Council Minutes 02/20/1974 (2) I o 00 t-- ~ C:J ~ I I 45 Claims were approved for payment, and the remainder of the meeting was spent in going over budget recommendations to prepare a preliminary budget. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 A. M.~ ---r:; c1tJ~ d~~ C LERK CITY OF AMMON February 20,1974 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Mayor and City Council: The meeting was called to order at 8:25 P. M. by Mayor Keith C. Turnbow with the following City Officials present: Mayor Keith C. Turnbow Councilman Russell N. Swensen Councilman Gerald B. Cheney Councilman Brent Hirschi Absent: Councilman Marvin J. Anderson Clerk Deon Hemingway Engineer David E. Benton Asst. Attorney Franklin Smith Prayer was offered by Councilman Cheney. Minutes of the meeting of Feb. 6, 1974, were approved as typed. Prior to the official opening of the meeting, Mayor Turnbow presented information on the 17th Street improvement project which is being drawn up by the Bonneville County Engineer, indicating that the cost to Ammon according to figures now avail- able will be approximately $90, 000. The possi"bility of getting the Sand Creek bridge widened before the water goes in this spring was mentioned. The Mayor expres sed his views on ways of obtaining funds to finance the project. He noted that loan money is available from the Farmers Home Administration, but he felt that a bond would not pass with the economy the way it is. He recommended that the City proceed with plans to set up a Local Improvement District for the north side of 17th Street and from Avocet to Sabin on the south side. The remainder of the money would have to be provided out of the General Fund. This would mean considerable cutbacks in other areas of city expenditure s and probably increased property taxes in order to balance the budget. According to information pre sented by Engineer Benton, a substantial increase in dollar amount could come in from taxes with very Itttle change in the mill levy due to the amount of development in Ammon which has added to the assessed valuation. However, during a review of the proposed budget later in the meeting, , it was determined that the mill levy figure which Mayor Turnbow sUggested as being reasonable (2 mills) would result in a tax revenue which would still be somewhat short of the funds needed, so further . study of this financing problem is required before the budget can be set. Several other items regarding the 17th Street project were discussed officially, and Engineer Benton was asked to (1) get signatures for the proposed Local Improvement District, (2) see what can be done about putting in the water and sewer line between Avocet Dr. and Sabin Dr. and contact the utility companies pertaining to putting in utility lines (gas, telephone, power) before the street work begins, (3) work with the County Engineer to get the Sand Creek bridge in without government participation and allow the City of Ammon to pay at a later date this year, (4) contact the County Engineer about having installation of metal street-light poles designed into the project, and (5) work with the water-sewer project contractor to get the waterline across 17th Street north of the bridge right away. Attorney Smith presented a request for payment from Andrew Well Drilling in the amount of $24, 486. 52 for work completed to date under the contract for the water and sewer project (see excerpt of minutes prepared by City Attorney-- motion made by Councilman SwenseJI seconded by Councilman Cheney, voting all in fa'vor. )