Council Minutes 02/06/1962 I an c.c ~ - - Q: c: I I ~;~ ~ City of Ammon Regular Meeting February 6, 1962 Meeting called to order by Mayor Reed Molen at 7:40 p.m. Prayer by Councilman Darrell Long. Those present: Mayor Reed Molen, Co~mcilman: Roland Romrell, Devon Hammer, Harold Loveland and Darrell Long. City Attorney Boyd Thomas, laVern Williams, maintance man, Dale Butters, Marshall and Dermont E. Ricks, City Clerk. Minutes of last meeting were reRd and approved. Claims were presented and signed by City Council; all but one from the A.W. Brunt Company for light bill on office building amounting to $2S.S4. The understanding ~s that the City pay for rent and oil for heating and A. W. B:tmnt pay the light bill. Thi~ claim was rejected and returned to Bishop Moylan Young as he vms the one who had left the bill. Mr. Clyde Johnson of Rexburg representing the Utah Power & Light Co. met with the Council pertaining to street lighting and presented a renewed contract for the City. This was approved by the City Council and the Mayor. Attorney Joe Anderson met representing those interested in the Cannon well and reported the lack of progress on the well. The Council informed Mr. Anderson that the City cannot wait much longer. 1~Te need water. 1o1e will wait until next meeting to set a dead line for it to be completed. Mr. Cope had been working on the well, and did not complete the job. He had gone to California and left an ODen hole, he will be h~ responsible because it being ahazzard. Mr. Anderson agreed to be responsible for covering it and taking care of the well until Mr. Cope returns. It was reported by Dave Benton that Mr. Black has a map of the water lines for the City of Ammon. Mel Richardson, Gene Berger and Dan Hoopes met with the City Council to discuss pertaining t(') annexine; and supplying water for the North end of the Vern Peterson property. They were told the City would run the water lines to the property. The MAyor said they would try to see if they could annex even if it had to be taken to court. The Council explained it was necessary for their own protection as well as for the interest of the City as a whole. Attorney Boyd Thomas said the Arnold Wadsworth property had not been zoned. The Council wants the pump houses cleaned up, all the tools gathered into one main repair shop, the large pump house near Hillview church ~ouse. The larger equipment is to be kept in order in the County store house building. Discussed putting a heater in pump house. Councilman Loveland made a motion we make garbage gathering compulsory. Councilman DeVon Hammer seconded the motion. Voted 2 for and 3 apposed. motion didnot carry. Attorney Boyd Thomas presented a written proposal that the City of Ammon buy 10 acres of the Ross McCowin property for a City park was approved by the City Council. The City Attorney received instruction to proceed with closing the deal. (,' A motion was made that the widows and widovrers, also hardship cases be charged half price or $2.00 per month for water and receive garbage service free. The motion was made by Councilman Roland Romrell and seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland. The motion was passed by the Council. The remainder of the meeting was spent discussing annexing and zoning, Hatch- Clark-Strobel property north of 17th Street. And reveiwing the new maps that are being made by King & Association. Some discussion on law enforcement and wages etc. Meeting adjorned at 11:30 p.m. Minutes recorded by Dermont E. Ricks, City Clerk AP.Prov~ o-;g ~