Council Minutes 12/18/1972 (2) 1- I ~ o en ...-4 CQ CO I I M in u te The m follow' Mayor Counci Counci C ounci Counci CITY OF AMMON December 18, 1972 ~ of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: ting was called to order at 7:40 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow, with the g City Officials present; eith C. Turnbow Engineer David Benton an Russell N. Swensen Attorney Franklin Smith an Marvin J. Anderson Clerk Deon Hemingway an Lynn C. Richardson Maint. Supv. LaVern E. Williams an Gerald B. Cheney arrived at 9:10 P. M. Prayer was offered by Councilman Swensen. Minutes of the meeting of Dec. 4, 1972, re approved as typed. _jr>}-f.$<-~ Regard ng the Sam Del 'iSll water situation which was discussed in the last meeting, it was no d that the concerned parties have been notified of the decision that was made ime, but further contact has not been made with the City in this matter. Mayor postpo change A poli c tained a polic meetin In res p city is body is the pe r in subs be enfo so long of som the Cit T he a g forcem Ammo into a forcem authori in fa vo A tto rn anti-tr and co Smith f urnbow explained that the third reading of the Sewer Bond Ordinance has been d until it has been reviewed by a bonding attorney in Seattle so that any needed can be made before the final reading. for setting a time limit on builders between the time a Building Permit is ob- nd the starting of construction was mentioned, and it was determined that such putting a six-month limitation on this was made by the City Council at the of May 18, 1970. nse to a previous inquiry by Mayor Turnbow, Attorney Smith advised that a ot prevented from enforcing its zoning and building ordinances although some- in violation of the ordinance unless it is a situation where the city has allowed on to make a large expenditure erecting a building or for some other purpose antial reliance on the city's previous position. However, the ordinance must ced uniformly and should be applied to all persons in violation. In othe r words, as a person has not made a substantial expenditure in reliance on the statement official that he is authorized to make a non-conforming use of certain property, is not prevented from later enforcing the ordinance. eement which has been prepared by Att::>rney Anderson for contracting law en- nt services between Bonneville County Sheriff's Department and the City of was reviewed, and Councilman Swensen moved that the City of Ammon enter e (1) year agreement with Bonneville County Sheriff's Department for law en- nt protection for the year 1973 as per the agreement, and that the Mayor be ed to sign said agreement. Seconded by Councilman Richardson; voting all motion carried. Smith reported that the City of Ammon has been awarded $48.85 from the st suit brought by the State of Idaho and joined in by Ammon and other cities ties against the asphalt companies. Mayor Turnbow commended Attorney r his efforts in this matter. Accor ng to Engineer Benton, designing work is proceeding on the proposed sewer system with no other action being anticipated until HUD grant funds commital is receiv d, which could be some time in January. Mayor urnbow reported on water system problems which occurred during the recent extrem ly cold weather, stating that three pumps had been out of operation for a few ho rs e to electrical problems and lack of sufficient heat in the well houses. Also th re ere several breaks in individual service lines which have all been repaired. Af er scussion and upon the recommendation of Councilman Swensen, Maintenance Superv sor LaVern Williams was authorized to purchase a more efficient metal de- te tor 0 help in locating pipelines and shut-off valves for these emergencies. Gounci man Richardson reviewed the proposed budget for the Bonneville Council of Gover ents (BCOG) --copy attached- -and moved that the City of Ammon authorize its CO representative to approve a budget to COG of not more than $1305.00 for the r year of 1973; seconded by Councilman Swensen;voting all in favor;motion carried, J