Council Minutes 06/21/1971 I in c.o cv: - ....... co co I I ? 6." ".; i ~r! .1 CITY OF AMMON June 21, 1971 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow at 8:22 following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman LynnC. Richardson Councilman Gary L. Davidson P. M., with the Franklin Smith, Attorney Engineer David Benton Maint. Supv. LaVern Williams Asst. Maint. Supv. Norman Baker Fire Chief Marvin McGary Councilman Marvin J. Anderson arrived at 8: 30 P. M. Attorney W. Joe Anderson arrived at 8:45 P. M. Others present were Rullen Paulsen, Dolores Perusse, R. W. Perusse, and Alvin Stosich. Prayer was Mfered by Councilman Lynn C. Richardson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Rullen Paulsen of 2175 Avocet Dr. presented a complaint about the dust problem, speeding, and no walk-ways on the graveled road going into McCowin Park. Mayor Turnbow mentioned future plans to have the road oiled, and felt that the speed limit could be reduced to 10 miles per hour with signs posted to this effect. Mr. and Mrs. Perusse met with the Council with regar.d to keeping a number of dogs which, acco~ding to City Ordinance #65, requires the permission of the surrounding residents and obtaining a non-commercial kennel license. After the Perusses ex- plained that licenses had been purchased for the dogs and signatures had been obtained on a petition for a residential zoning variance, the Council members agreed to table the matter until later in the evening. Mr. Alvin Stosich, representing School District #93, was present in response to a request from the Council to meet with them in regard to a fire escape at the Ammon Junior High School. He reported that the school had met all the State safety require- ments and has been inspected at least twice a year. The school floor plan and the over- crowded conditions were reviewed, and Mr. Stosich reported that he would check the principal's requirements for the building I s use during the day and night and inform the City Council. Councilman Davidson moved that we invite the Idaho Falls City Fire Marshall and, if possible, the Idaho Falls Fire Chief, the City of Ammon Fire Marshall and Fire Chief, and Mr. Stosich to make recommendations to improve the fire escape conditions at the Ammon Junior High School and present the findings to School District #93 bfficialsand the City of Ammon. Motion seconded by Councilman Anderson. Voti:p.g: I;>avid$on, yes; Anderson, yes; Richardson, yes; Swensen, yes. Motion carr!ied. The 'problem of continuous watering on the school ball diamonds was discussed, and Mr. Stosich agreed to have the watering done at night. It was suggested that a volunteer be assigned to shut off the water at the schools in case of fire. The problem of moving the snowfence at Hillview School and moving the waterline was also discussed. Council- man Davidson will make arrangements to see that the grass is mowed around the fence posts and along the fence each Wednesday P. M. Harold StanfClrd and Ed Clark of the Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co. presented information on the Business and Professional Dual Guardian Accident Plan which their company offers. No action was taken. After some discussion regarding the Perusse's request for a non-commercial kennel license, Councilman Davidson moved that Councilman Anderson provide the Perusses with a list of name s of the adjoining property owners for the purpose of securing additional signatures on their petition. Seconded by Councilman Riehar-ds.on. Council- man Richardson moved to amend the motion by str,iking out the words uCouncilman Anderson"and substituting "City of Ammon". Seconded by Councilman Anderson. Voting on'the amendment: Richardson, yes; Anderson~ yes; Davidson, yes; Swensen, yes. Voting on the motion as amended: Davidson, yes; Richardson, yes; Anderson, yes; Swensen, yes. Motion carried. .I.i. lJ. I ,I