Council Minutes 10/02/1974 (2) I c 00 l"- ~ t:LJ t:1:l I I 7 9~-' Prt'l,yer ,was offered by Gouncilman Cheney. The minutes of the meetings 'of August 21 and 22, 1974, and September 4, 197 4, were approved as typed. The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) was explained by Phillip Choate, Regional Manpower Coordinator from the Association of Idaho Cities. He noted that the funds under this program as enacted by the Federal government are available until June 30, 1975, to help public employers get new employees trained ,- or the hiring of additional personnel is planned for which funds are not now budgeted. Some of the regul~ti~m~ were reviewed such as the requirement for a person to have beenu~employe~ for- 30 days previously to qualify, and the terms, of the agreement which must be signed in order for the City to participate were read. It was pointed out that the agreement does not obligate, the City and that the City retains the right to hire and fire under the program. After the Council and Mayor had considered the matter, Councilman Hirschi moved that the Memorandum of Agreement be signed for participation ~n Title II of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA). The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Engineer Benton reported that one bid was received for the bid opening at 4 P. M. on August 3~, 1974, for the sewer service line work under ~.l. D. #5. Councilman Swensen moved that the City accept the bid of Hartwell Excavation Company on Local Improvement District No. 5 in the amount of $26,190; 00. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried. According to Councilman Swensen, the Committee appointed to study and make a recommendation. on w;wter rates for outside the city limits m~t th~"f1?Fevious evening, S~pt~. 17, 1974. The members of the Committee were William Quapp and James Southwick from outside the City, and George Wehmann, Elaine McGary, and Blaine Godfrey from inside the City, with David Benton, Engineer, as advisor. Council- man Swensen stated that the Committee members had all agreed on a formula for determining the amount to be charged for water services outside the City, and called upon William Quapp to make a report. He pre sented the formula which had been arrived at based upon the cost of capital improvements and operationg costs of the water system, and asked that time be allowed to get the information into something li~e legal terms before action is taken. There was some discussion about waiting to put the additional charge in~o effect until the water syst~m improvements are _ completed and the City has to start making payments on them. Mayor Turnbow indicated that this suggestion could be considered, but a decision would have to be made in time to get the revenue and expenditures involved worked into the budget. Councilman Swensen moved that the Council reconsider the motion made on August 22, 1974, in regards to the setting of the water rates, for residents outside the city limits and that the report of the special committee be reviewed at the next Council: Meeting on October 2, 1974, at which time the Council will act on their recommendation; and that the resolution made on July 23, 1974, will be tabled until that time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cheney; voting was all in favor; motion carried. Mayor Turnbow reviewed the past actions of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the Hollycove Park Addition. He explained that he had been advised by the representative of the Farmers Home Administration that financing for homes in this area would not be approved due to a regulation of that agency which requires more than one street entrance for subdivisions which are platted for more than 20 homes. The dev~loper (D. Arland Rassmessen) and his engineering firm (Ellsworth Engineers) have also been in contact with the Mayor and told that the City could give approval again if the street change is made and the plans are acceptable to the FHA. A report on the water and sewer project was given by Mayor Turnbow: The main sewer line should be completed this week; the go-ahead has peen given on all planned waterlines; the new pump is in operation on Well #5 and water was put into the system from there this morning which holds the pressure up to 70 pounds but was turned off after about three hours until the tank is checked for how much sand is being pumped; the pump for Well #6 is in place and work is going well on the building. Councilman Cheney moved that Engineer Benton and Attorney Anderson be authorized to advertise for bidsfor the work to be done under Local Improvement District #6 on Ross Avenue. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hirschi; voting was all in favor; motion carried. .' __--iJ