory operation is not achieved immediately. Cla'ims were approyed for payment. CL~~~ The meeting adjourned at 12: 35 P. M. ~-& cV~ MA OR CITY OF AMMON November 5, 1975 I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City. Council: The meeting was called to order at 8:45 the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N.' Swensen Councilman Brent Hirschi Councilman Gerald B. Cheney P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with Clerk Deon Hemingway Attorney W. Joe Anderson Engineer David E. Benton Marvin McGary, Fire Chief Others present during this meeting were Bonneville County Engineer Robert Gray, Mike Townsley of the Bonneville County Road and Bridge Dept., Earl Foster of H-K Contractors, Inc., Brenda Denning, Keith I?~nning, Thos. Reed Birch, Reese Brown, Rod Ragan, Elmoyne Bailey, Ken Madsen, Tom Chriswell, Tommy Chriswell Jr., Jim Stein, Elvin Gottfredson, Cecil Flint, and Doug Smith. Mayor-Elect George Wehmann and Councilwoman-Elect Carol Dille were also present. Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. Prior to the official opening of the meeting, a public hearing on the 17th Street I Project was conducted by Robert Gray, Bonneville County Engineer, who is also the Project Engineer, with most of the people listed above being in attendance especially for this presentation. Mr. Gray repo..rted that the bids were opened on September 30, and the contract has been awarded to H-K Con- tractors, Inc., for $808,000 plus. Federal funds are paying 78%while Bonne- ville County, the City of Idaho Falls, and the City of Ammon are paying 25%. The street is to be widened and finished with curb and gutter most of the way on the north side and all through Ammon on the south side. The middle 16 feet of the roadway is to be marked off for a turning lane with the two outside lanes on each side being for t:tiaveling. The contractor expects to start crushing and stockpiling materials for the street work immediately and may do some work on the storm sewer along the south side west of Sand Creek and the lift station for the storm sewer during the next two months. Starting in March, 1976, work is to begin on the storm sewer east of Sand Creek to the Ammon-Lincoln Road, with the street paving construction scheduled for April through the contract completion date of July 30, 1976. It was noted that most of the . utility poles have already been moved out of the way, and most of the telephone poles on the north will be taken out when the cables are put underground. Further information on the 17th Street Project indicated that the utility companies have been cooperative and the sewer and water lines have been stubbed .(;mt I so that a three -year moratorium is to be put on any digging in the street after the improvements are completed. It is expected that the traffic flow will be disturbed for a couple of months during the construction, but the street is to be kept open for necessary travel. Mr. Gray suggested that regular meetings be held to discuss problems and the progress of the project while the construc- tion is going on, and this was felt to be a good procedure. A copy of the minutes of the pre-construction COnference was left for the City records. As the first item of busines s for the regular meeting, Rodney Ragan of 2795 Salmon Street expressed appreciation for the City officials who have been in office and are to be replaced as a result of yesterday I s election. In response to his inquiry concerning repair of his driveway which WAS dAmAged by heavy equipment I o 00 ~ Q:l t:x.:J W I I 145 durlnd the seW€lr project construction, he was assured that-the Contractor (Hartwell Excavating Co.) is to take care of this when the weather is favorable next year, and it was decided that the City will make a temporary repair at this time to eliminate as much as possible the possibility of someone getting injured there during the next few months. Tom Chriswell explained that there is a cement-damage problem at his place, 2255 Dove Dr., also, and he was asked to put his complaint in writing so it can be taken care of under the contractor's one -year warranty. It was announced that the annual firemen's banquet will be on November 14 at the Bonneville Hotel. The situation concerning the Salmon Street right-of-way through Eastgate Mobile Village, as referred to in the last meeting, was reviewed with Reese Brown, who is the prospective buyer of the trailer court and was a member of the corporation, along with A. W. Brunt and others, W3.ichdeveloped the project. After considerable discussion, it was decided that recent comprehensive planning has removed the the need for said right-of-way, but the City still needs an easement agreement to mainta.in the water main through the trailer park. It was mentioned also that, if there is ever a need to put a foot-bridge across Sand Creek at the Salmon Street location, it would have to be at the expense of the owner of the trailer court. Councilman Cheney moved th3.t the City release the Salmon Street right-of-way through Eastgate Mobile Village on condition that an easement agreement is exe- cuted pertaining to the 6-inch waterline going from Falcon across Sand Creek then going south through the trailer park to the south end and then going east to Sand Creek at Salmon Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was Cheney, yes; Hirschi, yes; Swensen, yes; motion carried. Attorney Anderson advised that Mr. Brown should take care of getting the necessary deed drawn up and present it to him to approve in behalf of the city. With regard to the City Ordinance about parking in streets, Attorney Anderson pointed out that the City I S recodification adopted the Idaho Motor Vehicle Laws which prohibit stopping and parking at any place where official signs are posted, so the Council needs to take action by resolution to designate which streets are to be thus posted. After deliberating on this subject, the Council members agreed that parking in the street on any street of 36 feet or less from face of curb to face or curb would be considered hazardous, and this width should be used as a guide for posting, and enforGing the law on this matter. A resolution to this effect was In re<>c./<< t,,-,,, hI<:,- ,., . proposed (copy lnserted), and CounCllman Hus Chl moved to adopt the resoluhon. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was unanimous in favor; resolution adopted. It was recommended t}:lat notice of the city's intent toenforce the ordinance as described should be sent out to the residents by newsletter, and that the signs should be posted as needed. The fact that the City Ordinance by adopting the Idaho Motor Vehicle Laws also prohibits parking on sidewalks was mentioned by Attorney Anderson. Engineer Benton explained that, after investigating the drainage problem at Geneva Drive and Vaughn Street, he would recommend that a French drain be put in there. There were some feelings expressed that the storm water at this location should be piped back into the vacant lot as was done in the past, but it was finally determined that a drain in the street would be best. Councilman Swensen moved that the City go ahead and install a French drain in the City right-of-way at the above-mentioned location, on the condition that there are funds available to do this. Councilman Cheney seconded the motion, voting was all in favor; motion carried. It was requested that Engineer Benton.take care of having some grading done and crushed gravel put in along 17th Street where the sewer line was put in but the paving not replaced. According to Mayor Turnbow, there are three street lights on 17thStreet (at Sabin, Avocet, and Curlew) which were removed by the power company when the poles were relocated in preparation for the 17th Street Project and which have not been put back. Engineer Benton agreed to check on this, noting that it was mentioned in the pre-construction conference. Engineer Benton reported that the Progres sive Irrigation Company has taken action on the petition prepared by Attorney Anderson concerning removal of land in Ammon from the Ir rigation District, and the City can expect to make a 146 payment of $858 on this transaction. As recommended by Mayor Turnbow, the Council members discussed what action to take on the Library Agreement with the City of Idaho Falls, since effective January 1, 1976,. all library card holders outside the City of Idaho Falls will be charged a fee of $25 per year. It was noted that under the agreement, the City of Ammon is presently paying $5 for one card per family for residents :who apply for a li brary card. Councilman Swensen moved that the City pay up to $5 based on one card per family for a library card at the City of Idaho Falls Public Library for th~ residents withiI). the City Limits who desire to purchp.se a card. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all .in favor; motion carried. I Councilman Hirschi reported that work is needed to be done on the road west of McCowin Park,from the Hillview School to Targhee Street. It was felt that Hartwells should .do this, and Engineer Benton was asked to have them put some , gravel in. A report by Councilman Swensen indicated that several courses of action were decided upon at the meeting concerning the irrigation ditch which serves the property south of Molen Street in the Romrell Lane area. It was agreed that there should be a sump with a lid put in about half way along the culvert by the school and church so the ditch can be cleaned out both ways; that the tractor and back- hoe should be used to clean the ditch in the block south of Molen Street so the ditch water will draw better Virhich should clean out some of the dirt and silt; that a cover should be put on the ditch in the corner by Well #1; and that better grates should be put in at the school where the water comes into the culvert. According to Councilman S.wensen, the matter of organizing an East Central Idaho Economic Development District was dis cus sed at the recent meeting of the Bonneville Council of Governments, and Ammon is invited to join in this group which should help the different governmental units in the area work together in obtaining federal grant funds, etc. The cost to Ammon would be lOt per head using the 1970 census. Councilman Cheney moved to join in with the East Central Idaho Economic Development District, and to authorize Councilman Swensen to give the City's consent to participate for 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried. I Regarding the Safe Drinking Water Act, Councilman Swensen informed the Council that regulations of that act apply to all water systems serving.15 or more units or 25 or more people for 60 days out of the year. Among other things, it sets up monitoring standards and schedules, and requires making the results of water tests known to the public through all of the area news media. Councilman Swensen mentioned that notice has been received from the Federal Insurance Administration that Ammon was removed from the list of flood prone communities effective September 19, 1975, and the new floodplain map should be printed shortly after December 12. The Mayor and Council members canvassed the election records for .he General City Election held the preceding day, November 4, 1975, and found the tabulations as made by the election judges and clerks to be correct as follows: For Mayor: Paul J. Bunnell 350 votes George Wehmann 396 votes For Council: Carol A. Dille Francis Lee Lyle M. Peterslie 509 votes' 575 vote s 315. votes I Claims were approved for payme.nt~ CL~ ~~ The meeting was adjourned at l2:30A. M. ~-6 1~ M YOR A .