Council Minutes 04/21/1969 I .~ cc C": ....-4 - c:c c::o I I 20f-. CITY OF AMMON REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO April 21, 1969 The Mayor and City council of the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho, met in regular session at the City Hall, Ammon, Idaho, on the 21st day of April, 1969, at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Mayor Richardson presided at the meeting. The meeting was commenced with opening prayer offered by Councilman Leo Heer. Those present upon roll call were as follows: Mel Richardson, Mayor Leo Heer, Councilman Keith Turnbow, Councilman ROY'!_ Southwick, councilman Absent: George Wehmann, Councilman Also present were Police Chief, Franklin Ricks, Maintenance Foreman, LaVerne Williams, Clerk, Jesse E. Bunnell, Attorney W. Joe Anderson and Engineer, Dave Benton and Assistant Maintenance Supervisor, Lloyd Cousin. The minutes of the previous meeting werenead and approved. The Council referred to the previous meetings' minutes for the proposal by Harold Loveland and Tom Infanger to sell a parcel of property in Peterson Park Subdivision for a park. The engineer suggested that if the City were interested in acquiring such property for a park that they ascertain if the area of 530 feet by 410 feet, or approximately 5.1, would be available and thus eliminate the cost of improving one street. That if such area could be obtained for the cost of $10,650.00 as suggested, that it perhaps would be feasible for park purposes. After some dis- cussion, the' Council determined to table the matter until further information and a further proposal was made by the owners thereof. Councilman Turnbow stated that he had investigated with several sur~ounding cities concerning the operation of their municipal swimming ppols. He reported that he found that all had operated in the red for each of the years in operation. A discussion was had concerning the painting and maintenance of the swimming pool and the Council decided and determined to have the pool painted with an epoxy paint and the committee on the swimming pool was so instructed. The Council held a discussion concerning the rates for the use of the swimming pool and determined that the fees charged in the past would remain the same and should not be raised. The previous years' rates were 259 - 359 - and 509 with family season tickets to be sold at $30.00 per family. The Mayor directed LaVerne Williams, Maintenance Supervisor, to uncover the pool and drain it. Councilman Turnbow stated that he had received an offer to sell by Fr~d0, Kvarfordt and Wayne Peterson of a well in their subdivision which they desired to sell to the City for $12,500.00 with interest ~ 3/4 percent and which would be offered for sale to the City on the use and option basis over a ten year period. No action was take~~~b~ ~q/ b~~