Council Minutes 09/15/1976 216 time and calling attention to the neces sity of obeying the parking regulations. The need to follow up on parking tickets which are not paid in a reasonable length of time was mentioned. Public Works - Councilman Lee reported on several matters as follows: He has talked to Waters Construction Company about the grading that needs to be done on Meadow Lane; no bids have been received on a snow plow; work on the fence at Well #6 has been started; the cement work contracted to Burton Concrete Company is being done; the new garbage truck should be delivered by September 10; the fire hydrant extension on Ross -Avenue is not in yet because the fitting for this has not been received; there are several "No Parking" signs which need to be cemented in so they cannot be turned around. Pertaining to garbage col~ction, the Mayor and Council instruct-I' ed that, when the garbage truck is being backed up on any street (referring espec- ially to Circle S Drive) an employee is to walk behind on the driver I s side to give warning if there are any children or vehicles, etc., in the way. Regarding obtain- ing a tractor which can be used with the flail mower to cut weeds along streets, etc., Councilman Swensen indicated that he has located a used tractor that might be satisfactory and will follow up on that. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Swensen moved to adjourn; the motion was seconded by Councilwoman Dille; the me.eting was adjourned at 10:30 / L . C/~ , // -j ., '07"'G " :~7 ^ L?Z-L<:~t.(..,. \ /MAYOR P.M. ~:%::~ CLERK CITY OF AMMON September 15, 1976 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Council President Russell N. I Swensen with the following City Officials present: Councilman Russell N. Swensen Clerk Deon Hemingway Councilman Francis Lee Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith Councilman Carol A. Dille Asst. Engineer Robert Butler Councilman Marvin J. Anderson (7:55 P. M. )Maint. Supervisor LaVern E: Williams Mayor George Wehmann was out-of-town; arrived at 8:40 P. M. Others present during the meeting were Jean Livermont, Joyce Holbrook, and Gail M. Snider, President of Bonneville County Humane Society. Councilwoman Dille led the pledge of allegiance to the flag; the invocation was given by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of September 1, 1976, were approved as typed. Councilwoman Dille explained that the Animal Control Officer, Deputy Ciro Rustic~, has asked. for guidance from the Council regarding the disposition of a dog, a "Heeler" belonging to Jean Livermont, 1905 Falcon Drive, which bit the owner's son with the resulting injury requiring 5 stitches, noting that the dog is now impounded, as re- quired by law, and the officer has been informed that the dog had previously bitten a neighbor boy but only breaking the skin. Attorney Smith mentioned that Deputy Rustici had reviewed the situation with him at his office, and he a,dvised that the I City, being aware that the dog may be potentially dangerous, has a responsibility to take action so that, if the dog is not destroyed,. the owner will be held liable if any serious harm should come from the dog biting anyone in the future. The City Ordinance was check~d (Section 6 -3 -1) and found to include a definition indicating . that''"a dog which has bitten two (2)or ,more persons without provocation or a, dog that has a known propensity to attack or ~ite human beings is considered a vicious dog, but there is no, provision in the code for penalty or disposition of such an animal. Mrs. Livermont stated that the dog in question is confined in the backyard by a redwood fence with the gate securely locked and is protective of the property, and he did bite the neighbor boy when. he was near the fence and teasing the dog, also that, when her son was bitten, he was trying to release the dog's.foot from a place where it was caught. Joyce Holbrook, a friend of the Livermonts vouched for the nature of the dog, stating that he had never bothered any members of her family. I o 00 l'- CO t:I.J W I I 217' Gail Snider, Pr.esident of the Bonneville County Humane Society, offered the infor- mation that. the animal has not shown any tendency to be vicious while being im- pounded at the Animal Shelter. It was the feelong of the council. members, after considering the statements as presented, . that the dog should not be considered vicious and subject to being destroyed. Attorney Smith recommended that the owner be notified in writing of the City's position in the matter. Councilwoman Dille moved to have the City Attorney draft a letter to the dog's owner, Jean Livermont, that the dog will need to be kept confifled in the backyard until such time that he shows he is not a vicious animal. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lee; voting was Dille, yes; Lee, yes; Anderson, abstained; Swensen, yes; motion carried. Mrs. Snider expressed appreciation for the Ammon City Council having taken time to discuss the problem, and Councilwoman Dille observed that the action taken should not be conS'idered as a precedent except to show that cases of this kind in the future may have to be considered individually. Committee Reports City Attorney - According to Attorney Smith, contact has been made with Arland Rasmussen by telephone about the sewer hookup for the home at 1890 Eagle Drive, and assurance was given that the work will be done as soon as the funds are available from the closing of the loan which should be sometime next vJeek. Reference was made by Attorney Smith to a claim against the City by Steve Tremayne, 32!::>5 Ross Avenue, regarding damage to his camp trailer caused by a City truck being operated by City employee, Jerry Hancock. He mentioned that Mr. Treymayne has reported an estimate of $300 for the repair work needed, soa letter has been sent by Mayor Wehmann advising the claimant that this matter is to be handl~d under the Ida40 Torts Claim ~ct 6 -901 with three written estimates tq be submitted, noting that the , . 1 law requires that the claim with bids be submitted 'within 120 days or the City is absolted of responsibility. Pictures of the damage taken by Mayor Wehmann were displayed and it was explained that the Torts Claim procedure is recommended rather than reporting the matter directly to the insurance company, since the Mayor is concerned about<tqe recent series of insurance claims. In response to an inquiry by Councilman Lee regarding a request made by Louis Simcask, 3040 Rawson St., for a delay in getting his sewer connected up du~ to being off work because of a strike, Attorney Smith advised that this matter is in the hands of the Court. It was suggested that Mr. Simcask be given an opportunity to work for the City to cover the cost of installing the sewer hookup, and Councilman Lee agreed to contact him about this. City Engineer - The Building Permit issued to Mr. O. R. Birch for a home at the west end of Wanda Street was discussed. Engineer Butler noted that the construction of the home has not been in compliance with the plot plan' as submitted, and that satisfactory arrangements .for hooking on to the City water system at;ld getting the area platted which would dedicate land for a future street have not been taken care of by 1V1r: Birch. Engineer !Butler was asked to submit a written report to the City' . Attorney by Friday of this week to show that the house is not located where the plot plan:' indic,+ted it wpuld be. Attorney Smith recommended an injunction procedure in this case with action to b~ taken immediately if necessary. Engineer Butler reported that Jay Herring of the E:r-gineer's office is working 'on the sprinkler system for the new park, and it is being deisigned to operate out of 'the Well #4 building. He noted that a quote on the fittings needed should be available in a few days,' aIid it was requested that this information be given to Councilman And~rson as soon as it come in so that the expenditure can be approved by him: and the order placed without waiting for the next Council Meeting. In connection with the notice received from the State several months agq regarding deficiencies in the City water system, it was determined that the vacuum breaker has been installed in the sprinkler system f0r the church at the location of Well #2, and Engineer Butler was asked to put the necessary information in writing so that the Mayor can report. to the State. Mention was made that the w())rk is under way to correct defects in the sidewa~~.!ld cur~ and. gutter co:p.crete which were agreed upon by the City and the sewer project contractor. ~ J Special Committee - Explanation was made that a committee of City Council m~bers, with Councilman Swensen as Chairman, has been organized to work out what action; is to be taken regarding a. recent accident, with the situation being described as. follows: The City's 1975 Dodge 1-1/2 ton truck and the Jacobsen lawn mower were badly damaged in an accident near Brigham City, Utah, on the morning of September 2, 1976, while City employees, Garth Staggs and Greg Harker were transporting the lawn mowejr to Salt Lake City for repairs. The driver fell asleep and the truck rolled over, there were no injuries sustained, no other vehicles involved, and the driver was issued a citation for driving too fast for the existing conditions. The lawn mower is fully 218 -' insured, and is now at the Boyd Martin Company in Salt Lake City. The truck has been towed back to Ammon, and does not have collision insurance coverage. . According to Attorney Smith, the.. City employees are responsible for the loss, and reimburse- ment could be required if felt necessary. No meeting of the committee has been held, so decisions, in the matter are pending. Planning and Zoning - Mayor Wehmann requested that Councilwoman Dille inform the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission that he should be present at the City Council Public Hearings on September 22 to report the results of the hearings before the Planning and Zoning Commission on September 21. Parks and Recreation - Councilman Anderson reported that the swimming pool is I closed for the season, and the signs listing the hours that the parks are closed to the public have been painted and put up. . City Clerk - A report by Clerk Deon Hemingway indicated that there are claims to pay in the amount of $6,795.03 and the General Fund checking account balance is $8, 551. 50. She mentioned that she plans to go to the Idaho City Clerks and finance Officers workshop meetings in McCall on September 23-25, and that two young men from the Portland firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. have arrived to make an audit on the Sewer Project records for the Environmental Protection Agency. Public Works - Councilman Lee presented the information that a bid on a snow plow of $2, 240 f. o. b. Ohio has been received from Arnold Machinery. It was felt that action on this matter should be postponed, and that an inquiry should be made at the State Highway offices to see if any surplus snow plo~s are available. Council- man Lee also reported that the extension for the fire hydrant on Ross Avenue has been installed, that sign posts have been cemented in as needed, that the fence around Well #6 appears to be completed, and that Burton Concrete Company has finished the cement work as agreed upon. It was indicated that additional street signs as needed should be purchased and posted. Bonneville Council of Governments - According to Councilman Swensen, an appointed I selection committee has recommended that a two-year study of the County waste- water problems, which is to be funded by a 100% grant, should be done by the Boise firm of CH2M Hill. Also a Teton Dam Recovery Organization has been formed to come up with things that have not been taken care of, with the first meeting to be in Rigby at 6 P. M. on October 9, 1976. Mayor - Mayor Wehmann reported that he met with Mr. Quayle Dutson of the Havenhurst Corporation in Salt Lake City regarding the Eastgate Mobile Village account, and was informed that the necessary steps had been taken to open a bank account here for the purpose of banking the money that would be due the City.. and that the account is to be brought current by October 1. Regarding the new street lights on 17th Street, Mayor Wehmann stated that he had met with represen- tatives of Utah Power and Light Company and the Bonneville County Engineer1s office, and it was quickly agreed that Ammon only need pay for 15 of the lights and not 22 as previously indicated, which will result in a savings of about $1, 008 per year. He mentioned also that arrangements were made to have the light at Sunny- side and Ammon Road moved closer to the intersection and possibly changed to 20, 000 lumens, and to investigate the possibility of re.-locating the light at the corner of Vaughn and Geneva since it is obstructed by trees and is on the sidewalk. It was mentioned by Mayor Wehmann that the matter of City employee Danny Hoyle's driver I s license being suspended has been reassigned to the committee investigat- I ing the truck damage. Reference was made by Mayor Wehmann to the "No Parking" regulation which has be~n put into effect on 17th Street since the re- - construction work was completed there, and he noted that letters about this have been mailed to all residents along 17th Street. Other matters brought to the attention of the Council by Mayor Wehmann were that the visit to the Ririe Dam is scheduled for Saturday, October 2, 1976,at 1:30 P. M., that the inspection of of 17th Street with the County Engineer never came about so there are still de- ficiencies which need to be taken care of, that notices about the public hearings on September 22 have been sent out, that a letter was written to Beth Lords of 1800 Falcon Drive expressing appreciation for her acceptance of re-appointment on the Planning and Zoning Commission, and that a letter has gone out to Naval Reserve Captain Jerry Wadsworth requesting his assistance in arranging for a I o 00 t-- ca W ~ I I 219 concert by a Navy Band at the 1977 Ammon Day celebration. Old Bus ine s s According to Mayor Wehmann, City of Idaho Falls employees have inspected the sewer lines in Barbara Jean Estates finding one defect which has already been corrected, and notice was sent with the billing from the City. of Idaho Falls that the lines were so filled with debris that they had to be flushed 4 times. (It was pointed out that the cost of this inspection is at the expense of the developer as will be the case for the inspection in the Meadow Lark addition and all future developments.) As a matter of interest, Robert Butler mentioned that he was on hand when the sewer inspection was made and noticed that all of the debris was near manholes so had re- sulted from the street work having been completed after the contractor had cleaned the sewer lines. Announcement was made by Mayor Wehmann that the problem with the 70 h. p. pump at Well #6 was apparently a defect in the impellor as discovered by B- W Electric personnel in the presence of representatives of H-K Contractors and the City of Ammon, and the pump has been sent in for repairs which will likely be at the expense of the manufacturer. Regarding the sidewalk and curb-and-gutter work which is under way, Mayor Wehmann indicated that there are some problems which are being worked out,. that he is in full agreement with the Engineer about who is responsibl~ for costs, and that he cannot see replacing the curb and gutter along the property owned py Thayle Monson at 2090 Eagle Drive. New Business Mention was made that there have been complaints about parking on Circle S Drive, so that street should be posted for "No Parking" if it is les s than 36 feet wide~ Councilwoman Dille reported that Reynold Chambers of 2863 E. 17.th St. has asked that the City take action on getting the owner of the partially torn-down house adjacent to his property to finish the job, and Mayor Wehmann agreed to write to the Hatch Investment Company about this. Several items of information were reviewed by Mayor Wehmann as follows: A letter was written to the County Commissioners about a 4-way stop on Ammon Road at 17th Street, and a reply was received that their intentions are to do this very shortly at that location as well as at Sunnyside and Ammon Road. The sump pump on Eagle Drive failed recently, but is now repaired. Utah Power and Light Company has prepared a contract for furnishing electricity for storm sewer lift station pump at Sand Creek, but the records are being checked to to see if the City agreed to accept this responsibility before the contract will be signed. The company of C. Reinhart & Sons have been notified by letter of the City's position concerning their failure to clean up the debris left on Samuel Street, and a bill was included for the City having taken care of this. Mayor Wehmann asked that the Council members plan to meet in an executive meeting at 7 P. M. on October 6 just prior to the next regular meeting for the purpose of interviewing an applicant for City Administrator. Councilman Swensen suggested that all City officials plan to attend the AIC Annual Academy on November 19-20 at Idaho State University in Pocatello and the AIC District Meeting in Idaho Falls on November 9. He also mentioned that there will be an accounting institute for City Clerks on October 15 in Idaho Falls. Claims were approved for payment. by Councilwoman Dille; the meeting Councilman Lee moved to adjourn; seconded was adjourned at 10:10 P. M.. {2/ ' .. ~ ~~"',.2 &:4~~W4~~" ) ~~- . ~ CLERK CITY OF AMMON September 22, 1976 Minutes of Special Public Hearing Meeting: The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor George Wehmann with the