Council Minutes 08/28/1969 I L~ c.o I"Y" .....r ....-. - co co I I 21' fI"''! b,,/ " ~ CITY Of AMMON " SPECIAL MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AMMON, BONNEVILLE COUNTY, IDAHO August 28, 1969 Tfhe Mayor and City Council of the City of Ammon, Bonneville County, Idaho, met in Special session at the City Hall, Ammon, Idaho, on the 28th day of August, 1969 at 8:00 O'clock P. M. Mayor Richardson presided at the maeting. Those present upon roll call were as follows: Mel Richardson, Mayor Leo Heer, Councilman Keith Turnbow, Councilman George Wehmann, Councilman Abseet: Roy Southwick, Councilman Also present were Don Ellsworth, Engineer, Attorney Joe Anderson and Clerk Jesse Bunnell. Mayor Richardsbn asked a\ttorney Joe Anderson what were A. W. Brunt's rights in putting a trailer park ins south of the Eas1gate shopping center. Attorney Anderson's answer was that the City Council has the right to insist that Mr. Brunt conform to the City's overall plan The members of the Council agreed that the comprehensive plan for the the City was good and that it should be followed and that the pland to extend Salmon street at some time in the future be followed. Rolandd Romrell, representing the school district, arrived at 8:30. Mayor Richardson explained the plan of Mr. Brunt's for the trailer park with 65 units to Mr. Romrell. Don Ellsworth expressed'his opinion that~. Brunt's location ffor his proposed trailer park was not practical. City Engineer, Dave Bention arrived at 9: OOp. m.ltir.<A. W. Brunt arrived at 9:15. Mayor Richardson 'asked Attorney Anderson to discuss with Judge Thomas Recodifying of' the City Ordinances. Mayor Richardson explained to Mr. Brunt that he would like to see Mr. Brunt's project for the trailer court made possible but he said that the feeling of himselfiand the members of the Council was that the comprehensive plan for the City must be followed. Afeer consoo-erable discussion, idt was was the feeling of the Council that a planner should be brought in from FHA to see what could be done to resolve the fifferences between the City Officials and Mr. Brunt. Mayor Richardson asked members of the Council how they felt about raising the salaries of the Mayor and Council memberss. CouncilmatlDl Wehmann said he felt the salaries should remain the' same. Councilman Heer said he thought the Mayor should get $75.00 per month and each Councilman should get $50.00 per Month. Councilman Turnbow said he feft the May6r should get $90.00 per month and each Councilman $50.00 per "months Mayor Richardson stated that'because the Councilmen could agree on the mattter that the salaries would remain the same for the next two year s. Mayor Richardson declared the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P. M. I" ~