Council Minutes 02/11/1963 54 Regular monthly' meeting of the Ammon City Council February 11, 196.3 Meeting called to order by Mayor Reed Molen at 7 :40 p.m. Prayer by Councilman DeVon Hammer. 'Ihose present: Mayor Reed MOlen, Councilmen: Roland Romrell, DeVon Hammer, Iarrell Long; W. Joe Anderson, City Attorney. Minutes of meeting of January 6 were read an d approved. Rex Purcell met with the Council and discussed running a 1, inch water line from the main to his property line in preparation for a lawn sprinkling system to be installed sometime in the future. After a discussion Councilman Jarrell Long made a motion that any' time a line is larger than the regular .3/4 inch is installed fran the main to the property line, the owner 1dll be re- quired to pay double the regular water rate from May 1, to October 1 inclu- sive, unless the _ter system for watering lawns is controlled by a time clock and watering is testricted to nigllt time only. When, or if, this is done the water charge 1dll be regular rate. Motion was seconded by Council- man DeVon Hammer. Motion carried. I Discussion was held on City office building at a cost of not more than $25,000.00, to be paid for by a general obligation bond. Attorney Joe Anderson said bonds have to be sold or bids would require a bond election lrIhich must be advertised. Mayor Molen read a letter fran Lewis C. Ross, Jr. asking for a contri- bution of $250.00 fran the City of Ammon for Civil Defense. Motion made by Councilman DeVon Hammer that the Ci tT pay $250.00 as an annual contribution, seconded bT Councilman Darrell Long. Mayor Molen read a letter fran George Wehmann asking permission for I the Li. ttle Leaguers Baseball team to use the ball park during the summer of 196.3, the same da;ys and hours as in 1962. Councilman Darrell Long made a motion the CitT approve this request, seconded by Councilman DeVon Hammer. Motion carried. Mayor Molen appointed Councilman !8rrell Long to be supervisor of all parks during the summer of 196.3, He accepted. Councilman Iarrell Long made a motion that the City of Ammon execute a Quit Claim Deed to I8niel B. Hoopes, trustee of that certain property received from said na.ni.el B. Hoopes in return tOI' a corrected deed from said Imrl.el B. HOOpeS and others for a corrected description of the premises to be deeded and used for park purposes. Seconded by Councilman DeVon Hammer. Motion carried. Mr. John Schwant<<:J8 from Bush & King met with the City Council and re- viewed a contract he had proposed tor their approval as their surveyor. He left four copies of the contract tor their consideration. LaVern Williams was told to get the new traffic signs up as soon as possible. Councilman DeVon Hammer suggested because of the job Dick Ager is doi1'1g that his wages be raised from $175.00 to $200.00 per month. It was decided to wait until next. meeting lrIhen all Councilmen would be present to decide this matter. I A suggested budget for 196.3 was presented to the CitT Council after seme discussion. Councilman Roland Romre1l made a motion theT accept the budget as read, seconded by DeVon Hammer and carried. Approval was given Lavern Williams to change garbage da;y from. Frl da;y and Saturda;y to 'lhursday and Friday. Bills were presented and approved. Adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Approved by