Council Minutes 10/11/1965 .ll ~ Hegular City Coundl meeting held October 11, 1965 Heeting called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Nayor Heed Nolen. Those present Here Hayor Heeel Holen; Councilmen--Harold Loveland; Keith Brm'fD; Don Hiller; George Hehmnnn exclIsed out of tovm. Prayer by Council man Keith Brovftl. 1\1 vin Stosich member of the SchoolboBrd of Bonneville District No. 93 met vd.th the City Council to discuss school bus problems in the Hillview school Bren CW to lOc1lhn and unloading of students and the nerressary 9.I'rangements for off street porking, and the sharing of the expense. The city council approved of. black topping 123 x 2'5 ft area for off street parking on 24th Street at a cost of $607.00. Also of graveling the parking area and road way west of the Hillviei'f school, North of Teton Street 246 ft x 46 ft aread at the cost of :~677. 50. Council man Harold Loveland made C1 llloLil)lJ that the City pay ~ as their share of the expense and authorize the, s0hool to go ahead and have the project completed as soon as possible. Seconded by Councilman Keith Brovfl1; motion carried. tQ c.t:; ~ ~ J-'-! ro (;Q 1'11'. Thorsted of the Intermountain Gas Company discussed "l'lith the City Council the problems of diggin trenches refilling and repairing holes in t he streets and ete. agreed to try to give the city better service in the future. Attorney Joe Anderson will check with Roland T. Romrell on a en.d..cle cl,liru deed and tranfere of title of property for the Honu'ell lane. The City approved of nameing the nevf improved alleyvfaY between 26th and 27th Street the Homr\311 Lane. Hayor Reed Holen read the neVi v,Tritten agreement between the, City of Ammon and the Groberg Realty Co. for the development of the Southwick Addition was approved ,md signed. Hayol' Reed Holen stated he had attended a flood control meeting and the City of Ammon vrill be on call to pay their sha.re of the expense. Councilman Harold Loveland made a motion the city ear mark funds for flood control in tile 1966 budget and pay their part of the present project. Seconded by Don 1-'iiller, motion ci'rried. The City 80uncil agreed to pay officer Richard Agel'S expens~s to the magristrate convention at Boise Idaho. LaVern Vlilliams was informed that City trucks aTe to be used for city businesf3 only Councilman Harold Loveland made a. motion that, the City trucks be labeled with the city name. 1'1ayor Holen objected-motion was rejected. The Oity Council agreed to opening the right away on the \vest side of the city building to the property in the back which lrlill necessate covering the ditch-graveling and grading--LaVern Williams was told to get this job done as soon as possible. City approved of the church black topping holes made by city while installing Hater mains on the south side of church property-Sencl bill to the city. LaVern \'iilliams asked if he could be paid for his vacation time (WhiCh is in two lrleeks) instead of taking time off. \I/hich was approved. Councilman George \iehmann \'lould like to suggest trying a new vevised method for our \,rater mailing list. l'lake a map of lots and blocks with house numbers and send vrater billing to house numbers instead of names--was tabled until next meeting. Councilman George 1-"ehmann wants to buy the city chairs that are not being used. Oi ty election to be held Novemeer 2, 1965- in the City office and Council room at 2950 E. 26th Street. Arragagements to be made by City Clerh:: Dermont E. Hicks. Dermont E. Hicks was also authorized to arra.ng~ meeting; schedule for Oity Buildirig Elaine McGlU::y would like to be appointed a.s assistant,Police Judge. 'l'he City Council did not a.pprove of the idea. Suggested the City officers is the judges of the justice court in case of emergency. Mayor }cIolen ask the City_ Oouncil to make a list of items of business to be discussed al1d present them to the City Clerk a. few days before Council meetil1f~ t.hat the;)T might be organized and be presented in an orderly manner. To help avoid wasting precious time. Claims were approved and signed. Heetint}. ,C\_j~u~_n_ed _~~~ ~ 'N'''~M''''''r, ~__I d Ie'/- ~ 4 /7~ _._ ~ A L \. ~R'..