Council Minutes 06/12/1962 I '.0 i..O C": ...... - 0: cc I I 37 City of Ammon Special Meeting June 12, 1962 The Council was called by Mayor Reed Molen to ne~otiate with the Bank of Commerce on the purchase of the Peterson Park Well. Meeting was called to order at S:OO p.m. by Mayor Reed Molen. Prayer by Councilman Darrell Long. Present: Mayor Reed Molen, Councilmen Roland Romre11, Harold Loveland, DeVon Hammer, Dprrell Long. Attorney Boyd Thomas and Rex Budge, Chairman of the Planning Board. Also Dermont Ricks, City Clerk. Those representing the Bank were Attorney Joe Anderson and Steve Miek1e. Minutes of Council meeting held May 1, 1962 were read and approved. Councilman Roland Romrell Peterson Park well area. and the auality of water. mock-ups. made a report of survey taken among those in The majority were satisfied with the pressure He reported at the present time there are 51 Attorney Joe Anderson speaking for the Bank asked that the City share with the Bank in the extra expense they had paid out to test the well and put it in working order. Af~er discussion, the water committee, consisting of Councilmen Roland Romrel1 and Harold Loveland, reported to the Council that in their opionon the well known as Peterson Park well; as it is now producing. Together with a cinderblock pump house as proposed by the present owners; the Bank of Commerce was valued at $30,000.00 Motion was made by Councilman Roland Romrell that the City make an offer for the purchase of the Peterson Park rvell at the price of $30,000.00 on a twenty (20) yeAr contract payable monthly at 3.7 per cent interest. 1-Tith the option of paying off at any time after three years, without penalty. This offer includes the complete system, also a cinderbloek well house to meet sanitary specifications, those to be drawn up by the Councilmen. Councilman Harold Loveland seconded the motion and it was c0rried by the Council. Bids for installation of a new pump on East Teton Street were opened. All bids were rejected, because of irregularities in the itemized snecifications. It was decided by the City Council that office hours be cha.nged for the City Office from night to days: time 9-12 a.m. / 2-4 p.m. five (5) days a week. The City Clerk, Dermont E. Ricks, was asked to inform Marshall Dale Buttars that the time he spends on duty should be strictly business. They object to him having riders, also loitering around with groups of boys and girls. Mayor Reed Molen asked hO"\-T many could attend the Idaho Municipal Leqgue Convention to be held at McCall, Idaho, on June 21, 22, 23, 1962. Councilman DeVon Hammer made a motion that the City pay $1~0.00 expense money to each who attended the convention. The motion was seconded by Councilman Harold Loveland and the motion was carried by the Council. Ordinance # 57 was read. Councilman Darrell Long made a motion to waiver the first and second readings and accept the third reading. fhe motion was seconded by Councilman DeVon Hp.mmer. Motion carried. ORDINANCE # 57 AN ORDIT\rANCE ,tN~mXIJ\TG CERWIN I)'NDS Til THE CITY OF P.'1MON: DESCRIBING SAID LINDS A.l\TD DECLARINr"} S!.1vffi A PP1T OF THE CITY OF N'.1MON, BONNEVn,LE cnUNTY, IDAHO. j,'THEREAS, the lands hereinafter described are contiguous and adjacent to the City of Ammon and subject to annexation to the said City of A~mon under and pursuant to the provisions of Section 50-303, Idaho Code, and ~mEREAS, it appears to the Council of said City that said lands ".i