Council Minutes 03/16/1976 ~74 May 8 to June 8 All underground and most of concrete work complete Excavation complete entire job Complete cbncre:te work and lay asphalt June 8 to July 1 Mr. Foster pointed out that the street should be passable for traffic except during the first five days when it will be closed between Sand Creek and Falcon Drive. This clo- sure will be required since the storm sewer trench is to be 21 feet deep in that location, so the entire width of the existing street will be needed during the excavation work. Mayor Wehmann expressed concern about the safety of school children while the deep trench is open, and it was decided that the Sheriff's Department should be notified to arrange extra patrolling during that time, not only to check for children in the construc- tion area but also to watch vehicles of residents who will have to park them away from I their homes. The school district is to be informed of the construction schedule so that school buses can be re-routed when necessary. Mayor Wehmann asked the contractor to leave word at the City Office at least 5 days in advance if the street is to be closed completely off for a full day at any time. A suggestion was made that the posted detour signs indicate at what point there would be no through traffic. A moratorium prohibit- ing digging into the street during the three years following completion was mentioned. It was felt that other public information meetings should be held during the construction period, and March 24 ;was suggested as the next meeting date. Meeting adjclUrned. ,d3;a " <-"'- >-ny, ' "*h-,."".-/ CLERK ' ! r . { - ,I &~f? &kL~,,~^^ , MA OR CITY OF AMMON March 16, 1976 Minutes of Special Public Hearing - Zone Change The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Mayor George Wehmann, with the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilwoman Carol A. Dille Councilman Francis Lee Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilman Russell N. Swensen (arrived 8:30 P. M.) Planning and Zoning Commission Members: Tom Chriswell, Chairman Elaine McGary, Secretary Richard Crandall Dick Kelly Earl W. McCoy Paul Curtis Elmoyne Bailey Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Attorney W. Joe Anderson I Interested citizens present were: Mr. & Mrs. .R. F. Smith, 2740 E. Keith R. Denning, 2650 E. 17th Lawana Nielsen, 2860 E. 17th Ren Chambers, 2863 E. 17th Others present were: Rolfe Lines, representing Truscan Corporation, 17th Leo F. Tong, 2750 E. 17th Mr. and Mrs. ErmalThompson, 2880 E.17th Brent Hall, 2895 E. 17th Carmelita Weinrich, 3025 Geneva BCOG; Dennis Cox, Realtor; and Melvin E. Call, the developer requesting the zone change. Mayor Wehmann explained that the purpose of the meeting was to present information to the public and give interested citizens an opportunity to be heard in the matter of a I requested zoning change from R-l to R-3A on 5 acres of property on the north side of 17th Street east of Sand Creek. He noted that the request was made by Don Bybee of Truscan Corporation, a company with offices in Salem, Oregon, and Boise, Idaho, in order to determine if a projected plan of locating a nursing home on that plot of land would be allowe d. Melvin E. Call, representing the developer, displayed drawings and reviewed the plans for a 110-bed nursing home, with the following information being presented: The facility is to be available to all comers at an estimated cost of $17.50 to $20.00 per day depending on the needs of the individual residents. The all-brick building is to be constructed and operated with private financing. The nursing home is eo employ approximately 70 people when completed. The developer, Don Bybee, is a former resident of Idaho Falls and 175' desires to return to this area. The need for such a facility has been established by a survey made 3 years ago. The location is advisable since most of the doctors for the Idaho Falls area live on the east side. Ambulance calls are expected to be at a minimum due to the permanency of the occupants of the nursing home. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that this development would contribute considerably to the tax base for the City of Ammon without adding to the schqol problem. I Mr. Call answered questions which indicated that the facility would have to be in- spected and licensed under state regulations, that the parking lot is planned for the front primarily to avoid a snow..,drifting problem in the winter, that the zoning change was requested only for the 5 acres needed for this development, that no federal funds will be involved, that the developer will put in all water and sewer lines, that the property will not be purchased by the Truscan Corporation if the State does not give app'roval on the proposed nursing home, and that construction would begin Within 6 to 12 months after approval is .received. Mayor Wehmann called attention to the three-year moratorium committment which the City has to restrict digging into 17th Street after the pres~nt improvement project is completed; and suggested that the developer get plans under way so that the lines for utilities can be placed before the street construction is finished. o CO r.... CQ t:a ~ Concern was expressed by several of the citizens present that some undesireable commercial use might be made of the property if it is zoned R-3A and the plans for the nursing home does not materialize. Tom Chriswell, Chq.irman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, reviewed the restrictions of the R-3A Zone and Attorney Anderson advised that the residents could request the zoning to be changed back to R-l if the proposed development is not carried out. It was noted by Mayor Wehmann that the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission by unanimous vote, after having held a Public Hearing,'is to re-zone the proEerty under discussion to R-3A. As a matter of record, it was also observed that there were no objections by the public present. I Councilman Francis Lee moved that the zoning' of the 5-acre' tract north of 17th Street (Legal Description as follows: Beginning at a point East 65 rods and North 40 feet from the Southwest corner of Section 22, Township 2 North; Range 38 E. B. M. , Bonneville County, Idaho, and running thence' North 495 feet; thence East 440 feet; thence South 495 feet, mor~ or less, to the North right-of-way line of East 17th Street; thence West along said right-of-way line 440 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.) be changed from R-l to R-3A. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman , Dille; voting was unanimous in favor; motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 P. M. CLERK ~7L~.-.n (//' ,,"7" /.. </ I ~1~"-) __ ,: 7~ ",: /('k:-~'.rJi (/p ':/MAYOR 1 - /{':-'~~CJ'_"'_<.A__~__ CITY OF AMMON March17,1976 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council. I The meeting was called to order at 7: 35 P., M. the following City Officials present: Mayor George Wehmann Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilmatl Francis Lee Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Councilwoman Carol A. Dille by Mayor George Wehmann, with- Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Attorney W. Joe Anderson Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams Others present during the meeting were Victor Owens and his Boy Scout son, Mark Owens, two other Boy Scouts; and Bud Birch. The meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance to the flag and prayer by Mayor Wehmann. Minutes of the meeting of March 3, 1976, were approved as typed.