Council Minutes 11/02/1977 (2) I ~ o en >--l CO CO I I L 307 October 19, 1977 recommendation that the plat and requested zoning be approved. Council-i woman Dille noted that the Planning and Zoning Commission also reviewed the proposed plat of Tie Breaker Village Division No.2, and recommended that the school site be lett at this time and included in the development of Division No.4. Mayor Wehmann indicated that he would write to the School Board about planning for schools in the City's impact area. It was mentioned that the Planning Commission members suggested that a policy be established relative to areas for parks, such as having developers give land to the City for parks or having buyers of lots pay a surcharge for the purchase of park property. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that there is a need for a water connection fee such as is charged for sewer connections, in or~ der to accumulate funds for future additions to the water system. Engineer Butler was asked to make a study on the projected needs for water as a basis for determining what would be appropriate as a water connection fee. According to Councilman Lee, he has been informed by the County that there will be no trucks large enough to mount the snow plow on released until spring. Also, he talked to the County people about taking care of traffic signs in Ammon, as was mentioned in a previous meeting, and was told that a letter of agreement would be needed in order to make aggangements on that. Councilman Swensen pointed out that the coupon books for the City's utility billing will be ready by November 10, and it was recommended that 2000 of these be printed. A report given by Enqineer Butler indicted that the ease- ment aqreement for access to hlell #5 has been signed by property owner Darryl Harris and will be put in the City files as soon as it is recorded. Regarding cleaning the sand out of the water storage tank, Engineer Butler mentioned that he will try to get a pump from an industrial rental business, and that it has been suggested that the use of a crane and bucket be tried, so this possibility will be inrestigated. In connection with the sewer me- tering equipment, Engineer Butler noted that it has been in operation for some time, but the representative of Waterworks Equipment Company has never taken care of getting it properly calibrayed, and Mayor Wehmann expresed the feeling that this matter should be taken to court. It was mentioned by Mayor Wehmann that he has written a letter to the City Engineer outlining a schedule for the paving work on Southwick Lane and Midway Avenue. The City Clerk reported claims to pay in the amount of $6,475.95 and a balance in the General Fund checkin] account of $15,795.02. The need to set an ending date for the summer watering regulations was brought to the attention of the Council by Mayor Wehmann. Councilwoman Dille moved to take the watering regulations oifas of November 1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Swensen; voting was Dille, yes; Swensen, yes; Anderson, yes; Lee, no; motion carried. Mayor Wehmann pointed out that the law enforcement contract for fiscal year is being readied for signature. He mentioned that there is work needed to be done around the ditch culvert clean-out on Romrell Lane, and that the arrangements have been made to fix the gas heater in Well #1 pumphouse so that it will meet safety standards. Regarding the boat that was parked in the street at the Brent Peterson residence, 2255 Midway Avenue, Mayor Wehmann reported that it was moved after a letter was sent to Mr. Peterson. In other business, Councilman Lee inquired about the amount and cost of extra concrete which was poured at Lester Iovey's.1810 Bittern Drive, and it was mentioned that the County has installed stop signs on the streets in Jennie Jean Estates. Claims were approved for payment. Councilman Lee moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman Anderson; the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. (" / /pf'" . /&~j /{? ~ /~'"a ~,'X' . OR 4.U~~LERK CITY OF AMMON November 2, 1977 Minutes of a special Public Hearing Meeting of the City Council: The 'meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Council President Russell , N. Swensen (in the absence of Mayor Wehmann) with the following City Offic~ ials present: Council President Russell N. Swensen Clerk Deon Hemingway