CHAPTER 5 Title 6 EMS Radio System Requirements CHAPTER 5 EMS REQUIREMENTS FOR SYSTEM REGULATION SECTION: 6-5-1: Purpose 6-5-2: General 6-5-3: Testing Procedures 6-5-4: Amplification Systems Allowed 6-5-5: Field Testing 6-5-6: Required Installations 6-5-7: Exemptions 6-5-8: Penalty 6-5-1: PURPOSE: It is the intent of the City Council to provide for and require adequate radio coverage for emergency services throughout the City whenever possible. This service is a vital part of the health and safety of the citizens of the City and shall include commercial and industrial buildings throughout the City. 6-5-2: GENERAL: Except as otherwise provided, no person shall maintain, occupy, erect or construct any commercial building or structure or any part thereof or cause the same to be done which fails to support adequate radio coverage for City emergency service workers, including but not limited to firefighters, police and EMS personnel. For purposes of this section, adequate radio coverage shall include all of the following: (A) All installations shall meet FCC regulations pertaining to such applications (B) A minimum signal strength of one (1) microvolts ( - 107 dBm) available in 85% of the area of each floor of the building when transmitted from the City of Ammon/700MHz; (C) A minimum signal strength of one (1) microvolts ( -107dBm) received at the City of Ammon/700MHz when transmitted from 85% of the area of each floor of the building; (D) The frequency range shall support the applicable system. Ammon City Fire Department shall provide the specific frequency to the approved contractor/developer upon request. (E) A 90% system operation reliability factor. If necessary a battery backup or emergency power system may be necessary to accomplish this. 6-5-3: TESTING PROCEDURES: TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5 PAGE 1 of 3 Revised 7-12-2018 (A) Initial Acceptance Tests: Ammon City Fire Department representatives will perform initial acceptance tests. A representative from the owner contractor shall be present for the occupancy certification. Operational evaluations of the system will be made from pre-determined grids of approximately 5000 square feet of aggregate floor space. During the evaluations access to the host site will be made by actual radio transmissions. A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued to any structure if the building fails to comply with this section. (B) Periodical Tests: The City Fire Department in conjunction with inspection procedures will conduct periodical tests/evaluations. These inspections may be as often as each year depending upon the occupancy. (C) Signage: The main frequency boosting equipment must have an easily readable sign with 2” letters that states, (Ammon City Fire Department requires this Emergency Equipment to remain operational at all times). (D) Occupancy Changes: When modifications are made to any of the afore mentioned buildings that require a building permit, the original amplification system shall be re-certified for the entire structure in question by the owner/contractor as stated in Section (A) Initial Test. The owner of the building shall contact Ammon City Fire Department to request a re-certification. 6-5-4: AMPLIFICATION SYSTEMS ALLOWED: Buildings and structures which cannot support the required level of radio coverage shall be equipped with any of the following in order to achieve the required adequate radio coverage: a radiating cable system or an internal multiple antenna system with or without FCC accepted bi-directional UHF amplifiers as needed. If any part of the installed system or systems contains an electrically powered component, the system shall be capable of operating on an independent battery and/or generator system for a period of at least twelve (12) hours without external power input. The battery system shall automatically charge in the presence of an external power input. 6-5-5: FIELD TESTING: Police and Fire Personnel, after providing reasonable notice to the owner or his representative shall have the right to enter onto the property to conduct field testing to be certain the required level of radio coverage is present. 6-5-6: REQUIRED INSTALLATIONS: An amplification system shall be installed in any newly constructed commercial building having an aggregate floor space of more than 25,000 square feet with the exception of those listed below in (F) Exemptions. 6-5-7: EXEMPTIONS: This Chapter shall not apply to: buildings constructed of wood frame; any building less than twenty five feet high; as long as none of the aforementioned buildings make use of any metal or masonry constructed walls or any underground storage or parking areas. For purposes of this section, parking structures and stairwells are included in the definition of “building" and stair shafts are included in the definition of "all parts of a building" but elevators may be excluded. TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5 PAGE 2 of 3 Revised 7-12-2018 6-5-8: PENALTY: Any violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed an infraction and shall be subject to penalties prescribed for such violations under section 1- 4-2 of this code, subject to the provisions of Idaho Code 18-111 and 18-113A. Each day of the violation shall be considered a separate offense and shall be punishable by separate fines as provided for herein. TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5 PAGE 3 of 3 Revised 7-12-2018