Council Minutes 06/08/1964 B6 Regular Monthly Meeting of the Ammon City Council held June 8, 1964. Held in the City office at 2620 Ammon Road. Meeting called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Mayor Reed Molen. Prayer byDermo~t E. Ricks. Those present were Mayor Reed Molen, Councilmen Harold Loveland, Dick Wheeler, Keith "Brown, and Attorney W. Joe Anderson. Councilman George wehmann excused as he is out of town.- A petition against David O'Donnell was presented to the City I Council by his neighbors requesting he clean up his yaxd and take care of his dogs. Mr. and Mrs. David O'Donnell were brought to the meeting by Deputy Marshall Jack Ellingford. ' Afte-r a ienghty discussion the O'Donnells promised they would try to do better. LaVern Wiiliams was asked to get the holes in the streets repaired. Councilman Dick Wheeler said he was not satisified with the job done by the street sweeper and would not sign the claim. Councilman Keith Brown Eepor'hed"tihat the water tank at the Peterson Park Well needs to be sand plasted and painted. Councilman Brown also asked for permission to build some dug outs for the soft ball park in Hillview. He was given per- mission to procee? with the project. LaVern Williams was assigned to water the McCowin Park. Marshall Dick Ager reported that Mrs. Anna Call was going to submit a claim for damages on her car because of the lack of warning signs on the __north erfd of Western Avenue, which she classified as a dead end street. Attorney Joe Ahderson was asked to send the claim in to the General Insurance Co. or to Tandy and Wood Co., their representative. I LaVern Williams was told to shovel the main ditch south of 26th Street on the Rowland T. Romrell p~operty, also to gather up the rocks, etc. on the east side of Central Avenue between' 25th and 26th streets. Marshall Dick Ager reported on the ,new speed control-device being sold by Lt. Dunn of the Idaho State Police, and asked for an appointment for a demonstration to tl1e City CounciL -Monday, June 12, 1964, at 7:30 P.M.was the time set for the demonstration. To be held at the City Office. Traffic signs to be revamped - the ,Council agreed that more "No Parking" signs should be installed in the Hillview Addition and the n? parking law be enforced on t~ose narrow streets. Rowland T. Romrell and Rex Budge: members of the Planning Board met with the City Council and asked for a set of Construction and Builoing Standards for the City of Ammon, and suggested that construction and building projects be supery~sed and insist that the Standards be enforced. After some discussion Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion the City of Ammon adopt the Land Planning Bulletin, No.3, known as the Neighborhood Standardsj with the same I requirement as adopted by the City of A.ntn\on in-the past. The Motion was passed. Claims were approved and signed. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. ~~~~ City Clerk