Council Minutes 07/18/1972 I ~ o 0) ~~ CQ c.o I I 2 n ,--, it ' (T ,', ;;. ? ',,", -~ , v ~_j Praye meetin was offered by Councilman Richardson. was dispensed with. The reading of the minutes of the last Mayor and W balanc Turnbow reported that HUn had requested our full application for the Sewer er Project be forwarded as soon as possible. He also requested that the of the ordinances be readied as soon as possible for recodification. ance Supervisor LaVern Williams reported that two fire hydrants for the st section of the community would be ordered this week. vid Benton, City Engineer, reported that we should start to work on our ces immediately if the Reven ue Bond passes on July 18. Mayor Turnbow reported that he ,:had applied for a HUn grant for participation on the pr osed land purchase for the park addition. Counci man Swensen reported that the Bonneville County Sheriff had contacted him for furthe information in regards to contracting Law Enforcement Services. Further discus ion will be held in the near future. A report on the COG Meeting held on July 5, 1972, was made by Councilman Swensen. Mayor Turnbow reported that he had met with Councilman Anderson and Maintenance Superv sor LaVern Williams in regards to the purchase of a larger tractor with a front- d loader and mower. The present tractor and mower is not adequate to main- tain th parks properly. A discussion was held on the above--Councilman Anderson igned to contact various equipment companies in regards to used and new , mowers, and loaders. Counci man Richardson moved that the City Council authorize the Mayor to apply for match~ g funds from BaR or HUn for purchase and improvements of additional land for Mc owin Park. Seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting all in favor; motion Counci man Richardson moved that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 M. ~&:cJ~ Ma yor CITY OF AMMON July 18, 1972 Minute of Special Meeting of the Mayor and City Council:: eith C. Turnbow called the meeting to order at 9:40 P. M. Prayer was by Mayor Turnbow. The pu pose of the meeting was to verify the voting on the Revenue Bond Issue. Cpunci man Marvin J. Anderson moved that we accept the results of the Bond Electi as follows: 441 yes, or in favor; 70 no, or against; with 2 votes as spoiled. Second d by Councilman Richardson. Voting: Anderson, yes; Richardson, yes; Swens , yes; motion carried. Counci man Richardson moved to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Anderson. Meetin adjourned at 10: 55 P. M. ~.tTd" ~rJ~ Mayor